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Monday September 5,2022

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Monday September 5,2022

Post by fabricgirl » Mon Sep 05, 2022 2:52 am

Good morning and Happy Labor Day,

We are suppose to be humid today I don't know what the day will bring.
Yesterday I finished my reindeer quilt I still have to get a back for it and some batting so I will look around in my sewing room for something to do after I finish cleaning it back up and putting stuff back again :lol: .

This will be my day I hope you all have a great day.
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Re: Monday September 5,2022

Post by suzette58 » Mon Sep 05, 2022 3:23 am

Good morning Lois and the others that follow.
The dogs woke me up at 1am to go out. Which I am glad they did cause it is raining here. We were going to power wash the house but if it keeps raining that won’t happen. Perfect day for quilting. I had to take out some of the stitching on the graduation quilt because the backing got caught in the stitching. But, that is what happens when you quilt a queen size quilt on a machine that doesn’t have a big throat space. Well, I am off to get another cup of coffee. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

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Re: Monday September 5,2022

Post by velvet » Mon Sep 05, 2022 5:40 am

Good sunny morning in SC

Happy Labor day! I think Joe and Fran will be over later in the day. Pat finished the LA on the twins (Fran's best friend from LI is having twin grandchildren) baby quilts. They came out so cute, the fabric is little colorful elephants and Pat did the quilting also using elephants. Today I'll sew on the labels.

Today I hope to sew the blocks together-the blocks are 16 1/2 inch. I have 20 blocks to sew together and hope I'll finish it off today.

Well off for much needed caffeine to start the day.
Enjoy the day.

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Re: Monday September 5,2022

Post by grammiequilts » Mon Sep 05, 2022 5:42 am

Good morning It is gloomy out there but no rain is predicted ( like that makes a difference) Ken is off this morning to a union thing where they get free hats and t shirt...they usually march in a labor day parade but there is no parade this year,,,,City of Detroit wanted way too much money to let them march ( traffic control and police use to do it)...so they have a little labor day get together at some park...I dont go it is ALL union guy talking about UNION stuff...it gets very political and we dont agree with the union politics...so I stay home and my sons and sister and ken ( all union members) go and kibitz with all the guys they know...and get their free hats and t shirts...
I actually got some sewing done and finished appliqueing the SG block....I need to add the block borders and that will be done...then a new project will start when I get home...It will be either Shermans march or Irish chain,,,whatever speakes to me...
I have the camper packed and just need to put the last minute things out there tomorrow morning We will leave about 10 and it is about 5 hours ride. I have the hand sewing totes ready to go too. computer and tooth brushes are last,,,That s it for me...hope your day goes well and you dont "Labor" too much.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Monday September 5,2022

Post by WeSignificant » Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:04 am

Good morning everyone and Happy Labor Day.

Didn't accomplish all my goals from yesterday. Just too hot. Supposed to get to about 104 today. That means it's really going to be hot at Chriss's. It didn't really cool off over night either so AC will be on early.

Put a pork shoulder roast in the crock pot. Will have pull pork sandwiches with cottage cheese and fruit for dinner. No oven/stove use today.

First thing on agenda will be to get back at my BOM. About 1/3 of a block done. Then I am not sure. May make a sample October lotto block. May start cutting my fabric for Sept 11 class. The girls in the know tell me there is a lot of cutting for this quilt.

Not much new since yesterday. Hope everyone has a fun filled day. Looking forward to fall!
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Re: Monday September 5,2022

Post by auntjana » Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:31 am

Good morning!

Starting off as normal around here, hot! But that's OK. It won't last long and then we'll head down the slippery slope heading to cold with a touch of the white stuff.

Didn't make it down to the Batt Cave yesterday. That's second on the list, after some breakfast. I'm hungry today and no idea what I want.

The kids are heading out to explore the area, so it will be quiet. I need to change a patch on Kate's uniform to her rank of Advanced EMT.

Last night as we went to bed, kitty was no where to be found. She has a locator tag to help. The kids were looking, but no kitty. So as we were in our bedroom, out she came from her hiding place, under our bed, acting like, what were y'all worrying about. Silly kitty!

Do fun stuff!


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Re: Monday September 5,2022

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:37 am

Good morning,

JUDI - I'm excited that you are going camping! What are you going to do today? I'm going to guess sit out in your fiver and work on hand sewing! lol! Glad you don't have to go to the Union picnic. No offense to all your family, but that sounds kind of boring.

SUZETTE - If you can't power wash the house, I guess you'll have to settle for sewing!

DIANE - babies are great! Twins are double great! Are the quilts the same but different colors?

LOIS - congrats on getting your reindeer all rounded up! What do you plan to use for the backing? I can't remember what I used for ours - I think it was black/white plaid flannel, but I'd have to go dig it out to be sure.

CHRISS - You and Moose have a lot of fun together! Scottie and I would love to play with you - but not in 100+ degree heat.

LORI - swimming and puppies - what a great day!

KATHY - I figured it was the battery. What you described sounded like ours does when the battery is low. How long have you been in your house now? Those firemen always take their big truck everywhere. I think they have to in case they get another call. Hope your phones get squared away soon. I think enjoying the cooking show with Kimberly is a great thing to share together.

VAL - I would be terrible at doing a BOM class or project. I don't like messing up my room for one block, then put it all away only to get it all out again in a month. When I start a project, I want to power through and finish it before starting another. I rarely work on two things at same time. Lotto blocks are the only exception to that. I think I did my Joseph in a medium brown grunge fabric.

