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Thursday September 29th

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Thursday September 29th

Post by grammiequilts » Thu Sep 29, 2022 4:39 am

Good morning it is gray and cool 50s here, We had a good time in Frankenmuth yesterday and a good dinner at a mexican resturant. I got a lot of the kids ornaments bought and a few other gifts. prices were so high this year I didnt get a lot of other shopping done...Trees were pretty but not in my price range.
I have a few chores to do and I will sew on some table runners today, as gifts,
This weekend is Applefest here in our small town...I probably wont be going to it much. They have moved much of it to the other end of town and I dont walk as well as I used to. (Arthritis) so I may not see as much if it as I used to. I didin't even buy any mums this year. I did put the fall decor out in the house and a wreath on the door.

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Re: Thursday September 29th

Post by FlorenceM » Thu Sep 29, 2022 4:53 am

Morning Judi and all to follow.,
Finished front forsythia bushes yesterday! Niw going to start bushes in back yard. They aren't as bad.
Joe getting close to finishing tile floor in old guest room. When done, my sewing room will be moved into there, and my current sewing room will be new guest room. Very exciting!
Have a sew great day

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Re: Thursday September 29th

Post by fabricgirl » Thu Sep 29, 2022 4:56 am

Good morning Judi,

Today after cleaning we are going shopping for a new mattress mine is 12 years old and we need a new one I've been looking on line and already I don't like what I'm seeing then again those have to be bought in person what ever happened to the mattress that you could flip so it wore evenly :lol: .
Well will go see what we can get :lol: .

Judi I'm glad you had a nice day sorry the prices were high but at least you had fun.

Well thats all the news here hopefully I will find te to do something in my room
Everyone have a great day.

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Re: Thursday September 29th

Post by velvet » Thu Sep 29, 2022 5:27 am

I hope everyone in the path of IAN and its fury are finding safe haven somewhere. The damage done is heart-breaking. I hope the fatalities are zero but I think there will be some. So many people did not leave. Today we'll take all precautions here in Myrtle Beach. Anything outside will be taken in.

Believe it or not--my machine that I ordered Monday was delivered to the store yesterday. Heavy, heavy. Weighed a ton in 2 boxes. What a pain in the butt putting the table and setting the machine in it. Hubby was a little "annoyed" and it took hours. Today he'll try to get the electronics set up. Fingers crossed.

GRAM--prices for everything is going sky high. Milk here for a gallon is almost $4. How can young families deal with this?

FLO--enjoy your new sewing room. It is nice to have your new quiet space. You are always so busy helping others.

LOIS--We rotate the mattress every daylight savings time change. They cost to much. We also change the batteries on the smoke detectors. It the easiest way NOT to forget.

Hubby's scan came back with a nodule in the bottom of 1 lung. They will scan again in 1 year. Anyone with info on this.

Be safe

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Re: Thursday September 29th

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu Sep 29, 2022 6:03 am

Good morning,

JUDI - A bad day at Frankenmuth still has to be a terrific day! Our long-time Christmas shop here in G.H. closed this year and it was a good one. I am so bummed! Sorry they moved the Applefest without consulting you.

FLO - You are like Sherman's March on those forsythia bushes! And soon you will have a new sewing room to set up! That will be much more fun!

DIANE - great to have your new machine. I didn't Google it as some here did. Is it a quilting machine and frame? They can be a headache to set up but you'll love it, I'm sure! How much of the storm is expected to hit your area? Later: Edited to say now I've Googled your machine. You got the sit down table? And the 19" throat? I see many hours of fun for you!

LOIS - good luck mattress shopping. We bought a double-sided pillow top Springaire mattress when we first got married. For $750. (30 yrs ago). One side was for spring/summer and the other for fall/winter. It was heavy but we could flip and turn it with the seasons. It was so comfy! But after 30 years we decided we should get a new mattress and last year and went in person to shop. We bought a locally made brand for $1200 and it has no pillow top (we were told they don't make them any more) and it doesn't flip (they don't do that anymore either). It already is worse than our 30 yr old mattress! I don't know how the cat stands it! Anyway, the sad moral of my story is to shop very carefully. If you can, look at Consumer Reports.

LORI - a lizard in your house? Did it just wander in or did Kitty help it? We live 3 miles from our Costco. Sometimes we go several times a week. My sister laughs at me and asks if we've ever thought about moving closer to it.

KATHY - I would definitely consider something for groceries other than what you've been doing. WM doesn't seem to be able to handle that. What about curbside pick-up?

