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Monday August 8,2022

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Monday August 8,2022

Post by fabricgirl » Mon Aug 08, 2022 4:12 am

Good morning

I'm checking in fast because I have to get a shower and get ready for the scavenger hunt so all the bags are already in the car and all I have to do is get the ice packs and put them in the frozen bags and hope to get in and out it suppose to be in the 90's .

Well I hope you all have a great day it rained for a little but not enough to make any kind of a diffrence.


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Re: Monday August 8,2022

Post by FlorenceM » Mon Aug 08, 2022 4:33 am

Morning Lois & all to follow
Lous have fun at scavenger hunt.
Yesterday we went to mass a a Vietnamese catholic church. Mass was only partially in English. But the mass is the same all over, just homily changes...it was outside in the shade with a nice breeze blowing. It was a Marian Days festival, so there were over 40,000 people there from all over the country. It was beautiful.
Today I will making more fresh marinara and hot packing it. That's a lot of work, but fun for me. Joe stripping guest room to prepare for ceramic tile on floor.
Have a great day

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Re: Monday August 8,2022

Post by grammiequilts » Mon Aug 08, 2022 4:51 am

Good morning Lois We had rain through the night grass is looking greener here. I too am dressed and ready for a scavenger hunt,,I use my own bags and pack them myself We scan the items on the phone they track and at the check out we just hold up our phone and it brings everything to the register fro payment. Sometimes the computer has the gal scan a few items to make sure they scanned, I pay and go to my car everything is already in the bags and ready to go...I can pack the items by catagory and it is simple. We also can order on line and they will deliver to the house for about $5 plus tip. If I did that I wouldnt leave the house...and I like to pick up my own stuff. I actually do not mind shopping,,
We got a good portion of the trim done and will move furniture doen next week...we have a bit of trim and the outlets to wire, We never went to order a recliner but that is for Ken and he needs to decide when and what,
I did work on the hexi s this weekend in my spare time...I belong to a EPP group and I asked how to calulate the number of 1 in hexis a quilt would need,,,,to my surprize it was over 2000 Might be rethinking the size of this quilt,,,I know it sounds daunting but they baste up very very quickly and sewi ng is a hand project you can do when sitting and watching tv, or anywhere...I see people in the drs office sewing them together and it is very relaxing if you dont let the size intimidate you. I have made 3 hexi quilts before and they are not hard,,,I actually worked on one when I had jury duty and was waiting to be called...
Basement is nearing completion Ken will wire up the outlets and finish a bit of trim paint and touch ups...these walls are SOOOOO crooked He had to do a lot of creative woodwork....but it came out so good...

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Re: Monday August 8,2022

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon Aug 08, 2022 4:52 am

Good morning,

Getting an early start to the day here. At 3:30 the coyotes started howling pretty close to our bedroom window. Scottie started barking and charging around the house, window to window, and the cat shot straight up off the bed and then disappeared. A lot of commotion, a lot of noise. But what woke Bill was me softly calling the cat. :lol: Now he and Foxy have gone back to sleep, Scottie is patrolling the house, letting out quiet little woofs, and here I am, wide awake, on the living room couch. Did I mention it's 3:30!?!?

I spent most of yesterday cutting brightly colored batik leaves. I have the mess corralled in my sewing room and I'm ready to make some progress on my "Autumn Jewels". I helped Bill a little bit with the dead hazelnut tree he took down, and by 2pm, I was packing in everything and took a book out to the deck with a glass of ice water. What a great day! We also loaded the calendar quilt onto the frame and I got a couple passes of meandering on it. Today - I will be doing pretty much the same thing, enjoying the lull before the storm that will hit later in the week as we make final preparations for company - shopping, cooking & freezing, final cleaning, and turning my quilting room into a bedroom with a borrowed air bed. But today is still a free day.

VALERIE - your morning glories are lovely! Thanks for sharing them!

SHERRY - good to hear you are improving. It's great that your son is bringing you groceries. I think the people who say, "it's just like a cold - no big deal", are the people who haven't had it! Get well soon!

MARY Q - so nice for you to see such a remarkable difference in KC's house. A great reward for all your time and hard work! No, our friends who broke down only live 7 miles from us. They were on a trip to SE Washington and then on to Oregon, visiting their two sons when their pick-up died. So Bill brought them, their 2 little dogs, and their trailer home to their house. Your pencil project sounds like another good deed - like making masks and helping KC. Are you putting zippers in them? And what kind of fabric are you making them out of? Do you need to line them with anything?

