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Saturday, July 16th

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Saturday, July 16th

Post by suzette58 » Sat Jul 16, 2022 4:54 am

Good morning everyone.
Feels funny for me to start the thread today. Not much going on here today. I am cutting strips for the quilt called Skyline Reflected. It is a graduation quilt for an old friend of mine’s grand daughter. Lots of fabric cutting on this one. I hope everyone has a great day.

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Re: Saturday, July 16th

Post by grammiequilts » Sat Jul 16, 2022 5:24 am

Good morning,,,,,Grandaughter arrived at 11 last night,,,,it was a joyful reunion and the girls were up till 230.....They were up again at 730 I am ammazed they havent stopped talking, or giggling,,,,its going to be a long summer. But a fun one. Our son (Chey's Dad) will be staying here while she is here too...
I I did cut most of the Shermans march out ( double checking the pattern several times0 and I am ready to sew but that might not be happening for a while. 336 pieces sounds like a lot but the little blocks it makes are cute....The pieced block is 8 1/2 inches. there are 42 of them...not a quicky for sure,
Lyn you an amazing woman,,,,Besides taking such good care of Gary you manage to get so much done...and managing 2 houses,,,I bow to your ability,,,
Suzette Yoour always busy making quilts for others do you ever make one for yourself...?
Well the girls are downatair getting donuts and milk for breakfast...( dont even go there) I asked to cook for them....I must go save my kitchen............Ken had to run up the the rink for defrost a freezer (?) then I will run to get paint,,,the painter will be here at 2 to prime the walls...Tomorrow he will paint and I havent bought it yet,,, On monday I will call the flooring guy to see if installation is still on track for the 3rd week of July..Phew! We have a anniversary party to go to at 4,,,,no cooking for me...Mike will feed the girls.....Tomorrow is River Lynns first birthday party.....another day of busy.....hope your as busy as you want to be,,,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Saturday, July 16th

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Jul 16, 2022 5:27 am

Good morning

I have no Internet this morning and my tech department is still sleeping. So I am making do with my phone

Suzette, we’re happy to have you start us off this morning! I will look up your quilt when my Internet comes back so I can see what you are working on.

Judy, you are on the go again today! And tomorrow! I thought your painter did the prime coat a few days ago. I guess I misread that or else he is late for work!! Once the floors are in will you be finished or is there still trim, etc. to do? Enjoy your girls! The visit will go fast.

Yesterday I finished piecing my table runner. I got the pattern from a book of table runners I ordered from QIAD about six months ago. It’s called autumn Garden. It took me three days to piece it but I do love it. Today I will add the borders, the backing, and maybe get started Quilting it. I’m still not sure if I’m going to use it for a table runner or a wall hanging. I have to climb a ladder and measure my wall hanging rod high up on my cathedral ceiling to see if it will fit. Bill loaded my Starbright yesterday. He is going to quilt it with a large meander with stars in it.

I will be back later when my Internet returns

Mary z

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Re: Saturday, July 16th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sat Jul 16, 2022 5:30 am

Good morning,

Yay Suzette for waking us up.

Judi, River Lynn is already a year old? my goodness time flies. Make sure to add a smooch from me. Glad the girls had a fun night.

Maryz, I will google that table runner, happy sewing.

Spent the afternoon in town for lunch with the parents and my nephew. On the menu were cold cuts and sandwich fixings, and pie for dessert.

Today I go to beautiful Fresno, California and get my oil changed. Fresno really isn't beautiful. It's going to be hot and I really don't want to go but it's either today or Monday and I want to get it over with.

I also plan to get to a couple of thrift stores. I need a white short sleeved t-shirt. I have two tank top kind of dresses that need to have something under them so I feel comfortable wearing them.

Hope you girls have a fun day,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Saturday, July 16th

Post by auntjana » Sat Jul 16, 2022 5:33 am

Good morning!

All went well yesterday. Daniel arrived safely and will be back on the road again today, heading back to Reno to get his truck and return the rental. Then here for the final leg of this move. Joseph, Sarah's DH came through his surgery with flying colors and is able to walk around. He's in a very stiff unbendable cast, but since there was no break, he can put weight on that leg. He is using a cane for extra stability. And in other great news, Matt's new car finally arrived! He placed the order for his Tahoe with a diesel engine, over a year ago! We had just about given up on ever seeing this new car, but yesterday he picked it up and it's now in his driveway. Michael's check up also was terrific.

