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Saturday, August 13th

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Saturday, August 13th

Post by suzette58 » Sat Aug 13, 2022 2:17 am

Good morning everyone.
Somehow I managed to sleep until 4:30. It feels wonderful. The graduation quilt top is finished. I thought that I had enough fabric for the backing but I don’t. So I have to order some later today. I have a new project to start. A baby quilt for our niece and her new baby that is due in November. I am going to use Tula Pink’s Alice in Wonderland fabric. I like to make a baby quilt a little bigger so the baby can use it a little longer. Well, I am off to get my second cup of coffee. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

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Re: Saturday, August 13th

Post by fabricgirl » Sat Aug 13, 2022 3:18 am

Good morning Suzette and all who follow,

Yesterday was a good day we went to khols I had to get some new bras and that was great because I had a 30% off mine are always 40.00 but I got them for 13.99 each.
Although I could only find 2 in my size but thats ok.
I don't know what the plans will be for today but I thank God that the aughfull heat left.
I was in need of some new blade my supply diminished so I was on facebook saw someone was advertising titanium blade but I went on Amazon and got 10 for half the price as the ones on fb so they will be here today.
I have been looking at background fabric for the giant snowflake but I haven't found any yet so on goes the hunt

Suzette congrats on finishing the graduation quilt also the new baby in your family.

Well thats all the news here everyone have a great day.

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Re: Saturday, August 13th

Post by grammiequilts » Sat Aug 13, 2022 4:08 am

Good Morning,,,it is a bit dull out there today we expect some rain...DD will bring the doggies over this morning and that will be my lot for the week....walking and caring for them. Our son is up at at our other sons place for the weekend, and Chey will head up to the lake with DD and family..today.
I will do some housekeeping and probably clean up all the painting sypplies from the basement. Ken should be done with the trim today. I might get to spend some time wuth my sewing. I am half done with the number of planned hexis. Some one asked how many i can do in an hour...If Im sitting here listening to a book I can do 50
in an hour, I precut the pieces and have the papers counted on to piles..Glue basting is fast and easy...I use the Sue Daley Method. there are many youtube videos.
Well I need to get dressed and get coffee. hope you day is full of things you want to do...XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Saturday, August 13th

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Aug 13, 2022 4:48 am

Good early morning,

Between the coyotes, the owls, and the dog, Foxy and I are having a hard time getting a good night's sleep lately. I finally called it a night and got up at 3:30. I'm not a daytime napper but I'm sure I'll be nodding off in front of the TV tonite.

LOIS - Your snowflake WOW idea is a good one for your Aspen. But I also think white Fairy Frost by Michael Miller would look good. It isn't metallic but it shimmers like moonlight on snow. I love Fairy Frost and use it for 'snow' in applique and landscapes.

SUZETTE - congrats on finishing your quilt. Bummer about the backing being short. Anyway you could piece scraps from the front to make an interesting back? And what fun - a baby quilt! I also like to make them bigger. They are great for tummy time on the floor and to move into toddlerhood.

JUDI - a great tradeoff - girls for dogs! Dogs are much easier. lol! I have one queen hexie quilt I did. Took me 12 years by the time I did all the hand quilting, too. I used my mom's old quilt frame which took up half of our family room for many months. I think my hexies were 1.5 " on a side and my quilt used over 2,000. I have another one under way and it looks like it's going to take me another 12 years! lol! I watched Sue Daley's tutorial you recommended and learned a few new tricks! Thank you! I love all kinds of handwork - hexies, yo yo's, embroidery, cross stitch. I even used to do a little thread crochet, snowflakes and such.

LYN - that is interesting about Curt's illness. I've never heard of it before, but then most of my patients were under 5 pounds. I'm glad his doctors caught it! What sort of surgery would he have to have? That is too funny about your kitty visitor. Minnie might not have approved however!

CHRISS - I'm glad you got some play time yesterday. You know what they say - all work and no play makes Chriss an unhappy girl! Does Moose keep you company in your sewing room? Scottie often lays next to or under my sewing table. Sometimes he lays on top of my foot pedal and starts sewing! Foxy is often in there, too, since that's where his food dish and his basket are.