JANA - what a purrfect gift for your Michael! And all the family doing their part!

JUDI - when were you in Ireland? WE were there end of October, 2003. But it was close to the end of a 6-week, 10-country trip. We were tired and didn't have more than 3 days there before ferrying to England where we spent a week before flying home. The countryside was beautiful and so very green.

LYN - you and Bill both working on your trees! I'm helping a bit, but mostly by picking up limbs and running the tractor. Wish we were there to give you a hand. I have no idea what Gymkhana is but I guess something to do with horses? We have friends whose DGD does vaulting - trick riding on horseback, I think.

LOIS - what project is underway in your sewing room these days? Were you making a sunflower tablerunner? Did you finish your sparrows and your Spice Road? Good luck scavenging. We suddenly have many empty shelves here. It wasn't so bad earlier on but now, we go shopping with a list and come home with a list - of things we can't find.

SUZETTE - Did your DH get his new testing equipment? I hope the next time is the last time! How goes the graduation quilt?

FLO - how is your knee doing? That Mass sounds amazing!

It's going to be a quiet day here - I hope. We are done with Boondockers until mid-September. Our last ones left us some blueberries they had picked so I think I'll bake some blueberry muffins for breakfast.

A brand new week! Enjoy!
mary z

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Re: Monday August 8,2022

Post by auntjana » Mon Aug 08, 2022 5:03 am

Good morning!

I made great progress on my bench pillow yesterday. I have just one applique to do and it's a easy one. Good pressing and it will be over to the LA. I will get the two I have ready, quilted and then final assembly. Next up is the Kimberbell quilt, Candy Corn quilt. It's done in individual blocks, so it is easier. I have it as a kit. So first, I'll read the directions.

Not much else here. Just need to do laundry and wash a sticky kitchen floor. Kitty is being persnickity, just what a kitty cat does! We added three more fish to the collection, algae feeders, so the tank will stay cleaner. They are tiny, about a inch long. So the are now 6 fish.

Karlie wants a Baby Yoda backpack for school. None to be found, so Kari is looking at ordering one online. If not, Grandma to the rescue- I can download a embroidery program with said Baby Yoda and make a patch - attach a keyring, so we can hook it to the zipper on the backpack. Good idea in my book. When the next fancy strikes, we can add or change out as needed. I don't want to run heavy backpack fabric in my machine, so this is a alternative. We'll see - Karlie can be as persnickity as the kitty!

Enjoy the day, even with it being a Monday, it's great!

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Re: Monday August 8,2022

Post by QuiltGram8 » Mon Aug 08, 2022 5:23 am

Good Monday morning. Today I will be helping with set up for church rummage sale. Also want to work on the purse for my sister.
You all are so busy. Hard to keep up with everyone. Scavenger hunts, travels, hexi quilts, trimming trees, go, go go. WOW! What a busy bunch of ladies!!!
Not much here. Time to get my shower and second coffee. Also I need to fill the Hummer's feeders for the day. It has become and "every morning" event now. They are feeding fast and heavy. Not time for migration yet, so not sure just what triggers their feeding frenzy??
Enjoy all your busy activities. Hugs and prayers for all.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Monday August 8,2022

Post by velvet » Mon Aug 08, 2022 5:50 am

Good morning to everyone

Packing the suitcase is done. We have to pack the carry-on with change of clothes and lap-top just in case luggage is "lost". Backpack will have meds and bathroom items. Now the worry is the delays and cancellations at Newark airport. From Myrtle beach to Newark 1hour flight, then a 3 Hour wait for the plane to Ireland. Can't wait for Wed. to be here.
I hope everyone has a bright day.

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Re: Monday August 8,2022

Post by maryq » Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:07 am

Good Sunny Morning!

Looks like it's going to be a nice pleasant day... not too hot.. so going to throw open the windows for some fresh air! Yippee!

Lois... Have fun on scavenger hunt! Do you go to a couple different stores for different things? Walmart is my least favorite place, but I'm head there today for some school supplies. Normally I'm a Target gal. There are a couple small grocery stores near me, and I go there for quick trip. I think the biggest reason I favor Target is the staff at my local store is always so friendly and helpful!

