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Sunday, March 25

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Sunday, March 25

Post by suzette58 » Sat Mar 25, 2023 10:14 pm

Good morning everyone.
The four legged alarm clocks are at it again. Guess who is asleep? A couple of weeks ago I noticed one of my tables is starting to warp from the weight of my sewing machines. I have 2 machines on this table. Well, I guess it is time to find something else. I was looking at Utube videos and found a table from Home Depot. It is a work table by Husky. You can get them in different lengths and the height adjusts. After I wake up again I am going to work in the yard and then try and finish the 2nd memory quilt. We will see how far I get. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

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Re: Sunday, March 25

Post by QuiltGram8 » Sun Mar 26, 2023 5:14 am

Good morning! Suzette, the table from Home Depot sounds great and that the height is adjustable is a bonus!
Our reunion was well attended. I was amazed at how many people showed up. And branches of family tree were well represented. I am the youngest grand child, but none of my children can be around for this, not would they even be interested. But that's ok, I don't blame them.
So many people I don't even know or remember. But how nice it was to see many of my nieces and nephews.
Then we zipped away to our dance event. That was lots of fun, too.
Now get coffee and then get ready for church at 9:00am. Has a blessed day!
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Sunday, March 25

Post by grammiequilts » Sun Mar 26, 2023 5:20 am

Good morning Suzette, I wish it were warm enough and dry enough to work in the yard,,,but I will wait.. Hope you can get a work table that works for you. I saw a few nice sewing tables at IKEA that have not only sewing surfaces but storage too...
I did spend a lot of time in the sewing room friday and saturday,,,I am almost finished with the 4 sections of Jane,,,,fitting them together with the center medallion..will be my next challenge, but I am anxious to get the top done and work on setting the preprinted borders in place...I dont think I will make another diamond quilt (over 200 diamonds) but this one has been fun. I ordered the backing in a cream color tone on tone. When I finish this quilt I think my next adventure will be to kit up the On Wander Lane so I can do that one...I have selected a few fabrics for that and thanks to the kit directions that Lois got...I think this will be my next adventure, I will order the fall and winter focus fabric as soon as it comes out in June.. with that I need another cup of coffee and do a few chores...I will do some laundry and clean up the bathrooms today,,,that will be my plan unless ken has other ideas. Since I am one of the older cousins, I am in charge of planning my family reunion,,,we used to have around 200 attend but last year 80 were invited and 50 showed up....My kids and many of the kids aren't interested in reunions any more...my cousin and one of my last living aunts sent me the address lists and the email addresses,,,I need to start working on that My one sister will help and I will force my other sisters to pitch in,,,( they grumble but they do it) We get a hall and a caterer and everyone pays for dinner,,we used to have it in a park outdorrs but the bugs and the weather made this a better idea,,and it will be in November because everyone complained about it being at Christmas ( we are too busy and summer also too busy)) so it has morphed into a reunion instead of a christmas party ...Hope your plans are fun,,,,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Last edited by grammiequilts on Sun Mar 26, 2023 5:31 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Sunday, March 25

Post by FlorenceM » Sun Mar 26, 2023 5:21 am

Suzette, I also have looked at those tables, maybe one day I will get one.
Foggy here this morning, but may cloud up and rain again. It's so soggy here.
I'm feeling a bit better, but ears still ringing. Since I've been sick, I feel I have missed a lot here. I keep thinking of Chriss and Jerry. Chriss you guys are still in my prayers.
Time to leave for church

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Re: Sunday, March 25

Post by Becca » Sun Mar 26, 2023 6:38 am

Good morning to everyone cloudy here with rain coming they say
Yesterday was a beautiful windy day
We leave for church shortly so will be quick
Chris & Jerry Praying for you both
To all others in need prayers too
Have a blessed day. Becca

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Re: Sunday, March 26

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun Mar 26, 2023 6:50 am

Good morning,

I do believe today is the 26th, not the 25th. I feel like we're in the Ground Hog movie. lol!

Rats! Just lost my whole post somehow. And the old control z trick didn't get it back for me. Ratzlefratz!!

KATHY - sorry you were grumpy yesterday. I hope today's a better day. What are you working on in your sewing room? I hope it's HSH swap blocks. Did you decide what you are making yet? Did you see Chriss's block? It's a cutie!