MARY Q - that was an amazing article about your friend collecting school supplies! Something to make God smile. I'm not sure He's doing much of that these days. Sorry your DIL has Covid. Two of our friends told us yesterday they have Covid. They don't know each other and we haven't been with either one of them for at least a week, but just shows the risk of infection is everywhere. Yes, the hoards start arriving Monday afternoon. More on Tuesday. Nobody needs a tour. We all grew up here. Though they might like to drive around and see changes. Like our parents' farm which is still intact, wooded areas that are now shopping centers, and housing developments that used to be pastures. I think Bill is going to take the guys to the Flight Museum in Seattle. I'm taking the girls for pedicures and thrift shopping expeditions. We're taking one day to drive up near Mt. Rainier to see our brother, Albert's family. And no, my sister's don't quilt so I feel my stash is safe. They are much happier receiving quilts from me than making them themselves.

Yesterday was a marathon of grocery shopping - two stores plus Costco. But we're set! I think. I hope. Maybe. Today I'm going to do laundry and maybe rake some dry leaves that have fallen out around our patio and firepit area. Every day I try to hit my sewing room for a little while. There's no rush to get my project finished though. I won't have much sewing time until after Labor Day, and the quilting frame, with a quilt already on it, is covered and pushed up against the wall, for the duration.

It's the weekend! have fun!
mary z

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Re: Saturday, August 13th

Post by FlorenceM » Sat Aug 13, 2022 5:04 am

Never made it here yesterday. Yesterday started off busy and kept going til midnight. Started off making a dash 15 minutes from here to help a neighbor with the rv they bought for their youngest to live in. The toilet valve was leaking. Joe made a quick repair of it, but store to get part was 30 minutes from there. Get home and DDIL came over with kids and brought lunch. That was very nice. About 5 pm as she was starting to pack up to go home, DS called. His semi broke down when he was on his way home. In order for him to get home, she had to drive up to Kansas city, 3 hrs north of us. Joe and I kept kids, and she was off. They got here just before midnight. My hoyse is a wreck, I am tired, but everyone is fine. DS truck had a total computer fail. Will know Monday if they will repair it or replace his truck. He drives for Crete.
Coffee is calling

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Re: Saturday, August 13th

Post by auntjana » Sat Aug 13, 2022 6:30 am

Good morning!

Another perfect day approaching, more rain! And I will be in the Batt Cave sewing.

We went out last night, just as Costco was about to close, needed milk and a few other things, then over to Winco to finish off my list. While we were out, Sarah called and she finished her shopping trip,, a new car. You don't bring home a new car anymore, you order one. Her new Highlander will be here in 3 or 4 months. I hope. It's very similar to my Highlander, hers will be a midnight blue and have a bench seat, instead of the captain chairs. She has the little girls quite often, so that makes more sense for her. She is very excited to get a new car.

POTD, love that Maryq, will be finishing my Halloween bench pillow and start the Candy Corn quilt. I forgot, silly me, that Santa brought me a whole ton of machine embroidery thread and there's a black one in there, which I need.

My grandfather clock arrived and is , as Michael says, installed. It's a fussy thing on how and where it sits, so it won't be moved. Daniel is attaching the earthquake strap to it today. All my tall furniture is attached with earthquake straps to keep them from falling over. We do get earthquakes here in Utah, and it's a hold over from living in California all those many years and many earthquakes! I am now on the hunt for a new Christmas tree. Still a 9 foot tree, but what they call, a skinny tree. I have a perfectly good tree now, but it is big. We'll see if I find one I like.

Everyone is still asleep, so I will stay quiet,

Enjoy the day, you get August 13, 2022 only once, make the most of it!


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Re: Saturday, August 13th

Post by WeeOne » Sat Aug 13, 2022 7:31 am

Happy Weekend!
SIL, Curt, did go home yesterday. Not sure what the next step will be. I knew he would be sleeping, so didn't try to call. Talked with Amanda when she got off work, but she was busy making supper so didn't talk long.

I'm still feeling fine. DD1 called yesterday and asked if I had seen the CDC update that came out on Aug. 11th. I hadn't, but she said they are backing off on requirements.

Didn't get much done on branches yesterday, I had to make some calls first and time got away from me. Today temp is going to be 82° with a heat index of 90°, high altitude so closer to the sun I guess. A quick cup of coffee and I'm going outside.
Hug some fabric.

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Re: Saturday, August 13th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sat Aug 13, 2022 7:51 am

Good morning. It's going to be another wonderful day here in sunny Cali. We should see 100* today and be 107* by Tuesday. Yay us. Thankfully there really isn't anything on my calendar so I don't have to be anywhere.

