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June 16,2022

Daily discussions.
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June 16,2022

Post by fabricgirl » Thu Jun 16, 2022 3:25 am

Good morning Everyone,

It's suppose to be in the upper 70's today and some rain it's a cleaning day today so thats ok
Yesterday I finished my sparrow quilt and I might be able to hitch a ride to hobby lobby for batting and backing for it.
We also went to the scavenger hunt we have to go to 1 more store to finish up this gets a little ridiculous I'm so tired of all this 😴.

Well thats all the news from my neck of the woods.
I hope you all have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: June 16,2022

Post by velvet » Thu Jun 16, 2022 4:12 am

Hot Hot and sticky! Summer is here like everywhere. I feel so bad for those who have to work out doors.
We are going to VA. for a week at our time share. My DD and DSIL with the girls will meet us there. Fran and I have been making and freezing meals, this way we don't have to cook when we are there.

I need an address to send my lotto RWB blocks. Please PM to me.

Need to start my day.

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Re: June 16,2022

Post by grammiequilts » Thu Jun 16, 2022 4:14 am

Good morning up dressed and the bed is stripped...Ive been putting it off but today is laundry day...and bathrooms. Lois I hear you. I am now looking at the sale pappers and I dont see any brgains anymore...Fresh stuff is more of an issue till the farmers markets open up here,,,we have 4 in the vicinity but none are opened yet. I do need veggies,
I did cut and piece the table runner now will search for a battingscrap to put in it. Might have to run to Joanns...coupon in hand,
Counter tops are bought, sink is ordered...now to wait for the measuring and scheduling,,,Basement is ready for primer,,,,then paint, Steps still need to be done. but we are rounding third..Outside steps need to be done...but that will wait till late fall when it is cool and the cement guy is less busy.
Hope your day is cool and comfortable...we are not upset by the temps here but we cerainly are not used to 2 or 3 dys of 90s....yesteday the media was screaming and crying about the heat....cooling shelters and people dying left and right (toungue in cheek) it got up to about 95 and high humidity,,,,we survived the heatmagedon. today 91. Come on its summertime!!!!! I hate the news overreaction.

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Re: June 16,2022

Post by WeeOne » Thu Jun 16, 2022 5:20 am

Have a Great Day Everyone ❣️

Lois, bet your sparrows are cute.

Diane, hope you have a good time at your time share.

Judi, y'all are getting a lot done. I agree, the weather people really go overboard. Did it ever occur to them that temps were high 100 years ago, and ever year before and after that, too. Some people have lost common sense.

Fasting blood test this morning for me.
I want to Thank All of You for your prayers and support ❣️
Last edited by WeeOne on Thu Jun 16, 2022 5:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: June 16,2022

Post by mepeace2 » Thu Jun 16, 2022 5:21 am

Good morning all
Got my chores done early so here I am. I been up since 5 . Got everything fed. I do not need to water I got rain last night. I am debating on whether to clean house and sew or go work in large front jungle. I think the house wins. It needs parts cleaned and I need to work on my chickens. Nothing else is going on here. I decided, since my naturel curly hair is a pain in the summer time, to let it curl. LOL Why spend 2 hours fighting it.
Judi I am with you I dont find too many sales anymore. Usually Kroger has a good sale once amonth. I am now just buying weekly needs. Hopefully I find veggies on sale this week. I did get a zuccini from my garden
and some lettuce.
O Diane Have fun at your timeshare. I can tell you it gets to hot here to work outside.
Lois I am so tired of trying to find items I need. The scavenger hunt game is getting old. Right now its cat food.
Well I am going to get started cleaning. Maybe another cup of coffee first.
You all have a great sewing day

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Re: June 16,2022

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu Jun 16, 2022 5:28 am

Good morning,

JUDI - good to hear Sophia is hanging in there. August seems a long time to wait for such an important appointment. Did Ken finish the ceiling? You really are coming down to the finish line! Have you ever thought about not using batting in a tablerunner? I've used flannel scraps, which give a very nice drape, and also nothing. I actually like flannel the best for runners and toppers.

DIANE - have a good week! Smart to prepare those meals ahead of time.

KATY - I gave up on my hair, too. It turned from merely wavy to very curly as I slogged my way through menopause. No amount of fussing with it changes how it looks so I let it have it's own way now. In the immortal words of that wise sailor-man, "I yam what I yam".

LOIS - I hope you find all you need on your scavenger hunt. I like to keep canned mushrooms in my pantry and usually buy them by the case at Costco. But they haven't had any for about 3 months now. For the most part, though, our grocery stores are pretty well stocked here. But other kinds of stores have a lot of bare shelves.

CHRISS - I'm sorry to hear your walking buddy had to drop out yesterday for a bum leg. Scottie's walking friend, Duchess, has also been on the Disabled list this week for a bum leg. She is seeing her dr today.
Sorry you needed a full bobbin and I wasn't on top of it. I found myself in the same fix! With Chip in the hospital, Stitch has had to come off the bench and he uses smaller bobbins. I'm really running through them! One more sleep until Son-day! I'll be sure to wear my shades so the glowing pride won't blind me! :D

VAL - you are one busy, busy lady! I'm really looking forward to hearing all about your Starry Night class in August. Have you been looking through your booklet at all? How is Dad feeling?