CHRISS - yes, your block is a cutie! Love the fabrics you are choosing. I hope to start on mine today. I washed fabrics yesterday for my background. It's a start.

SHERRY - I know nothing about brackets. I assume it's basketball playoffs?? But when we had friends for supper on Friday they were keeping track of a game and we all cheered when San Diego won. A local "kid", who went to school with all our kids, is their coach. I guess it was unexpected for them to win. I hope your winds have died down.

MARY Q - uh oh. A broken spring in a garage door. That takes a professional to repair I believe. In the meantime, does your car have to sit outside? I imagine, after all the stuff you've brought home from KC's, your garage to resemble Fibber McGee's closet and that's why the door broke! lol!

VELDA - Glad you had such a nice time at your reunion. I've hosted a few reunions here but now everyone has either died or moved far away. We are the only ones left in this area. I guess it's a sign of spring when the snow doesn't stick to the roads . . . maybe?

BECCA - I imagine you feel like you're in limbo, waiting for your new place to become available. I know that feeling. But at least you are in a loving, comfortable place now, and can enjoy Denise and Mark. I'm, probably going to keep asking you this until we hear, but - any baby news??

LYN - that doesn't seem a bad price for the work you had done.

JANA - I'm bummed about the delay of delivery of Sandee's fiver. I hope her warranty doesn't start until she actually has possession of it. She should check that out and insist on it. Is her truck outfitted yet with the hitch? Are they still planning to come to the PNW? If she goes to the Boondocker website and looks at Bill & Mary's Yard, she can see our parking spot if they decide to stay with us. A lot of single women stay in Boondocker sites. We are free, of course. And, if they want, they can stay longer than our 3-day maximum. We have lots of grassy room in the back for kids and puppies to play. We are starting to book up, so any advance approx dates would be good for us to know so we can block out that time and a few extra days to give them wiggle room. I'm excited for Sandee!

JUDI - you will have Jane wrapped up in no time! Any other projects planned besides OWL? I think your plans for your reunion are purrfect! Why do your sisters grumble? Tell them they can either play nice or you'll cancel the caterer and assign them to make all the food! lol! What do they have to do?

SUZETTE - I have a farm table which happens to be exactly like the one El uses in her video of building a sewing table. It wasn't very expensive. Bill cut a whole in it and built a well to drop my machine into. Takes all the weight off the table. I do love the adjustable height feature of the table you are considering. It would probably be better than my adjustable chair. How is your hubby doing?

FLO - glad you are feeling some better. Hope full recovery is in your near future!

Today is an unknown so far. I want to clean our bedroom/bathroom. I could leave messages in the dust. Then the house will be clean. Not as clean as Katy's but clean enough for who it's for. Then I'll work on Home Sweet Home swap blocks, and kitty cat blocks for Kumquat. I don't usually work on two projects at once, but I might do all my fusing at the same time at least. I want to make some good progress today and tomorrow because later this week will be good yardwork weather and I'll want to be outside.

Happy Sunday! I hope your day will be filled with everything you want it to be.
mary z

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Re: Sunday, March 25

Post by auntjana » Sun Mar 26, 2023 7:48 am

Good frigid morning!

Oh it's colder than you know what on the shady side of a iceberg! Seeing that we park in the garage, I forgot my coat. It's spring, so they say, NOT! I was reminded of that as I walked into the building.

I have a small binding project to stitch while at church. Oh, it has batting, oh goody, warmth! LOL!

Suzanne- we have that workbench holding our chop saw. It was bought specifically for the height adjustment. It's great and would look good in a sewing room. Ours has a butcher block top.

I will sew for a bit after church. I am all set up on the table, ready to go.

Stay warm!

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Re: Sunday, March 25

Post by maryq » Sun Mar 26, 2023 7:49 am

Good Morning Girls

Man oh Man... when is it going to warm up around here....Though I'm thinking a slow thaw of all our snow is probably best. I heard my sump pump kick in the other day, so I know there is snow melting somewhere!