Technology is wonderful too. After having little kitty go missing in the house, Kari got a new cat collar that has one of those Apple Air tags attached to it. Now we can track kitty wherever she goes. Kitty is attached to Daniel and boy did she come running when she heard him last night!

So sewing for me. Never made it down yesterday. It will be a nice warm today. Not the over 100's predicted. Maybe 90, but that's quite doable.

Have and do fun!


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Re: Saturday, July 16th

Post by FlorenceM » Sat Jul 16, 2022 5:46 am

Hot & humid here. Will water trees and garden then it's inside for day.
DDIL came over with kids and spent yesterday here, so no sewing room. Need to get in there today. Jean shorts to be taken in, and my 25 yr old puff quilt needs repairs. SJ tore hole in 1 puff accidentally. It's put together by hand, so will remove puff, repair if, turn over and put back on place. Should take about an hour. Then quilt will be put away til a guest needs it. After all that, adding side borders to quilt Chriss kindly posted pic of. I have extra batting and backing hanging on quilt, it's quilted but not trimmed. So after I make borders I will use stitch & flip method to attach it.
After seeing my list, or rant, I am tired and need more coffee

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Re: Saturday, July 16th

Post by suzette58 » Sat Jul 16, 2022 6:34 am

I do manage to make quilts for hubby and I. Sometimes it seems to me that I don’t. I was telling hubby the other day that I need to put some of them in the chest I have for my quilts. I may do that here in a few. Have a great day.

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Re: Saturday, July 16th

Post by maryq » Sat Jul 16, 2022 7:51 am

Good Morning Girls

Just another day in Paradise here! Hot and sunny, but in 5 months I'll be whining about cold and snow... so I'm going to enjoy this day!

Lots on my TO DO list today so I should probably briefly greet you then get to work!

Suzette... You must have been up super early to start us out this morning!

Judi... Do you have some ear plugs to wear in case the girls get a little carried away with their giggles!

Maryz... Do you still have company in your camp site? When is your sis and BIL coming?

Chriss.. Best to get that oil changed today.. .Monday can be a play day then.

Jana... See prayers worked! Daniel arrived safely and Joseph is doing great! To be up and around after knee surgery! AWESOME!

Flo...After that to-do.. I'm thinking you might need a couple of cups of coffee.

With my to-do list today I poured a LARGE cup of coffee! Going to take a quick shower and then start my chores. I sorted a bunch of the fabric I brought Home from KC's and man if I had a washing machine I'd be washing like crazy! There are a lot of pieces that I probably won't use, but I'd love to share. I'm going to send some to a gal that does charity quilts, but I'm thinking I might post a picture or two of some I have and see if y'all would like some. No charge... I'm not selling it. I have 2 beautiful OWL panels, but I'm not really into owls. I'm trying to find homes for some of this stuff locally, but I'd so much rather share it with you guys than take it to Goodwill/ or whatever.

Tom and Viv are on their way up from Wisconsin so I'm going to throw some dirties in a bag and head over to the kids house to do some laundry and visit while it's running. And with a little bit of luck I'll get the shelves up in my sewing room today!

Better get to getting!
Happy Saturday every one

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Re: Saturday, July 16th

Post by velvet » Sat Jul 16, 2022 8:32 am

Good close to noon day to all.

Rainy and dreary day here. I picked up a bolt from the lqs that was on back order for a while. Its from Practical magic by Eytda Sitar (laundry basket quilts). A beautiful background and will work with a lot of her quilts. 15 yard bolt but was ordered when the store had a 25% off, so it wasn't to bad. The price per yard was a little surprise--$14.79-- I better use it or my hubby will shroud me in it and bury me in the woods. LOL.

Izzy--I have the blue book from Laundry quilts also. I made MAZE and it fun to see it all come together. It was given at the "Women's Vietnam Veterans Day" in April. She was a nurse there and was so thankful- she had me in tears. I'm working on the trees blocks in different sizes for tablerunners and maybe place mats for the holiday. Now with the bolt above I'm on to Alaska in the brown shades. Loads of fun.
Enjoy the weekend

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