Today I am going to go to town and have a covid test. Not sure if I have the side effects of the shingles shot, the flu or covid. I think it may be the shingles shot but I have also recently shared a car with someone who got covid. Thankfully I'm vaccinated. I'm also thankful that the shingles two shot series will last me for the rest of my life. Now I see monkey pox and polio are going around.

Since I will be in town I might as well check out the SPCA yard sale. With all the donations people have made for fire victims the SPCA has an abundance of stuff and is having what they call a cart sale. Fill a shopping cart for $20. The spca is smart, they now have a jar with a slot in it. They don't give change. And they don't touch money. So if they say you owe $8 and you have a $10 you can either stick the $10 in the slot and not get your $2 in change or you can forget it. There are a couple of other places that have received donations for fire victims. Amazing how a community can come together when they need to.

Suzette, so glad you had a good nights sleep. Any results for DH's sleep study? I love Tula Pink fabric so bright and colorful.

Lois, what a bargain on the bras and blades. hope you find your fabric for the snowflakes, what color are you going for?

Judi, sounds like you will have a quiet day. Since Ken is doing the trim does that mean the basement is done? Remember when it seemed like it was going to take forever? Happy dog sitting.

Maryz, you are going to have so much fun when everyone arrives. what fun to all get to spend time together. I've never had a pedicure. Nice to have the grocery shopping done.

Flo, dang girl, you didn't stop yesterday, hope today is much calmer.

Jana, yay for the clock being installed. Didn't know they had earthshakes in Utah. We rarely feel the earth shake here. I've heard "the big one" will have San Francisco floating in the ocean. hope you find your tree. After Christmas last year Joanns had many on their website as did Kohls.

Lyn, so glad Curt is home, hope his treatment is quick and easy. They are lowering requirements here too, except in doctor offices where you still have to wear a mask. I have to attend an in-person meeting on Monday where a mask will also be required. Maybe I will make a pretty mask for my meeting Monday. Guess that cat on your porch was expecting to be invited in for a treat?

I will be playing in my room today. Not sure what I will be doing, but I sure won't be bored.

You girls have a groovy day
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Saturday, August 13th

Post by maryq » Sat Aug 13, 2022 8:14 am

Good Morning Girls

This is a "chat and dash" as I promised KC that I would come over today. Don't think I'm even going to take a shower and try to be pretty, as I think by the END of the day I'll need another shower.

I did manage to get one quilt almost Viv ready, but just need to find the backing... I know I have something it's just a matter of "where did I put it"!!! Sometime while Viv is here we may run over to the fabric warehouse, so I can pick up something there I'm sure. I now have 27 more pencil cases made and I think maybe 15 more to put together... that's tomorrow's POTD.

For now I better run... I'm hoping that this will be the last trip for a while... I really need/want to have a week where I don't have to leave the house! Though next Tuesday I think will be the day to take the DGK's back to school shopping. They are always so busy it's hard to find a day they can squeeze me in! :lol: :lol:

Will see you all in the morning!

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Re: Saturday, August 13th

Post by KATHYSQUILTS » Sat Aug 13, 2022 8:28 am

Good Sunny Crisp Morning,......

This is not a complaint just a nice fact it was 68* in the bedroom when I woke. Slept great!

Chriss......a empty the house cleaning sounds like a heavenly idea. A few months ago I looked in to a total house by a professional company only $900. But the idea sounded so so good.
I like my cleaning child..lol..she's just too young 25 to have much cleaning experience. She moved from her mother's house to her boyfriend's mother's house. I'm helping her learn.

Suzette.......happy you got some sleep in there. It always amazes me how much better I feel with some. I love the TP Alice in Wonderland fabric, perfect for a baby.

Lois.......Good score on the bras! I hope the backing fabric search goes a well.

Judi........looks like your family is going all over the place. Hope the doggies behave for you. 50! in 1 hour I'm very impressed.

Maryz........I can see you sneaking in a little nap today after that night. I saw Rainier on a nature show yesterday, beautiful. Enjoy your day. I use Best Press for ironing....but it's a sticky build on the floor.

Flo......OMG you sure had a busy day. Hope today is calmer.

Jana.....good for Sarah. I wish her many happy safe miles in her Highlander. I bet you new clock is beautiful. May it always keep good time. Mine ticks nicely, chimes nicely but not so good at keeping time. :lol:

Lyn...keeping Curt & his family in my prayers... Please feel free to come here we are in the 70s all day & dry too.

Love & Prayers........Kathy

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