Suzette... On Facebook, there is a group called "Sewing room ideas" and gals post pictures of their sewing rooms. It's really fun to see how they set things up. I've seen quite a few gals use the HD Husky tables for cutting tables. Especially the ones with all the drawers... wouldn't that be a great place to keep all your rulers!!

Velda... Fun time at the reunion? My Dad LOVED reunions and spent months planning them. I'm lucky if I can get my own kids at the same place and same time! All my cousins are spread out all over the country so a reunion is really hard to put together, but sure would be great!

Judi... Holy Moly... I just googled the Wander Lane quilt pattern!! I say this with love.... you are nuts!! It sure will be a gorgeous quilt though.. However, that being said, I printed out a Pat Sloan pattern called "Gramma's Kitchen" a Series of 25 blocks... and I think I will be crazy after (if and when) I ever get that finished. It's a cute pattern and as luck would have it.... I have plenty of fabric on hand for it!

Flo.... Sorry you've been not feeling so hot lately. My Gramma used to say she felt "punk" Hope you are feeling so much better

Maryz... Yup... broken garage door springs are most definitely a professional fix! And not covered by Association! $300 to fix... but all things considered, I didn't think that was too bad! Am glad it's not the middle of winter! You??? Two projects at the same time? Is the world about to end? I have lotto blocks sitting by my sewing machine, a few rice bags to put together for a local school nurse, my HSH blocks to finish fusing, another applique project to fuse... I figure if I'm going to be appliqueing I might as well do them all at the same time!

Got allllll my chores done yesterday----washed all the floors, dusted, changed sheets on my bed, vacuumed, cleaned the kitchen, finished ironing all the new fabric I bought the other day, finished folding and putting all the laundry away, only 1 load of towels to fold. SO guess what... I'm going to PLAY today!!!

My traveling brother is in town this weekend so he'll be stopping by later. Will be good to see him as I've only seen him on Facebook. He has a group called "Hansons on the Run" where he posts videos of where they've been traveling... such a hoot! Anyway... it will be nice to see him in person. They will be back to MN around the 1st of May!

For now I need more coffee and then I can start to PLAY

Wishing you all a wonderful day

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Re: Sunday, March 25

Post by WeSignificant » Sun Mar 26, 2023 7:54 am

Good morning, oh my I think my body retaliated. I was so tired yesterday. I did get some floor mopping done and organized the mess I had made on the dining room table, a load of laundry and then that was it. Kept falling asleep trying to watch TV. Slept in intervals last night but no being awake for hours. Decided when awake at 4 I should get up but didn't. So now here I am finally. I still feel like I could sleep but duty calls. I have a couple items to get done before going to free sew.

Sherry I always root for the underdog. Love it when they step up to the plate and pull off a good win.

Kathy that was me yesterday. Too sleepy and grumpy to do anything. So sleep I did.

Chriss continuing to pray for you and Jerry. I feel your urgency in starting treatment and don't have an explanation for why the medical world doesn't. Sometimes it is waiting on insurance approvals.

Maryq the cleaning fairy has been here a bit but not as much as I wanted. It is what it is. Some things I can't do until DS gets here cuz they are too heavy for DH to move alone and I am no help. Well I am, but DH said no.

Lyn that is a reasonable price for brakes, mine were over $600! But this is California, everything is more here.

Well I need to scoot, DH at work so I have to load the car myself. Not even sure what I am going to take to work on. Maybe my Starry Night. I need to finish the sheep and cut the trees. My first OWL block cam yesterday so will be reading through that also sometime real soon.

Happy day to you all.
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Re: Sunday, March 25

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sun Mar 26, 2023 8:43 am

Good morning. It's going to be a beautiful day today. The sun is preparing to peek over the mountain and until it does its job it will be chilly outside. It was a windyish day yesterday, so no yardwork got done.

Kathy, I love cheating chicken soup. I used to do the same thing with a chicken, the secret ingredient for me was Thyme, it gave the chicken soup that flavor we loved when we were kids. If I wonder what to put in my soup, I look at what they put in canned soup for hints. I use rotisserie chicken and canned broth on the rare occasions that I make soup now. Hope your grumpies go away. I do that sometimes. I'm grumpy, I know it, and it's not going to go away just yet.

