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Sunday, Jan. 22

Daily discussions.
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Re: Sunday, Jan. 22

Post by fabricgirl » Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:13 am

Judi congratulations to Liam.

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Re: Sunday, Jan. 22

Post by KATHYSQUILTS » Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:17 am

:shock: Good an Other Cloudy Day.............

A little bit of the snow is gone & the lake is starting to freeze over again. Experience tells me the sun will be out again.

I'm going to shower & work on tote bags. I'll hand quilt if I need to warm myself. That's my day.

Suzette.......what is it that makes sleep so evasive? It's not 'hard' to do & we all are willing to do it. Hope you cutting goes smoothly.

Lois.......your scones sound yummy. Last night I tossed a container of blueberries mixed with yogurt(32oz). The berries were nasty tasting. Happy sewing.

Judi........I forgot Liam was the same age as my DGS. Wishing for a big win for his team.

Diane.......I like the TN Waltz pattern. When I was a little(very little)I remember hearing a song of the same name when my mother player her radio. For some reason I loved the song. Good luck.

Maryz.........Mmmmm...ya know my sister has suffered from hot flashes for 10+ years. One thing she said to me was "I'm the little sister, your supposed to take care of me!" Thank you for the prayers. I have given it to God to take care of. Prayers for safe travel through the Mojave desert.

Vel......Wooooo do you hear the fabric & threads calling out to you?

Val.........love the colors of you quilt. It really pops. You're right go slow.
I was a shock to see CA sliding into the sea. There is now zero contact between 6 siblings, what a waste. I'll offer up some prayers for you sisters.

I must go shower now. Love & Prayers...............Kathy

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Re: Sunday, Jan. 22

Post by maryq » Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:28 am

Good Morning All

Boy it's a darn good thing I looked at the calendar by my desk... I'm so mixed up on days!! I was sure my DDS appt. was Wednesday, but it's really Tuesday!

Suzette... sounds like you might need a little extra coffee this morning.. oh and DO be careful with the rotary cutter. Sorry to hear your DH is having such a hard time getting and accurate sleep test. Hope they can figure out a way to help him soon!

Lois.... I too saw your little Elephant!!! SO cute!! What a darling baby quilt that is. In all this fabric all over my living room there is some that would be so cute for that pattern!

Judi.... Congratulations to Liam.. Is this just his last tournament, not the last game of the season! I bet you will be glad to get home to your own bed after the last week or so you've had with the kids!!

Diane.... As I've been sorting through all this fabric, I've run across a few pieces of Andover.. I always think of you and the fabric that Andover donates for QOV and I tell all my friends to support Andover! It's such beautiful fabric!

Maryz.... Thank you for all your caring suggestions! I'm going to ask Katie next door to help me keep an eye on things when somebody comes. Now that I know my DDS appt on Tues and Not Wednesday, I might set an appointment for then. I'm getting to the point where I just want it OUT of here! Kris and Viv came yesterday and helped sort and price--which was a HUGE help! Viv is buying about 3 tote boxes full!!! What's your ETA for home?

Velda.... Oh please sew something today!! For me! I haven't been able to even flip the switch on my machines and I'm getting hee-bee-jebbies!

Valerie.... I printed out the directions for the Feb Lotto block and IF get a chance to flip the switch on the machine today I'm going to try it out! It's really a very cute block and I'm hoping we can get a lot of folks interested!!

Oh gosh, you guys I really gotta fly now... need a shower badly and I think Kris and Viv are coming over soon to help tidy up my stuff!!!

Have a great day everyone.

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Re: Sunday, Jan. 22

Post by WeSignificant » Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:53 am

Judi yea!
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Re: Sunday, Jan. 22

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sun Jan 22, 2023 9:17 am

Good morning and happy Sunday. It will be a chilly but beautiful day again today.

Jerry is still sick and will call to make a doctor appointment tomorrow. Hoping he can get in. He just isn't breathing well and his back hurts, he uses a heating pad just about all day long. He sleeps in his recliner because laying flat he can't catch his breath. And of course, he is looking up his symptoms on Web MD which, while informative, can also lead you down a rabbit hole. I won't admit this out loud, but I sometimes think about how I need to think about my life without a husband. He is often sick.

Jerry has decided that since he isn't up to being the chief cook and bottle washer that I am now in charge of the kitchen. I went through both freezers to see what we have and what we still need. I found so many leftover "tv dinners" that he had made up from past meals. We will be going through them first then I will cook actual low carb meals. He will either get healthy or go on a diet. I may just rearrange the cupboards and put things away how I want them.