JANA - we didn't dare leave anything in our mailbox. We live close to a high school and our mail was frequently stolen. We would find it tossed in the ditch down the road. Once a lady from another neighborhood brought us one page of our financial statement that she saw someone stuffing in HER mailbox. Every holiday we would mail out cards with $5 bills in them to the grandsons. The kids knew holidays were great times to find cash in mailboxes. Our grandsons told us later they never received their cards. We finally got a locking mail box and eventually a Private Mail Box at the UPS store 2 mi away. We no longer receive mail at our house.

Yesterday was a quiet day here. I actually had time in my sewing room to make a sample block for my motorcycle quilt. I'd doing a modified Monkey Wrench block to surround the panel I bought. And it's going to work! How about that! In the evening, while sitting on the deck, Scottie started crazy barking. I looked out on the lawn and saw a coyote quietly slipping into the back woods. We made sure Foxy got locked inside for the night. Today is my sister's last full day here. Not sure what we have planned. She is going to do laundry and ready their fifth-wheel to roll and I might make some more motorcycle blocks. I'm going to make homemade pizza for their last supper here.

Wishing us all full bobbins and the time to empty them!
mary z

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Re: Monday September 5,2022

Post by maryq » Mon Sep 05, 2022 7:48 am

Good Morning Girls

It's another "sweatpants" morning, but is sure to warm up later! But I'm sure loving these nice cool mornings with windows open and sun shining!

Lois... You finished that reindeer quilt already!! It's kind of cycle isn't it.. clean-sew-clean! Sometimes I have to admit I skip the "clean" part and go right into sew sew sew mode!

Suzette.... ANY day is a perfect day for quilting... but even more so when it rains and you don't have to be doing outside chores! Can't imagine doing a queen size on regular machine.. you are brave!

Diane.... You are feeling all back to normal? Have you noticed any lingering side effects from Covid? OH what fun... twin Grandkids!

Judi.... You excited to finally hit the road ... Just you and Ken right? A little alone time? Hope you have wonderful weather for your trip! There must be a quilt shop or two you can stop at along your way!

Valerie.... Did you get your ramp all fixed? Oh my gosh.. 104??? I wouldn't even stick my nose out the door, but stay inside in the AC.. It almost never gets that hot in Minnesota--thankfully! Do you have the "dry" heat they talk about? I watched the tutorial for the Sept. Lotto block yesterday and might just have to dig out some fabric today!

Jana.... I'm so not a cat person, but they can sure be funny! The cats I have known all so have their different personalities. And no I don't want one! Congratulations to Kate! Is the "Advanced EMT" from taking the tests etc she just did.?

Maryz...Sorry I didn't get back to you night. By the time I got home I was exhausted! Holy Moly A coyote right in your back yard? Don't they like little dogs for lunch?

Had a great fun day with KC yesterday, and I think she did too. We went out to lunch at a great Mexican place, wondered around a Goodwill store, went to Joann ( I was a girl -- all I bought was some stabilizer and embroidery needles) then to Walmart so she could get her favorite ice cream and I could get printer ink! It was a long day and boy did I crash when I got home. Stopped up at her apartment and it looks so nice! My work is done! But I told her we would do lunch again... before the snow flies.

Today I'm doing laundry and cleaning up my place and hopefully going to be able to turn on my sewing machine... one or the other if not both and get some things done. Laundry is started, so that will run in the background all day too! This afternoon Shawn is putting ribs on the grill so I'll head down to his house for supper!

For now.... it's time for more coffee, throw some water on face, drag a comb through my hair and get to work!

Wishing you all a marvelous Monday!

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Re: Monday September 5,2022

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Mon Sep 05, 2022 9:06 am

Good morning. It's, of course, going to be hot today but there are so many clouds in the sky that it might just sprinkle. It will likely dry way before it hits the ground. I'd really love to see 5 inches of rain. We should see 105 today.

Want to laugh? Jerry is watching a you tube video on how to open the tv remote so he can change batteries. Not sure why the remote is so difficult to open but apparently it requires instruction. He just said forget it and I picked up the remote and opened it. My title is safe. I'm still the remote opening champion. My secret, turn the remote around and push it from the top instead of pulling it open from the bottom. And now that the remote is open we are out of batteries. No matter how much he rummages around the junk drawer they just aren't there.

Valerie, I like that BOM. It's a neat pattern. Different from a basic sampler. I'ts cool.

Maryq, sure isn't a sweatpants day here. I've even thought about moving anything with sleeves into a dresser drawer. so I could add more summer tops.

This morning I need to update my calendar. Now that I am retired I must have a calendar to tell me where to be. Thankfully my phone tells me what day it is so I know what date to look up on my calendar.

I will be in my room right after breakfast, join me, it will be fun.
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Re: Monday September 5,2022

Post by Quiltmom » Mon Sep 05, 2022 9:53 am

Good afternoon all! No mowing for me today. It rained yesterday and today it may rain but very windy and "crappy" out there so will wait until tomorrow or Wednesday. Today will just fold laundry and load the dish washer. Leverage is running a marathon today on ION so will probably watch some of that. Smoke and Sweetie have been fed and back to sleep already. Now that I am feeling so much better hope to get out and go somewhere this week. Been so kept in by all this Covid that closed so much and then when they opened I got it. May-be will go to Fort Wayne this week and eat at Cracker Barrel. Haven't done that in a long time. John has a J-V football game next Monday that I will go see.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day and stay safe.

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