Suzette, hope you find the perfect table. Would be nice if you had a sort of countertop across two sets of drawers, file cabinets or something that has storage. The height wouldn't adjust but it would have an opening for your chair and sturdy enough to hold the machines. We have Habitat for Humanity stores here that have things like counter tops that would work. I have two of these and want to put something on them to make an ironing board. https://www.amazon.com/ADEPTUS-88002-Dr ... deae8f9840

Velda, I have been to two family reunion type things. The first was meeting people we found during our genealogy research. The second was a cousin reunion. Seems that if people in my son's generation don't start having children, they will be the last in our family line. There will be no one to hand down the family treasures to or tell the family stories.

Judi, do you know that I have never been to an IKEA store? The nearest store to me is 3 hours away. But I would love to go. Our family reunion would be much smaller than yours, my generation would be 6 plus spouses, the next generation would be 5 some with and some without spouses and there, so far, is no generation after that. I so wish I could be part of a bigger close family. So glad Jane is almost done, I can't wait to see it.

Flo, sorry about those ears. Mine have also been ringing from time to time. I think it's time to add a couple of drops of peroxide in each one to help clear them out. Thanks for the prayers, they are so very appreciated.

Becca, we will see some rain next week, I will try to see if it can evaporate before it gets to your side of the map. Thank you for the prayers, we really need a biopsy next week, or at least very soon so we can start treatment. How is little Gabriel? and do you have a new baby yet?

Maryz, I will use many fabrics in my houses. this is a scrap tote emptier for me. well, at least an attempt to empty the totes anyway. I'd like to iron my fusible and cut my backgrounds for HSH today. Kind of goes together doesn't it, HSH and kitty cats, or in my case puppy dogs. Hoping your day, while unplanned, has some adventure in it.

Jana, sorry you forgot your coat. Perhaps all the standing and sitting and standing again in church along with sitting shoulder to shoulder in the pews will keep you warm. I suggest not sitting on the end but rather the middle for warmth.

Maryq, I had to go look at the Pat Sloan pattern. Love it. I like patterns that don't require sashing. One less thing to line up. She has a lot of great free patterns. We had a spring issue with one of our garage doors some time back. Since then, we have installed a garage door opener with a battery backup. It will open and close a few times if the power goes out. I laugh whenever you say you bought new fabric, so glad you won't run out. I agree about fusing everything and getting whatever projects done so you can sew everything at one time. It's my goal for the projects I have going on. Enjoy see your brother day.

Valerie, I also was falling asleep watching tv last night, went to bed early and slept late. My CPAP machine said I got 7.5 hours. Way more than the 5 I am used to. Hope you get to catch up on your sleep too. I also have some heavy furniture I'd like to move from the garage to the house when I get Marilyns room cleaned up, I will hire a friend's kids to help, they are good boys. I think waiting on insurance approvals might be part of the medical slow down, but I think that there are just so many patients and so few doctors. When we go to the cancer center, the waiting room is so full, almost nowhere to sit. We could go to a bigger center in a bigger town, but they would be more crowded. So far, Jerry understands this but it's still frustrating. He wants to get started but is still in the waiting line. Once we know what kind of cancer and what stage it's at, he will exhale. He wears out so quickly. Last night he bbq'd hamburgers and just the few trips in and out of the house, he was beat. We have only 5 steps up to the back door from the yard. He says he can feel the cancer growing. I'm glad to see he is still trying to do things; it would be so easy to just let me do everything. He isn't giving up yet but does have his limits. He tells me things that he will or will not do regarding his medical stuff.

Well, I had a dilemma this morning and have already figured out how to solve it. Marilyn wants to come here in April but wants it to be a surprise for Jerry. Her room has no bed, and she is bringing her boyfriend. As luck would have it, Big 5 sporting goods has a one day (today) only sale on a blow-up mattress for only $20, it's the route I will go but how do I go get the mattress without Jerry finding out. HAH! he paid the bills yesterday; I will go mail them today and also pick a few things up at the grocery store. and sneak and buy the mattress, hide it in my car and bring it into the house without him knowing. He could use a surprise.

Train travel is so the way to bring Marilyn from her house to mine. She lives 4 hours away, a round trip train ticket is $45 per person.

I need to get into and out of town so need to start my day. You all have a fun day.
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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