Yesterday my dad and stepmom picked me up and we went to the cemetery where my ancestors are buried. Someone went through that cemetery and knocked over quite a few headstones. We, along with others, were checking on their kin. My great grandparents have a shared headstone, and it was knocked over. Thankfully most aren't broken just knocked over. That cemetery dates back to the 1800's and the white engraved marble stones are so old. The jerkhead is in jail. Times like this I wish we still had the rope and Oaktree justice, but sadly we are a very long way from that. Too far away in my opinion.

Today I am going to sew. I say that every day and end up being distracted, I'm hoping for no distractions today.

Suzette, sorry that DH's sleep test didn't work. When I first started using a mask I had trouble with it. It took at least a week of sleeping in my recliner using the mask until I got used to it. I hope he is able to get relief from his sleeping issues.

Maryz, happy travels. Where is your next stop? I do get the daily emails from QIAD but only on my phone. They don't show up in the email for my lap top or tablet. Not sure what that is about.

Valerie, the quilt quit you posted is beautiful. I have a Batik kit in my sewing room that is a bear paw pattern, I've had it forever, it's on my one day list. Glad you have February all figured out. Funny how the same pattern can be made and because of the slightest measurement can be off. I'm glad you are having me practice my skills, you are also helping me lessen my scraps. I have plenty so if you keep it scrappy I have a chance.

Kathy, my mom and I haven't spoken in so many years. Long story and if I told it, you would only hear my side, she also has a side. I have, the last few years, sent her a birthday card and Christmas card. She hasn't sent cards to me, but I will continue to send them. It costs me two stamps a year to either have her finally want to make amends or to dig her heels further in the sand. The ball is in her court, and I have no control over the situation, it's in God's hands. I pray you and your sister can work it out. Some people you just need to love from a distance.

Flo, I also recently got my hair cut. My goal is to get mine to all one length, so it was pretty much a very needed trim. I'm in for enchiladas. My grandma used to make hers with corn tortillas using just cheese and onion. Enjoy your family dinner. Nice that the kids like their version of dinner with the parents.

Maryq, Hope all the fabric sells and you are free from the project soon. The more I read about the job you are doing, the more I am thankful I have learned to say no.

Judi, yay for the win. I bet the smile on his face stays there all day.

If I don't get dressed I won't get started so here I go. Have a glorious day.

Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Sunday, Jan. 22

Post by auntjana » Sun Jan 22, 2023 9:32 am

Good morning!

Y'all are still the only ones that can hear me. Still no voice.

It's snowing outside and makes everything pretty again. Albeit, roads do get slick, but I am not going anywhere.

Michael is making my breakfast, eggos , that's about pushing his limits in cooking. LOL!

My 49ers play later and I am dressed for the game - jersey on!


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Re: Sunday, Jan. 22

Post by WeeOne » Sun Jan 22, 2023 4:20 pm

Jana, hope you're better soon. BTW, I won't be cheering for your 49ers...GO Cowboys!!

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Re: Sunday, Jan. 22

Post by WeSignificant » Sun Jan 22, 2023 5:12 pm

I'm with you Jana! Go Niners!
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Re: Sunday, Jan. 22

Post by zfatcat » Sun Jan 22, 2023 7:05 pm

Jana, I know you are doing the happy dance.

Kathy, you can't change the way you're sister is, so just move past it or it will become a very negative part of you life that will bring you down. Focus on the positvie.

Chriss, Web MD can be very unhelpful. If I look anything up, I'm usually going to die, because I have all those symptoms. lol Hope he starts to feel better soon. It can be a drain on you emotional state when someone is always ill. What a bummer about the cemetery. Glad the headstone wasn't broken.

Judi, congrats to Liam. I bet you are one proud grandma.

Lori 8-)

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Re: Sunday, Jan. 22

Post by auntjana » Sun Jan 22, 2023 7:57 pm

Yes, happy dance here!

Judi- congrats to Liam and his team. My Logan sent us all into stitches laughing at his description of a hockey game. Everyone chasing and fighting over the last oreo cookie! You need to buy Liam a great big bag of his own!

One more win by the 49ers and they play in the Superbowl, which happens to be on my BD weekend, again. If they make it, party at Jana's! Already put my order 8n to Aaron for brisket.

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