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Wednesday January 18,2023

Daily discussions.
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Re: Wednesday January 18,2023

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Wed Jan 18, 2023 9:16 am

Good morning beautiful ladies. The sun is shining, there was frost on the windows this morning and laundry is in both the washer and dryer. I have heat, propane and my driveway is drying out. It's a good life full of blessings.

No real exciting plans today. Laundry and sewing. I may, if the mood strikes, clean my ceiling fans, they get so yucky dusty and when the glass things over the light bulbs are washed, they are so pretty.

Lois, I think it was Keepsake Quilting or maybe Pineapple Fabrics who I got an email from this morning touting their wide back Wednesday sale. I don't know how much you have to spend to get free shipping but it is fun to look. Glad you found everything else you were needing. I'm also trying to not order online because I want to not use my credit cards.

Maryz, my grandma was born in El Paso. In going through her papers I found her birth certificate. She lived somewhere near the railroad tracks. Her dad was in prison for running alcohol. Enjoy the rest of your stay and safe travels

Diane, good luck with that quilt. Sometimes we just have a "dangit" moment as we sew. thankfully it is fixable

Judi, how cool to have those albums in order and no loose pictures laying around. I would love to get mine done, but it isn't likely to happen. Happy trip planning.

Flo, stop by here, I have black thread.

Tinab, I helped make the frosting for a wedding cake once. I was surprised that the recipe was lard and powdered sugar. Love a roast in the crock pot. We buy a roast and cut it up because usually one is too big for us. We get dinner and enough meat leftover to make taco's or enchiladas. I've never tried pizza sauce over the roast, but I bet it is good.

Valerie, We are supposed to get the last of the rain tonight. I am going to sleep right through it and when I wake up I will pretend it never happened, yep, complete denial. You are sounding better, hope you are on the mend and back to your old self very soon.

Velda, your neighbor will be so happy to receive that quilt, what a kind person you are to make it for her.

Maryq, no rest for you. It's so much fun to go through so much fabric. Get that coffee and get to it.

Sherry, glad the house buying and move will be done soon. I bet your son is excited to be in his new place.

Ok, time to start my day. Just got a text from my friend whose husband has terminal cancer. He has decided to quit chemo and just take advantage of comfort meds for the rest of the time he has. Sad, my friend will be lost and likely move away. But she has so much to go through and it will take her forever to pack and get rid of the stuff. She is also a quilter and crafter and a great cook and loves succulents and on and on.

You girls have the best day ever. Hope you stay warm and dry,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

Posts: 16093
Joined: Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:42 pm

Re: Wednesday January 18,2023

Post by auntjana » Wed Jan 18, 2023 9:55 am

Good morning!

Oh so pretty out my windows! One of my favorite color combinations, blue, yellow with a touch of white. The sun is shining brightly over the white snow, with lots of blue sky showing up as well.

Today is cello run with Ethan. A good thing we are in between storms. Another one later tonight, with more snow.

Feeling better. About the worst left is my eye watering constantly. Hope that stops soon.

I have laundry running, and need to change it.

Stay safe,

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