CHRISS - How early was your neighbor's baby? You said 'due in December' but there are a lot of weeks in December. And those weeks can make all the difference. As a former NICU nurse I always want the details. Saying prayers.

MARY Q - I think I heard once that each fold, when folding the flag properly, has a meaning. I think it will be really special to David if he makes the frame himself. No rush about Christmas - you still have 86 more shopping/sewing days left! Do you have a trip to Alaska in the planning stages? Christmas, maybe?

JANA - I bet Karlie loves helping you decorate. She will probably go nuts at Christmas! When I was little, my sister and I would fight over who got to carry down the one box of decorations from the attic. There was only one box so often we usually carried it together or each carried it halfway. Then we fought over who got to set up the old mismatched, chipped Nativity set. (the stable was the gray shoebox we stored it in, tipped on it's side.) And of course, we kept rearranging it all through the season. :) You decorating with Karlie is bringing back a lot of memories for me. So what Does Karlie think about leaving her home, moving to UT, and now living with you? Does she talk about CA much?

Yesterday Bill was in the under-stair storage area wiring security cameras. To do this he had to bring out some of the Christmas totes. Two had all my Christmas clothes (yes, I have a whole Christmas wardrobe.) and linens. So, as long as they were out, I went through them and selected things I want to take for the Christmas season in Texas, washed, folded them and they are ready to go into the trailer. Then I selected all my favorite Christmas-themed mysteries to pack, too. After that, I started kitting up Chriss's Elf mug rug project. I plan to make 30 for Autumn's employees for 2023. Thirty. She had to have 30. Sigh. So I made 30 copies of the pattern on FPP paper, cut batting, backing, selected all fabrics. This will be a great project to play with this winter and probably through the year. Today's plan? No idea yet. I will wait and be surprised!

Happy sewing!
mary z

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Re: Thursday September 29th

Post by auntjana » Thu Sep 29, 2022 6:45 am

Good morning!

Funny you should ask about my pixie. She seems to love it here, but is having a hard time making a friend, especially at school. Karlie is doing well in all her subjects, except reading. She was a very good reader in California, but is struggling here. She has a large stubborn streak, and if she doesn't want to do something, she won't. Sandee is helping and we will get things up to speed and grade level.

Rained with thunder and lightning yesterday. Supposedly more of same this morning, then clearing. We need the rain, but not on Saturday, when Daniel is removing the driveway. No mud please!

Across to the north of us, a guy is building a new house. It's been a project for more than two years. Well, in the middle of the night, he's over there, inside hammering etc, waking up the neighborhood! Woke up Daniel several days in a row, so Daniel went over there and told the guy it was well past quiet hours. The guy stopped for a time, left, and then was back. So now the city -ie, the Sargeant on duty knows the problem. Seems as if the code enforcement officer, is a good friend, LOL, his name is Aaron! If the guy continues, after a first warning, on the second time, a stop work order is issued for a week, then if they persist, it can be a 30 day order and if again, the city can red flag and pull the permit. Don't mess with code enforcement! We are well connected! ROFLOL!

I have the little girls today. Gracie will be in school and Lila with us. It's a early day for Karlie, so Lila will have a playmate later. We need a Costco run this morning. Lila loves Costco.

The little kitty has decided I'm good for something. Food! I gave her a spoonful of tuna after dinner the other night. So now when I'm doing the dishes, kitty comes and parks herself next to me with the look, well, where's mine. Still won't sit in my lap, but seems to have her "staff" trained.

Well, better get dressed, my little girls will be her shortly.

Hugs and prayers for all affected by the storm,

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Re: Thursday September 29th

Post by maryq » Thu Sep 29, 2022 7:46 am

Good Morning Girls

And oh what a beautiful morning it is! Love these nice cool fall days!

Just a brief hello this morning as I need to jump in the shower soon. I have a Joann coupon for 25% off everything that's burning a hole in my wallet! :lol: :lol: So I'm going to scoop up my friend Peggy and we're going to run up to the closest one and have some lunch while we are out.

I'll be back tomorrow for sure... as I'm not leaving the house for a few days... and if you could see the messes here, you'd know why!

Enjoy your day!

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Re: Thursday September 29th

Post by KATHYSQUILTS » Thu Sep 29, 2022 9:25 am

Good Cool Sunny Morning..........

