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Saturday Feb 4th 2023

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Saturday Feb 4th 2023

Post by grammiequilts » Sat Feb 04, 2023 2:49 am

Good morning from Sweetwater Tennessee. I am trying to type on my phone Trip is going well we will drive through Georgia today and spend the night. Then Sunday arrive at our house. All
Is well. I will
Check back when we get on the road we will
Leave in about an hour and a half. Liam won his first district playoff game. Last night XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK

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Re: Saturday Feb 4th 2023

Post by fabricgirl » Sat Feb 04, 2023 3:24 am

Good very cold morning,

We are at 7โฐ and I am staying right in this house.
Yesterday we cleaned the house and I did 2 loads of wash.
Mary Z your projects sound great I'm sure you'll have them done in no time at all.

Judi it sounds like you are all making good time on the road is it cold where your at?
Congrats to Liam.

Well today I will probably search through my stash for more gray for the pink ghost quilt and will start putting it together I might make another run to hobby lobby for some or to Joanne's for some when it goes up a couple of degrees
Well thats all the news from here.
Everyone have a great day.
Judi safe travels.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Saturday Feb 4th 2023

Post by 12stepquilter » Sat Feb 04, 2023 4:58 am

Good frigid morning. Just wanted to let everyone know that I can see Mt Washington from my house and last night a record was set with 97 mph wind to bring the temp to -108. BURRRRRRRR! With wind chill here it is -35 so needless to say the wood stove here has been working overtime. I hope anyone in this frigid weather stay safe and warm with lots of fabric to work with.


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Re: Saturday Feb 4th 2023

Post by QuiltGram8 » Sat Feb 04, 2023 5:11 am

Good morning, Judi, Lous, and Rhonda (welcome).
Yes I saw that report of that wind chill in New Hampshire. Years ago, my DH and I took motorcycle trip out that way and we were in awe of My Washington. It is very awesome, but the picture they are showing this morning on the Today show, looks like the Artic! Brrrr.
We are warming back up in Illinois after the old front passed. It stayed north of us and we weren't in bad shape here in central Illinois.
Judi, safe travels. Lois, I agree, stay inside. Good that you don't have to venture out. Good day to sew!
Prayers for our whole group. Have another Happy Day! ๐Ÿ’•๐ŸŽˆ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ˜„
HUGS, ๐Ÿ’• Vel

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Re: Saturday Feb 4th 2023

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sat Feb 04, 2023 5:36 am

Good morning. Today will be a great day. We are supposed to see 60* here. Hoping that is true. 3am, yep, that is what the clock said as I tried to go back to sleep. ugh.

Yesterday heading into town, we saw wildflowers in the fields and blue sky with white puffy clouds. A really nice drive.

Jerry had his appointment yesterday. I am really happy with the cancer center in town. They are setting up an appointment for a bronchial scope to look at his lungs and a PET scan. The doctor gave us hope. He said that it could be cancer, but it could also be something else and until we see the results of these tests he shouldn't go home to die. Well, that changed his attitude. He got home, did dishes, and some other things around the house. It added pep to his step. I'm hoping he cleans the toilets today. The lesson I learned, if one doctor gives you bad news go talk with a second doctor before accepting the first doctor's diagnosis (dad would say, not every doctor finished the top three in their class). Jerry still is short of breath and isn't full of energy but he does have a different outlook than he did just last week, and for that I am grateful.

Valerie, if I get a vote, I hope you take advantage of the 5-day respite. It would be good for you to have a week of you time. SNF will take care of dad's needs and has the equipment and capable staff to do it.

Lori, at bingo people bring desserts, either home made or store bought. I had a what was listed as a chocolate cupcake and ended up being a brownie, not really good but the girl who made them was sitting at my table and I ooohhh'd and awwww'd appropiatley. I also had a piece of apple pie (Costco) with whip cream. Yes, I had myself a double. How is your dad? And your sister, you haven't mentioned her in a while, hope both are doing well.

Judi, high five to Liam. He just may be the next Wayne Gretsky. Only hockey player I have ever heard of and now that I typed that I'm hoping Wayne is really a hockey player and not something like baseball. Have a great trip, hope you find a few good rocks.

Lois, you are cold at your house. You do go to HL often, hope you find what you are looking for. When I go to HL I head straight to the clearance area then do my shopping in the fabric area. I don't really look for much else there. Today, or perhaps tomorrow, will be laundry day for me.

Rhonda, what a blessing to have that wood stove to keep you cozy. I had to google Mt. Washington to see where it was. stay warm.

Velda, glad you are warming up. Jerry's family is in Lincoln and Mt. Pulaski. I really liked Mt. Pulaski, we haven't been there for at least 15 years. We had to stop at a thrift store in Lincoln to buy a suitcase so we could bring back souvineers. I remember that we spent 20cents on that suitcase and it didn't shut closed, it kept popping open and we had to use duct tape on it.

