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SUPPER CLUB - Wednesday, February 1st

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Wednesday, February 1st

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed Feb 01, 2023 7:49 am

Good morning,

33* here, going to 48*. Not bad for February. And certainly not as bad as much of the rest of the nation!

We came home two weeks early from Texas. It was just time. And by doing that we've learned over the past few days that we dodged soaking rains, wind storms, tornado watches, a terrible ice storm, and a wreck on I-10 in west Texas that stalled traffic for 12 hours. Yesterday two RV parks we were going to stay at called one minute apart just to make sure we were OK and not caught in any of these disasters. And all happened right when we would have been in those locations had we stayed to our original plan. Thank you, Lord!! We like to keep our angels on alert at all times!

Yesterday turned into an unplanned house cleaning day. I also got two quilt tops ready for quilting and got their backs pieced, too. This morning I have a chiro appt and this afternoon we're going to Costco. I plan to get a few Feb lotto blocks sewn during odd moments here and there.

LORI - sorry you got Covid. I was worried you might be sick. I was surprised when I, too, got it in December. But they say this newest variant is 40 times more contagious than previous variants. Glad to hear you are doing better now. And sounds like you made good use of your "down time", sorting out your quilty stuff.

VELDA - your quilt plan sounds like a good one - sort of an adult I Spy quilt! And the lotto blocks would be great for that. Do you plan to limit it to golf? I might have a few golf scraps. I will check and get back to you.

JANA- I hate being disorganized, too. Organization is my one big skill. Though my older sis puts me to shame. When she visits, I know when she's in my sewing room, she's mentally reorganizing everything! lol! Hope your cold spell is easing its grip on you. We had our own snowstorm yesterday. About 12 teeny tiny flakes drifted lazily down from the sky. If I hadn't been going between house and trailer right then, I'd have missed the whole "blizzard"!

CAROL - dang it! Yes, I totally forgot the cheese again until I just this minute read your post. Oh well. I wonder what I'd do if I made cheese soup! Your photo is gorgeous! I've read a few novels with action set on Catalina Island. Is this the same island? Accessible only by boat, but people do live there?

Well, I still haven't figured out supper tonite. Maybe we'll have the Trader Joe's orange chicken so we can compare it to Costco's. We are going to Costco this afternoon so we might come home with a different idea, but if not - Orange Chix it is! As recommended by Lori.

What's happening on your plate tonite?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wednesday, February 1st

Post by gershwin64 » Wed Feb 01, 2023 8:47 am

Good morning everyone!
Lori, I'm sorry you ended up with covid but so glad it wasn't too bad. Very glad you're better now.
Carol, love your quilts! You do awesome quilting!
Jana, my organized is probably your messy LOL but I can pretty much tell anyone what shelf and behind what any foods are on the food shelves and in the freezer LOL does that count?
Mary, we drove by the new coming soon chiropractor.... still not open but they're there working on the building; it's an old house. I'm hoping it's pretty soon.
I'm doing a little better every day with my leg. I did have a set back for 2 days, I barely bumped the toe of my shoe on the walker wheel sideways and it about made me sick with pain and it hurt constantly for 2 days, I'm finally back to not hurting constantly again. I can get in and out of the tub with help from Frankie and the walker and we're both very careful and I use the no slip thing in the tub. I can't stand for very long periods of time but I've been helping with supper as best as I can. Frankie has been doing a great job at keeping the kitchen and the floor clean and dusting and taking care of the cats.... he doesn't like cleaning their litter box but he's been doing it daily for them. I'm going to try to clean it sitting in a chair today and take that off him if it works out. I'm just not one to have people do my stuff.... for a day maybe 2 it's ok but after that I feel guilty. When I had my hysterectomy in 2004 I was back at work and doing my housework at 4 weeks, the Dr gave me the go ahead.
We put a big pork roast in the crockpot this morning with red chile bbq sauce, it's yummy stuff! We'll decide how we're going to eat it later.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wednesday, February 1st

Post by auntjana » Wed Feb 01, 2023 3:27 pm

Good afternoon!

Dinner - saved out some ground turkey from last night, so will turn that 8nto a batch of spaghetti sauce for dinner tonight. Karlie lives cauliflower so we'll have that too.

Mary - enjoy the restocking run to Costco. Lots of new things and they have chocolate muffins again. Guess you high tailed it out of town just in time! There's no place like home!

Tina - be careful! You need one of those litter robots, it scoops the mess on it own. But I'm not will to pay the $400! For a cat box!

We didn't take Ethan today. Sarah went in late and took him. Next week is the I go one way, Michael the other way on Wednesdays. Kate starts Fire Camp training until the end of May. We will have the girls on Wednesdays .

Time to get something done,

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wednesday, February 1st

Post by Quilter7 » Wed Feb 01, 2023 7:24 pm

Good Evening,

We decided to go out to dinner tonight. I did get the binding on the quilt now to sew it down. I spent the afternoon hand stitching binding and labels.

Maryz - I am sure it is the same island. Remember the line in the song "Twenty- six miles across the sea, Santa Catalina is a waiting for me..." I need to go to Costco also.

Jana - Yea, you didn't need to drive Ethan. Sounds like you will have the little girls more though.

Tina - Thank you for your kind words. I have never sold my quilts before, so it is hard to part with them. I do not have any use for them either though, so it is best to sell them while they are still new.

It was nice to have a break in cooking.


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wednesday, February 1st

Post by zfatcat » Wed Feb 01, 2023 8:27 pm

Jana, I saw that expensive litter box too. It would need to take the waste out to the trash for me to pay that much.

Carol, looks like it was a perfect day for your hike yesterday.

Tina, I bet you are frustrated with the slow healing process. I know I would be too. Hang in there

Mary, some things happen for a reason. Your timing worked out perfectly.

I've been trying to catch up with everything from last week. Got some grocery shopping done today. The boys got an afternoon walk and were very happy.

Dinner was leftover tacos.

Sleep well.
Lori 8-)

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