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SUPPER CLUB - Monday, Aug 8

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SUPPER CLUB - Monday, Aug 8

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon Aug 08, 2022 5:31 am

Good morning,

We are certainly rolling through August! Almost 1/3 of the way. My DS and DBIL will arrive here one week from today. My other sis and DB will fly in the next day. Then it will be bedlam for a few weeks. We are mostly ready - I need to make lists, shop, cook, freeze, and push the LA to the wall and blow up a borrowed air bed for the younger sis, Teese. But for a few more days, my time is my own. And yesterday I spent most of it in my sewing room, a little outside running the tractor for Bill while he worked on his dead tree, and then a few hours on the deck with a good book. Today - more of the same! The only thing on our calendar is milk delivery.

BECCA - so wonderful to see you post! I'm saddened to hear CA is still in so much pain. Is it still shingles (I know it can last for many weeks) or is it his regular pain? Is he able to be up much? Have you gotten the shingles vaccines? I pray things ease up for you both soon.

VELDA - what a good way to spend your Sunday - catching up with your family! How long will it take you to finish that last purse?

CAROL - You had such a great time at the quilt show! That quilt you described, I wonder how much of her life is tied up in that quilt? What a project! Sorry for the vendors that the crowds were skimpy, but nice for you to not be in such a packed place. I've been to Houston twice and you have to push your way through the people. So - you said they revealed the gender of the baby at the baby shower - but you forgot to tell us! Are we thinking blue or pink?

Our last Boondockers gave us some blueberries they had picked and also homemade pesto. Mmmm..... So I just this minute took blueberry muffins out of the oven for breakfast and tonite we're going to have pesto pasta. Yum!

I hope your supper is YUM, too!

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Monday, Aug 8

Post by QuiltGram8 » Mon Aug 08, 2022 6:48 am

Good morning, Maryz. What an awesome time you will have with your family! It will be busy and hectic, but making memories. I love it when my family gets together.
Blueberry muffins.... Yum!!! I need to get my breakfast.. I am through with coffee for the day!
Love seeing Becca post. Sure so sorry for all they have been through.
The purse usually only takes a couple of afternoons at the sewing machine. All depends on how much I devote my time. Sometimes I only sew for about a half hour, sometimes it's most of the day.
I have another purse planned as a gift to a friend who gave me three of her really nice cowgirl hats. Might wear one of them again Wednesday night to show her how much I love them.
We have three dances this week. Won't do much cooking here this week. I sure love those steak burgers from the Schwan's delivery. Lyn buys from Schwan's, too. Years ago when we still had the house up north, I bought from them regularly. Now that we are settled in our condo, I saw the truck one day here in our complex, so I went over to the truck and told the driver that I was interested. So I am on the list again. We can order on line and get free delivery right to our front door. High quality items. A bit pricey, but well worth it for the convenience and high quality.
Tonight we go to the restaurant on the way to the dance "Pizza Man". I think I will actually have some pizza this time. Just sounds good today.
Well I need to hustle and get breakfast before it gets too late!
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Monday, Aug 8

Post by zfatcat » Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:53 am

Mary, It's a lot of work getting ready for company, but I bet you are excited to see them all.
It will be nice for you all to be together. I love fresh blueberry muffins. I bet they are yummy. I've made them with honey instead of sugar and they are just as good.

Becca, so good to see you post. Sorry CA is in so much pain.

Vel, sounds like you have a full week.

I'm about to head out for a walk with Jack. Then I will be working on my Christmas swap wagon. I read the pattern a few times and I'm going to change a few things on it to make it easier. Jonathan is heading out on a trip up the coast today. I think he'll be gone a couple of weeks. He has no definite plans.

Dinner will be leftovers.

Have a lovely day.

Lori 8-)

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Monday, Aug 8

Post by auntjana » Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:57 am

Good morning!

Got a short minute before breakfast so came here.

Dinner will be the broccoli cheese soup, broccoli needs to be used. Plus I am in the mood for it. There's still a bit of taco fixings as well. Odd dinner, but we need to use up food.

I got most of the Halloween bench pillow done. Just one last applique to add. It runs into the pieced border, so you had to add that first. I said it was a learning curve and one applique had two different files to make it. I was off just a tad on placement of the second one, you can see it, but on a galloping horse running down the hall, at full speed, it will be OK. I am going to load the two I have done on my LA today, so when Kari is done, I will quickly quilt them. I am going to start the Candy Corn quilt from Kimberbell. First reading the all the instructions and then labeling each fabric in the kit. It's done in squares, so I won't have registration problems. Karlie loves to be my helper when I am sewing.

Mary- the Rock'n Z will be jumping shortly. Yummy- blueberry muffins - a favorite of mine! I used To buy the Duncan Hines Bakery style muffin mix, but they changed the formula to make them healthier, which in doing wrecked the flavor and the muffin! Oh well......

Vel - enjoy the dance and pizza! I too measured my phone when I made my totes/purse. I also 7se a magnetic snap to hold the pocket closed. Just to be sure it didn't fall out.

Lori - the quilt show sounded wonderful! Quilt vendors are disappearing all 9ver.

Carol - So? Pink, blue or both? Twins?

Becca - so good to see you! I know the computer corrected your spelling, but it gave me a good laugh at "children salad", knowing it was chicken salad.

Well, my time is up,

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Monday, Aug 8

Post by WeeOne » Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:41 am

Had Philly's again last evening. Since I had to buy 6 buns, I'm trying to use them up.

So good to hear from you, Becca. Sending prayers for CA and you, too.

All plans have changed for the week. You can read it over at Sew Ins. Short version, my DD1 text this morning that she tested positive for Covid. I saw her yesterday.

Dinner this evening will be a salad with Schwan's pre cooked grilled chicken on top. I have a package of lettuce that needs to be used and some other veggies.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Monday, Aug 8

Post by Quilter7 » Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:55 am

Good Morning Everyone,

I answered this morning and forgot to hit submit and Vel posted while I was typing. Oh well!

Maryz - My niece will be having a boy near the end of September. Your blueberries sound delicious! I love blueberry muffins.

Becca - So good to see you posting again.

Jana - Your bench is going to be well decorated!

Vel - Enjoy your dancing and dinner night.

Lori - Enjoy the walk with Jack. You have gotten a lot of quilting completed lately! Good for you!

Today I pick up my new glasses. I plan on sewing most of the day. I have a meeting at 5:00 PM on Zoom.


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Monday, Aug 8

Post by Becca » Mon Aug 08, 2022 12:26 pm

Hello everyone we had our afternoon shower today I had to go to town this morning early for errands & banking Things have lagged behind here I feel halfway caught up

Maryz CAs pain is both shingles and his other he has had for years much in his back neck & head
The Dr told me absolutely not to get the shot She said knowing you you would have shingles twice So no shot I am highly allergic to many shots meds & lots of other things Not in my favor but that’s just how my body reacts

Thanks to all for welcoming me back & the prayers We greatly appreciate them
Velda I used to love working at our Church rummage sales Lots of work too

Jana I caught my mistake & changed it Lol
Glad all your family is getting settled even Kitty

Lori Nice you get to work the quilt shows
Carol You are the busy bee with all your shows & meetings
Lyn I so admire all your talents Guess it’s like here If it needs doing you do it

Hugs to all
I stopped at farm stand Got me some fresh green beans They were so good for our lunch I added the leftover chicken salad

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