I am thinking I can sneak in and get the first load of laundry without waking Jerry. It would be nice to get things started here. We also need to start a burn pile. Lots of paper and cardboard to burn.

Not sure what the rest of my day will bring to me. I want to go into town and get a few things, but would rather stay home.

You all have a marvy day,
Proverbs 4:11-12

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Re: Saturday Feb 4th 2023

Post by patches4 » Sat Feb 04, 2023 5:45 am

Welcome Rhonda and good morning fellow quilting friends.
Safe travels and be safely inside for those so cold. Balmy 17 here in Illinois. Off to Wisconsin to see grands. Finished two tooth fairy pillows for the twins. Jack Dempsey needle arts kit. Said it could be done in an evening. This grandma took longer. Made in their colors . One twin had a tooth fall out this week and really just lost the second so
Tooth fairy came already, but she still has 18 to go. We were to do a couple of days overnight event with them, but weather and passing around of strep stopped that. So up and back today.DD3 had vacation this week so we thought we could spend time with them so we are sort of.
Not much else new here, same old same old. Playing with quilt ideas. Have two patterns ready to go BUT scared to start cutting into fabric thinking Iโ€™ll mess it up. Need to be a fly on someoneโ€™s wall to get confidence to begin! Sounds stupid. I can make tops with scraps of donated fabric scared to cut into new fabric. Feel bad calling myself a quilter,sorry.
Any got to get hairs done and out of here. Be safe, warm.
Hugs and thanks to and for all of you.

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Re: Saturday Feb 4th 2023

Post by FlorenceM » Sat Feb 04, 2023 5:45 am

Rhonda welcome!
Judi safe travels.
Chriss, praying for Jerry. I like what your grandpa said about doctors. I just may use that in the future.
Yesterday got car back from body shop. It's as good as new.
Today not sure what will happen. Pellet stove needs to be vkeaned, that takes about 15 min, once it cools down. Cooling down takes about 90 minutes. I may go take care of mending and cut blocks for doily quilt. Or I may watch TV and embroider.
Time to refill coffee cup.

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Re: Saturday Feb 4th 2023

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Feb 04, 2023 7:01 am

Good morning,

JUDI - happy to hear you made it to your first night's destination and all is well. Congrats to Liam. I looked up the weather for Sweetwater, TN and my phone thinks it is 25* there right now ("now" being 0600 PST) but warming quickly to a sunny day. Be safe!

LOIS - I hope you find all the fabric you need without having to go out! Pink and gray are a great color combo!

RHONDA! Long time, no see! I saw on national news weather that you were going to get hit hard in Maine. I hope your woodpile holds out!

VELDA - what are you doing today?

CHRISS - I thought about you and Jerry all day yesterday. I'm glad you got some good news and Jerry's step is more peppy now! Many years ago my brother, Albert, went through much the same thing as Jerry. After a lifetime of smoking, the doctors all thought he had lung cancer and he went into a major surgery, expecting the worst. Turns out there was no cancer but there was a lot of scar tissue from years of smoking and coughing. So, you just never know. Does Jerry still have family in the midwest? Would he like to visit them? It's always good to have something to look forward to when going through trying times. Don't the World Series winners go to Disneyland after the last game? Figure out what Jerry would like most and make it a plan. Give him something to live for besides cleaning toilets. (but if that's his thing, I would be happy to offer mine up for him!) And I'm glad you ate the pie!! And were complimentary to the brownie girl. :D

TINA B - even the most experienced quilters get a bit jittery cutting into precious fabric to start a new project. I make it a rule to only cut one block's worth of fabric and sew it up, just to make sure I'm doing it right before cutting the rest. Or if I'm REALLY skittish, I make a sample block out of scrap fabrics first. Have fun visiting your twins!

FLO - I never read what happened to your car but I'm glad you got it back. Sounds like your day is a blank slate to fill it however you wish.

LORI - a day of getting little tasks done always makes me feel like I had a productive day. And frees me of guilt so I can happily sew all the next day!

VAL - I'm sure you'll be on those rezzies first thing on the 6th. How many people are expected at the wedding? I suppose there's no chance of moving it to your back yard? Do you have a plan B, like trusted caregivers that would be willing to stay with Dad at least the day of the wedding?

JANA - sorry Sarah's kitchen is on hold at the moment. I thought all those parts and pieces were supposed to be on "Rush". But I guess it's how things go nowadays. What sewing project are you working on these days?

KATHY = happy birthday to your DGD! I can't believe she is 17 yrs old! She was just a lil tyke not so long ago. Funny about the turtle not liking the vacuum. I was talking with my BFF (100 miles from me) the other day and her DD just moved back in with her and brought her desert tortoise, "Flash". My friend's cat keeps trying to get Flash to play with him. She even sent me a picture of the two of them together.