Hello! I'm I the only one having to sign in most of the time? I even click on 'remember me'. Today it was my pass word. I see if I let out a scream....it lets you in :D

The pictures of the devastation from Ian is hard to comprehend. It looks like it tried to wash south Fla off the map. all those islands south of Fla are destroyed. Saying prayers.
I have no Idea what to do first if something awful happened like one of the very tall trees fall on my house. I need to work on that.

I agree buying a new mattress was a disappointment. When I told him what I wanted he took me to the storage room in back. LOL. I saw one with very little extra padding but firm. I never thought to ask if it could be turned over. Also as a very short person I never thought about the height. I can hardly get my butt cheeks on the mattress when I go to bed LOL!!

Today is make mug rugs for SS. First need to find the patterns.

Love & prayers.........Kathy

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Re: Thursday September 29th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Thu Sep 29, 2022 9:57 am

Best morning ever!! My wonderful husband just made me some gravy using heavy whipping cream, bacon and almond flour. I poured it over some 90 second bread and added fried eggs. My all-time favorite breakfast. I didn't even miss the potatoes. It's good to be me.

Dad sent me our travel plans for November trip to NC. It will be an all day travel day there and an all day travel day home. The airport is 1 1/2 hours from my house and lucky Jerry gets to drive us both ways. On the upside I will be with my 80-year-old parents and able to help or, as the kid, do as I am told

Here's a tip. A friend of mine went to the airport, stayed in a hotel that kept her car while she was away. Her car got broken into and they got her address from her registration and robbed her house.

I have one zoom meeting today, then am wanting to sew. Each time I have attempted sewing it seems that I am interrupted and have to do something else.

Tomorrow I have to go to Sonora, a place I love, for a meeting then I get to hit the thrift stores.

Judi, your shopping and dinner sounds wonderful, Sorry the prices of things went up so much. Hope you find the perfect tree.

Flo, yay, a new sewing room and guest room. Do you get guests? We have a spare room but never have guests.

Lois, our mattress is very old too. We turn it but can't flip it. I put a foam piece, about 3 inches high, on top of the mattress and it helps. We did have to get deep pocket sheets, so the bottom sheet doesn't come up off the mattress. I've gotten Marilyn's mattresses and beds from Amazon, and she has been happy. They come rolled in a box and you lay them out for a day, and they puff up. Amazing.

Diane, sorry DH is having a time with your new machine. Hoping he gets it finished today and his annoyance will be a thing of the past and you can show him how wonderfully it works.

Maryz, I once thought of putting my summer clothes in a tote while I wear winter clothes and visa versa, but instead decided to go through my closet and get rid of the stuff I really don't wear. I now have empty hangers to fill. Yay me. Glad you love the elf mug rug pattern, and glad you named it after me, until you hate it then I hope you name it after someone else. I'm not sure when my neighbor's due date was in December. I see she has her parents at her house, and she is now home so I am keeping my distance until needed. I want to help but don't want to be "that neighbor" If she didn't have family all around her, I would likely be there. The baby is in a hospital in Clovis which is easily 1 1/2 hours away. She will appreciate the prayers.

Jana, Karlie will be up to speed and likely pass up her class, and she will make friends. It's new to her and she's still trying to figure it out. Too bad she isn't as quick as their kitty who clearly has learned where to go for tuna.

Maryq, hope you find lots of treasures at Joanns and have a marvelous lunch.

Kathy, Hopefully, if there was a storm strong enough to drop a tree on your house, you would have already been evacuated. Happy pattern hunting.

I need to go start up my meeting, I'm not even dressed yet but here goes. You all have a marvy day
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Thursday September 29th

Post by zfatcat » Thu Sep 29, 2022 10:10 am

Judi, an apple festival sounds fun. Maybe they'll have lots of places to sit and take breaks from walking.

Lois, I bought a mattress set last year and found out they don't flip them anymore. They do guarantee them for 10 years though. Just hang on to the receipt. I really love my new mattress.

Jana, who the heck works on construction in the middle of the night? Crazy people, that's who.

Chriss, what will you be doing in NC in November? I dislike the all day travel, but it's definitely better than driving all the way.

Maryz, I have no idea how it got into the house. Probably just wandered in. Molly isn't much of a hunter anymore, and when she is outside I'm with her. She used to bring them in when she was younger.

Diane, what machine did you get?

Well the boys and girls have been walked. Bill is playing golf and Jonathan is in Utah, so I took 2 at a time. I got my Holli Berry strips cut last night. So I might work on that today. Or maybe the Block Lotto.

Have a wonderful day.

Lori 8-)

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