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Sunday May 28,2023

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Sunday May 28,2023

Post by fabricgirl » Sun May 28, 2023 3:35 am

Good morning Everyone,

We are going to be at 80⁰ today we are invited to a birthday party for Austin he is turning 4 I will sit this 1 out don't feel like sitting outside although they have several nice picnic sets but I don't feel comfortable sitting that long so Bill will go and bring the card .
I would like to go in my sewing room and do some sewing so thats what I will do.

Well this will be my day I hope you all have a good day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Sunday May 28,2023

Post by velvet » Sun May 28, 2023 4:12 am

Another wash out day here. I know we need the rain. There was a lot of activities scheduled for the weekend in the area. So there are many people who will head back to their homes today and tomorrow. Mother nature always has her way.
LOIS- just take "me" time today. How are you feeling today. I hope Hubby can take a picture for you. 4 years old-where does the time go?
Today will be quiet other than sheets and then sewing for a while. DS and DDI are in Texas for the wedding of her niece. It was yesterday and the reception followed. The weather has been great there and they are having a super fun time. They will fly back tomorrow.
I hope today everyone has a peaceful day.

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Re: Sunday May 28,2023

Post by grammiequilts » Sun May 28, 2023 4:33 am

Good Sunday morning...It is sunny and going near 80 today....This is one of the first memorial weekends tht the weather has been this nice,,Our kids are all busy with their own social life so we have had a queit weekend. Ken is progressing,,,he actually is over doing it a bit so we shall see. I know if I didnt have hand work or sewing to do I would be bored...you can only watch so many youtube videos. He does come down for his meals and can even get his own now and then,,,I still do his coffee which I will get in a moment...
I did work on the October block. stitching down the pieces...today I need to make a nametag for guild this week. and I might bake some cc cookies also for the guild meeting.
Hope your day turns out better than yesterday....
Diane I am so sorry this weekend washed out your plans...God Bless you for all you do...
Lois My social life right now is at a stand still...hoping you feel better soon and can enjoy the get togethers....

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Re: Sunday May 28,2023

Post by auntjana » Sun May 28, 2023 6:05 am

Good morning!

Beautiful day here! They all start out this way, then comes 2 pm. Yesterday's thunderstorm had some damaging hail, the size of large marbles. Broke off many many leaves and branches from my trees. We still need to check for damage on our little truck that was parked out in the storm.

Church is in a few minutes. I will be the chorister today. After church will be more play time in the Batt Cave. One set of my fq's arrived for OWL. it's the Wander Lane 2, so it has fall and winter focus fabric in it. The other fq bundle is shipped as well. We'll see if it's a duplicate or has the other seasons.

Enjoy this beautiful Sunday,


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Re: Sunday May 28,2023

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun May 28, 2023 6:25 am

Good morning,

JUDI - I remember when Ken reached this stage with his last knee he was anxious to get back to the rink. It must be hard for him since he doesn't have "House Hobbies" to occupy. Maybe he could learn to crochet . . . . hahaha! What sort of nametag are you making for your guild. I guess I don't know what that means.

DIANE - so sorry about the washout of all those plans in your area. You are right about Mother Nature. She always gets her way.

LOIS - Happy Birthday to little Austin. How are all our little ones growing up so quickly? With how your back has been, sitting at a picnic table for any length of time probably wouldn't be good for you.

CHRISS - how has the library book sale been going? When I go thrift shopping, the book shelves is the first place I always head for!

JANA - my sister says there was a big hailstorm (marble sized) hitting the Denver area. I hope you didn't get hit with anything like that. I often think how I could better arrange my sewing room and my fabric stash. But every time I do, I end up putting it all back the way it orginally was.

I'm not sure what the day holds. I'm sure my sister and I will find some kind of trouble to get into. The guys were going to watch car races today, but it sounds like they may be washed out because of storms in FL. Tomorrow morning DS and DBIL are going overnight up to their son's in Seattle so we will have a full day to ourselves. I'm hoping to spend a lot of it in my sewing room. I want to wrap up OWL May block, put together my HSH Swap blocks, cut out a shirt, and make some June lotto blocks. If I get even one of those things done, I'll be a happy quilter!