LYN - I'm glad you had all those dogs to keep you warm in the early days! lol! And that you haven't lost power at your house. A&A live in Bee Cave area, only about a mile from the Laura Bush Library where Aut works. It seems pretty populated so I hope they have power back. I haven't heard yet. Happy to hear your handy man guy is working out so well!

SHERRY - I thought your son bought a house and was waiting on closing for old resident to finish moving out. Did he change his mind and now he is renting an apartment instead? Wouldn't it be great for him to have a job where Sadie could go to work with him? You and Smoke will miss her. And what happened to Smoke?? How did he tear a ligament?

MARY Q - did your shoppers come yesterday or is that today? I hope they buy/bought oodles of fabric! How many boxes are you down to now? I think you said you started with about 12? Is KC making any moves towards planning a visit with her parents?

Yesterday was lots of close, short errands. But I got 'em all dun! I cleaned my pantry and then started working on my otter block for my North Stars (Eliz Hartman). Friends surprised us with a pizza about 4:30. It wasn't supposed to be a surprise, but the husband was supposed to confirm our date and he apparently forgot to do that so - SURPRISE! And a nice surprise it was. We hadn't seen this couple in at least 6 months.

Today's plan is to finish my otter block, and start on the musk ox. My mind is still working on my Bigfoot quilt even as I sew on my current project. There is no rush on either of them. I have until about April to get Bigfoot finished.

Make something fun today!
mary z

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Re: Saturday Feb 4th 2023

Post by zfatcat » Sat Feb 04, 2023 8:17 am

Rhonda, brrrrrr. That's crazy cold.

Chriss, that's a bit of better news than last week. Glad it perked up Jerry. I not a big brownie fan, but I do make really good ones from scratch. Glad you had some pie too. Sometimes you need 2 desserts.

Judi, I bet you can't wait to get to your destination and relax.

TinaB, sometimes the fabric is so pretty you don't want to cut it. I've saved fabrics for years not cutting into them, and when I finally did I was very pleased that I finally used the pretty fabric.

Lois, I don't think I would leave the house either.

I need to finish up a log cabin top today. Then maybe get a backing for it.

Have a wonderful day.
Lori 8-)

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Re: Saturday Feb 4th 2023

Post by maryq » Sat Feb 04, 2023 8:24 am

Good Morning Girls

Am a little late this morning, but I needed to jump in the shower first thing.. Normally I grab my coffee and come chat right away... but just felt the need to be clean! :lol: :lol:

Judi... Hope you trip continues to go well. Is it nice and warm down there?

Lois... I bet the cold air we had yesterday went right straight to New Jersey! Alexa says it's 14* here this morning with a high temp of 31---but what does she know! :lol: :lol: either way... I'm staying in too! Wish you were closer... I bet I have some pink or gray here you could use! How much grey do you need?

Rhonda... Hey I remember you!! It's been ages!!! Come on back often... We have lots of fun here don't we girls! Swaps and lotto's etc!

Velda... I'm just trying to picture you on the back of a motorcycle! Looks like your lotto blocks will arrive today! You sure got them done fast!! I have informed delivery with the post office, so every day I get an email showing all the mail that's coming.

Chriss... As I went to sleep last night, I was thinking of you and Jerry and sending a little prayer. This morning when I see your post that Jerry is feeling a little better and that the Dr has other options and ideas... well l just got a little schmoopy! When they set up his next appointment for the bronchoscope... be sure and let us know. I'll do some "laps on the beads" and send special prayers!

Tina... Oh my goodness... I hear you... cutting into beautiful fabric---afraid to mess it up! When I do a little FMQ on my little machine I'm always afraid I'm going to mess it up. But sometimes you just gotta go for it. It's only fabric.. and if one thing doesn't work, something else will.! I'm a nut for Jack Dempsy embroidery patterns!! I have a stash of them I should probably work on... one of these days!

Flo... .So nice to have options of what to do today isn't it! I think I like that "TV and embroider" on the best

Maryz.... Next door Katie brought over 2 quilting friends yesterday and they spent about $100... Tomorrow Peggy and her sister are coming, after that it's getting OUTTA Here! I think all totaled I had 17 boxes, plus my big suitcase full, plus another HUGE tote box full! Not sure she is going to make it to visit the folks... she's not sure if her folks WANT to come because of Covid. Nice to have friends like that... that bring Pizza!!! My DB and SIL found you guys on their "boon dockers" site....I'm trying to convince them to tour that way! They are headed to New Mexico in March!

Lori.... SO true... I have a pile of fabric that I just like to play with... iron, feel it etc. Just waiting for the perfect project for it!

My coffee is cold now and I too have lots of options for things to do today. Start laundry, finally put away all the laundry from last week, clean out my closet, run the vac again, finish binding a quilt, sew some aprons, play with embroidery machine, take a nap. Maybe with more coffee I can accomplish all of the above!

Wishing you a super happy Saturday

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