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Thursday March 2nd 2023

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Thursday March 2nd 2023

Post by grammiequilts » Thu Mar 02, 2023 5:02 am

Good morning It is warming up before the next winter storm warning,,,I am ready but I think it will be rain mostly here,,,,the weather people over predict the amounts but you never k now..they are saying 5-8 inches of snow....who knows....
Since my eyes are better today...I will do a bit of laaundry and sew some ....might run up to the store....just to get out of the house again.....
We have a bunch of playoff games to go to this weekend so I need to make sure I am ahead at home....hoping we can make them....Many of them are local so that will be good.
Well that is all I know,,,off to stitch,,,,hope your day is stitch worthy,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo

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Re: Thursday March 2nd 2023

Post by fabricgirl » Thu Mar 02, 2023 5:28 am

Good morning,

We have rain outside right now with a side of fog.
Today I'm not doing much of nothing just think it will be a tv day for me.
Yesterday I did alot of laundry so now that's done.
Lori I saw your block I love it but I want to wait till I have the rest of the patterns
I have a question about that quilt how big is it do they have a finishing pattern because I haven seen anything.

Well thats all my news.
Have a great day.

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Re: Thursday March 2nd 2023

Post by FlorenceM » Thu Mar 02, 2023 5:40 am

Class at church this morning. Then who knows. Storm rolling in, mostly rain with maybe snow flurries.
Stay warm and dry.

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Re: Thursday March 2nd 2023

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu Mar 02, 2023 5:52 am

Good morning to all my Sew Sisters.

We have 37* and rain this morning. Lumpy rain in some places, though not this place. But this afternoon should dry out and be partly sunny. Come on, This Afternoon!

JUDI, glad your eye appt went so well. Will you get new frames after your vision appt next week? Costco has glasses on sale right now - a second pair of lenses (same Rx) for $50 or 50% off, I can't remember which. I plan to get regular and sunglasses. Good idea to get stocked up before the storm. You never know - the weather-folk might just under-predict this time to keep you on your snow toes!

LOIS - we all need a recharge day now and then! I don't like daytime TV but I do like snuggling with my cat under a quilt with a good book.

FLO - I hope you don't get much snow. Or ice. Or even rain.

CHRISS - did you have your tacos last night? We did. I ate mine the Chriss way and skipped the tortilla so I guess I had a taco salad? I saw pictures of Yosemite on the national news. I guess you Californians won't be fussing about water this summer! I just hope it all melts s l o w l y so you don't have a lot of flooding. How is your "charming" quilt top coming along?

LORI - awww.... you and Chriss are always winners, whether you get the blocks or not. :D So you are starting your OWL quilt? So many of you are doing it, it will be fun to watch from the sidelines as y'all progress. I'm not doing it. I still have Main Street - a project very similar to OWL. Kathy gave me the pattern several years ago and I have it all kitted up and ready to sew. It lives in my trailer to be one of those projects to work on in between other projects. Maybe it's time has come . . . And was it 2020 that I started my crazy quilt? I've lost track but I'll take your word for it.

JANA - Yay for Sandee! She's getting ready for summer. Has she ever towed anything before? Will she have room to store her RV at her house or will she have to pay for off-site storage? And how is she doing? I know y'all are there for her and you may never know how much that means to her, but it's still rough.

MARY Q - Winner winner, chicken dinner! You won! Yay for you and Lori! Did you have a nice visit with your friend yesterday? Were you doing something special or just having coffee together and chit chat?

Yesterday was chiro, a little sewing, and then I made cookies. I also sat under a quilt, had a couple cups of ginger/tumeric tea and thumbed through a cookbook. I'm looking for new ideas for home, company, and camping meals. Today I'm following Bill into Tacoma while he drops the truck off at Dodge for a recall fix. I'll bring him home, then go for my massage appt. Depending on when I have to take Bill back to get the truck, I will sew, read, or make supper.