Flo... Kind of neat to experience mass in a different language isn't it. Did you know there are few different dialects of Vietnamese? I used to work with a lot of gals from that area and they call the dialect by color... blue, green, white .. I can't totally remember. We went to church in Mexico once and of course that was all in Spanish.

Judi... You do the "scan and go" I've never done that! I hate self check out when I have a cart full, don't mind when it's a few things... it can be quicker. Also take my own bags (if I remember) I hate WM plastic bags but Target has paper which I like too. Every time I go to Alaska and go to Freddies I buy a few of their re-usable bags... they are the best! Your basement is so so pretty, I bet you are anxious to have it totally done and ready to live in down there. Is there a bedroom down there? You could rent it out!

Maryz....Company coming this week? Sis from CO right? And who else? Brother from AK? I know you've mentioned but I've forgotten! :lol: Yup, my pencil cases have zippers... I have a shoe box full of odd zippers that I've been able to use. I think I bought them in bulk a few years ago. So far I've made 10 or so. Have more cut out. I'm using a light weight interfacing and a lining. I have to stay they are turning out pretty cute. Interfacing is on my list when I head to WM later this morning.

Jana... Your plan for the Yoda back pack sounds like a great idea!!! Gramma to the rescue! There was a gal on the forum years ago, Alina... she's given up quilting and only does embroidery stuff now, but some of her creations are so cute! She does a lot of zipper tags.. I see her on facebook.

Velda. .. When you help set up for Garage sale... do you have first pick of anything neat that comes in? :lol: :lol: If your place is like mine, there's no room for just one more little thing.

Diane.... From Newark... which airport do you fly into? Shannon or Dublin? We flew into Shannon and went around the whole country.. all the way to the top! You will have an amazing time and I think you have my cell number.... so if it doesn't cost you a fortune you can text me and I'll share an update!

Time for that 2nd cup of coffee and a shower... Heading out to WM, then back home to the sewing room. IF I can finish up the pencil cases today, then I'll be able to work on my Calendar quilt (finish the borders) or A Christmas swap quilt from years ago (add border) or any one of a number of UFO's that haunt my dreams!

Happy Monday!

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Re: Monday August 8,2022

Post by WeeOne » Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:26 am

The week isn't going to go as planned around here.
Yesterday I went down the Mtn to watch my DGD, Kaylyn, ride in some Gymkhana events. She did the barrel race, where they go as fast as they can around 3 barrels spread out in the arena. She took 2nd place in her group. There's another one called the keyhole, and I don't remember the other event names. But, before I got there, my DD1, Stacey, called and said DGS, Layne, was in a bowling tournament a few miles away. So, I went to the bowling alley first and he made it to the second round of games, but then finished in 8th place. He stayed to watch, and I went to the horses. It was great to see the Gkids doing what they love. It was great seeing my DD1, but I'm not happy with her text this morning. Last evening, she thought she was having an allergy attack from the horses and dirt. This morning she woke up still feeling that way, tested herself and she is positive for Covid. So, I've been exposed!!

I was supposed to take the MH to the shop this afternoon, so they could replace wheel seals tomorrow morning. Had a lunch date with a lady friend on Wednesday. Guess I will just work in the yard this week.
We take supplements to boost our systems, about to find out if they work.

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Re: Monday August 8,2022

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:41 pm

Good evening.

Kind of a crazy weekend here. And today was busy as well. Dad had cataract surgery today and tomorrow we go for his follow up. Hoping they will schedule the other eye sooner rather than later.

Wednesday we go for our second shingles shot, glad that will be done. And I have to figure out something for dinner with the parents for maybe chili cheese dogs? I think I am going to try to have dinner with the parents twice a week.

Judi, I'm also doing a hexi scrappy quilt. My hexi's are 2 inches and my quilt will be 9 feet long and not sure yet how wide. I have a zillion 2 inch charms cut and work on them here and there.

Suzette, is your husband using a CPAP machine to do the test? I found that if the hose goes over my headboard it helped me to not get tangled in it. If it helps, maybe he can use the machine and fall asleep in a recliner or on the couch? he wouldn't be able to toss and turn if he were more confined. I did my first sleep study in a facility. The second one was done at home. Hope it works out for DH, my CPAP machine is the best thing that ever happened to me.

Sherry, do you take Ensure or something like it? It might help to have the nutrition from it. Hope you feel better very soon.

Valerie, your morning glories are just beautiful

Hope you all had a great day,
Proverbs 4:11-12

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