Happy quilting to all of you!
mary z

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Re: Sunday May 28,2023

Post by maryq » Sun May 28, 2023 7:41 am

Hi Girls

Oh good grief... two days in a row I've hit the wrong button and lost my post! Went over to check out the June lotto and closed the wrong window!

Didn't have much to say anyway. I did manage to get the floors washed and the dusting done yesterday and had time to play in the sewing room. I'm working on a kit I bought quite a while ago and spent more time with Jack than sewing! The pattern is really very simple, but I messed it up pretty good. All 1/2 square/rectangles and if you don't cut them the right direction.... well needless to say I have a lot of extra pieces that are going the wrong way. I might be able to finish the top up today. Then, since I have an abundance of 2.5" strips, I might see what I can do with the June Lotto block!! Looks like a fun easy one!

Alexa says it's going to get up to 83* today, so while I'm in my sweats right now, I'm sure I'll be changing into shorts soon. Was thinking about washing a window or two, but will wait for a cooler day. Not sure what the kids are up to today, was thinking maybe I'd see if Kris would come over and help me paint a new light fixture for my kitchen. It was actually one of Viv's, and it's really cute, but it's LIME green and I'm more of a Navy blue person! If I get it painted, then maybe Shawn and Tom can come hang it up for me?! Maybe!?

For now I'll go do my daily shine up and then see what the rest of the day has in store.
Wishing you all the best today and everyday.

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Re: Sunday May 28,2023

Post by WeeOne » Sun May 28, 2023 7:51 am

Hello from cloudy Hays, Kansas.
We arrived Friday afternoon, and will be staying until next Thursday. Maddox has his first T Ball game on Wednesday.

Chriss, I'm giving Maddox extra hugs from you. I'm sorry to read the PET scan findings. Prayers continue for you both.

Sorry weather and health have changed some weekend plans for y'all.

We saw an interesting site on Tuesday, as we were going east on I-70 from the Dr office. A big police escort of 2 long huge white tanks, heading west. They took up more than one lane. We later learned they are SpaceX oxygen tanks. Here's a clip from a news helicopter.

http://www.haystack.tv/v/trucks-transpo ... metro-area

Then Friday we are driving west, in the middle of Kansas, and the road is shut down to one lane, for two reasons. One they were working on a couple small bridges and just before the first one, there were the oxygen tanks. As I drove over the bridge, I was trying to figure out how they planned to get them through. And the second bridge had concrete dug out on each side. I wonder if someone forgot to check construction schedule on the highway. :roll:

Amanda just called to tell me her future ex is being a turd. He wants Maddox tomorrow, a holiday. Amanda is off and we plan to take Maddox fishing. It's raining today. Ex had Maddox on Easter. Oh, child custody is just awful. As a parent, I wish I could fix it, but band-aids don't work. 😔

I hope everyone has a good weekend and remember those that died for our freedom.

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Re: Sunday May 28,2023

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sun May 28, 2023 8:26 am

Good morning. it's going to be a great day today. The weather should cooperate which is always a blessing.

Yesterday was the FOL booksale. Today we finish up but I don't need to be there until this afternoon. Gives me all morning to do laundry and whatever else I can get myself into.

The book sale has paperbacks, fill a bag for a buck. Childrens books ten for a buck and other books are 2 for a buck. Today, when the sale is over we will put all the books on the porch at the library for free then sadly, after about a week of free books, anything left will go to the dump. They will be pretty picked over by then. Anything you are looking for? I will see if it's there.

Monday I want to clean that filthy cluttered garage. My gosh it's full of junk. It will surely take more than a day to do that job. Tuesday is Jerry's doctor appointment where we get the results and hopefully get started with some kind of treatment. Wednesday is my quilt class After that it's more garage cleaning.

Load two of three is in the washer, would be nice if someone would come and have a house cleaning party with me. I won't hold my breath, but do need to start my day.

You all have a blessed day,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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