May all your bobbins be full!
mary z

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Re: Thursday March 2nd 2023

Post by QuiltGram8 » Thu Mar 02, 2023 6:20 am

Good morning ☀️ we are having sunshine today. I love sunny days. Makes me sunny inside!
DH had one of those sleepless nights, so I convinced him to do a morning nap before he gets dressed. So I am staying quiet for him. Bringing my calendar for March updated with all appointments etc.
Planning to sew for awhile, then I have a meeting at church at 10 with lunch afterwards.
More sew in afternoon.
Have a great day
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Thursday March 2nd 2023

Post by velvet » Thu Mar 02, 2023 6:31 am

Good morning to all.
The weather has been very funny this whole "winter". Yesterday we had the AC on.
Hubby is still looking for property and some of the lots are to funny to see on the computer. We have people looking around for us. The last one he showed me was 2 acres on a dirt road in the middle of forest and you had to drive thru a marsh (mosquito heaven) had a few out "buildings" which included a shack. The description did not mention a home. It looked like a good wind would blow all of them down without a problem. Oh well, the hunt continues.

CHRISS--thank you for posting the 2 tops in the photo section. For some reason the 1st looks orange but it is red. Hubby has a new phone and I guess it sees red with orange hues for some reason.

BECCA--how is your packing or un-packing going??
Hope everyone gets only a touch of the storm. Prayers for those in need.
Enjoy the day

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Re: Thursday March 2nd 2023

Post by zfatcat » Thu Mar 02, 2023 7:52 am

Lois, for each pattern of "On Wander Land," there is a color theme. I'm using the same white on white background for all the blocks and sticking with the general colors they use in the pictures. The blocks are 12 inches finished. I haven't seen how she puts them all together, so I don't know how big it is going to be.

Vel, we have sunshine too. I think the rain is done for a while.

Mary, is that the quilt with cute shops?

Judi, it snowed here yesterday. First time ever. It was crazy.

Well I have a busy day running around. I need to take in my Bernina for service and a few other things.
Might get to sew this afternoon.

Have a great day.
Lori 8-)

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Re: Thursday March 2nd 2023

Post by fabricgirl » Thu Mar 02, 2023 8:08 am

Thank You Lori I emailed her so we shall see.


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Re: Thursday March 2nd 2023

Post by maryq » Thu Mar 02, 2023 8:12 am

Good Morning Girls

I'd have been here sooner, but as usual I got distracted by something---A place I get embroidery designs from is having a sale.. and I couldn't resist!

Judi... I think you're right.. they over predict snow falls thinking that if they say we're going to 10" it might keep more people off the roads! Works for me, I see a flake and I stay in! Sounds like a hockey filled weekend for you guys! When I get my eyes dilated, I figure it's good excuse for a nap. Did you get a good report from the Eye Dr.

Lois.... Do you find something good to watch on TV? I seem to watch the same shows over and over, mostly on the streaming channels .. not so much local TV.

Flo... How as your class. Years ago my DEX took the classes to become Catholic.. It was kind of interesting in some ways. We had a really great priest at the time that explained things really well.

Maryz... Always have a fun visit with Peggy. I met her a couple years ago when I picked up something she was giving away on the "buy nothing" group on Facebook. We got to talking and she sews quite a bit so of course we became friends. She was supposed to NOT let me buy the embroidery machine. How are your hips today after your relaxing afternoon?

Velda.... Doesn't a good sunny day just make all the difference!! Send some of that up here please.. we're cloudy today!

Diane.... How long have you been in MB? Seems like just yesterday you were building that house! Do you just want to move a little further out from the city? My little town that had a population of about 2500 when we moved here, has now grown to over 18,000!!!

Lori.... I was going to sort of your winning blocks last night, but once I parked my fanny on the couch... I totally forgot!! I'll get them out to you ASAP. I have to run errands tomorrow on my way to see KC so I'll probably stop at the PO too!

Laundry is started here too, seems like I just did it! Has this week gone by really fast for you guys too! Seems to me I just woke up Monday Morning! I'll be in the sewing room between loads of laundry so holler if you need me! :-)

In the meantime... hope you have a great day!

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Re: Thursday March 2nd 2023

Post by auntjana » Thu Mar 02, 2023 8:25 am

Good morning!

Beautiful, bright, sunny, no snow morning! It's still cold though.

Just about party ready. I will move my temporary sewing from the kitchen into my bedroom, until Saturday afternoon. Then back again! After the brunch is over, the kids are heading up to Ogden to a train show. It is in the old historical Ogden train Depot. Then nothing is planned! At least for now. LOL!

Do something fun, I need to hear your fun!


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