BEV - there is a lot of talent residing in your household!! I feel like I'm in the company of Stars! 8-)

MARY Q - You are such a good person! But beware! I went to visit an acquaintance once who was near the end of the line with pancreatic cancer. The next week, I stopped by again. And suddenly I found myself there 5 days a week/ 6 hours/day, helping with care, and anything else that needed doing in the house. This went on for 5 months. And I told you what happened to my sister. It's so easy to get sucked into some people's lives. You may have to start setting limits. Perhaps there are groups or agencies you can contact to help your new best friend. Though I admit we sure haven't had any luck getting help for our neighbor.

LYN - relieved no aneurysm was found. I hope the other issues resolve easily and quickly. And YES! We've had some interesting camp visitor experiences. One we still laugh about - We were camping in a neat place in Austin, Nevada. We had a great view of the valley below, a thunderstorm was coming through the valley and we were all set to sit under our awning and watch Mother Nature put on her show. The hosts came by about then, started talking, and talked and talked, standing in our view, and pretty soon the storm was over and we missed it. Sigh. THEN they looked kind of sideways at us and said they thought we might be interested to know that there was a nudist camp about 50 miles south and they could get us in! :o :shock: :lol: P.S. We didn't take them up on their offer. Another time a guy traveling alone came and sat down at our picnic table as we were eating supper. We were in the land of lightening bugs and again, we were looking forward to an evening of watching this unique (to us) phenomonen. That guy didn't leave until about 10pm. By then the bugs were all gone. And he left us with a creepy feeling. The lock on our camper door was broken so we slept with a ball peen hammer between our pillows than night. And next day stopped in a town for parts to fix the lock! And we've never seen lightening bugs since.

I talked with Cindy yesterday. Two days ago was her wedding anniversary. Tomorrow is her shoulder surgery. June 17th is Don's first death anniversary and July 9th is his birthday. These are tough times for her and she could probably use some prayers. Her surgery will be on her left shoulder and thankfully, she is right handed. She will have her sister with her for a few days, then her DD. And she said if she still needs help, she will ask Sue.

Yesterday was chiropractor and day before was massage. And my whole self is feeling so much better! I settled down and got my Irish Chain top finished and the first inner border on. Today I'll start working on the Seminole border. That's my only plan for the day, but I'm sure other things will come up. I've had my eye on the laundry hamper . . . .

May we all, especially CHRISS, have full bobbins today!

mary z

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Re: June 16,2022

Post by FlorenceM » Thu Jun 16, 2022 5:33 am

Off to hospital for bone density and liver scans. I have these every 2 years . Liver scan new, doc 0 % worried. I had my blood draw for oncology check up 2 days after surgery and doc thinks liver still processing anesthesia from my system. Worst part is it's fasting, so no coffee til I get home! I see oncology twice a year, so doc being careful.
Other than that 95 today with high humidity....I will be staying in!
Gotta run.

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Re: June 16,2022

Post by auntjana » Thu Jun 16, 2022 6:32 am

Good morning!

We got another thing done on our checklist for Count Down to Daniel. We need, have to, move the old dresser that our printers sit on, downstairs. It's something that has been in the idea stage for years. But now has to, so we have a place for a bed for Karlie. We started running the CAT 5 cable, back before Michael got so sick with putting the original idea to work. Now, we are on a deadline, so Sarah was over and helped Michael trace the wires to the home panel and will terminate all the connections so we can make the move. We have all the pieces parts, so it just the final steps. After all these months, Michael is still struggling with many after effects of Covid. Good thing, Sarah knows how to wire, as well as my boys, as they are great helps.

So, I played with the Kimberbell pattern, Main Street bench pillow using my embroidery module to do embroidery as well as the applique work. It's a very new learning curve for me. The first block turned out beautifully. Sans one little thing. I didn't peel the protective cover off the glitter fabric ,
thinking to do it after the machine stitched in into place. A bit too thick under the stitching, so lesson learned. Today I will do another block. Kimberbell did a great job of programming the embroidery, all the threads cut nicely and didn't leave jump threads between areas. I like their patterns, so far! You do need to follow instructions step-by-step, though. I also have the Orange Pop ruler set for squaring up the blocks, that Kimberbell uses. They are another learning curve, but this old dog is trying to learn a few new tricks! I tell myself, it's only a small piece of fabric, some thread, and time, if I really mess it up, so that the block ends up in Acme Landfill and I make a new one. So if you have embroidery capability on your machine, you may want to try patterns using it.

We are getting warm again here. We dropped waaay cold for a couple of days, now back up to roasting levels. The scavenger hunt here isn't for groceries, it's concrete! There's a huge shortage of what is called , short load availability. The big housing builders are taking every single molecule of cement to build their stuff, leaving nothing for anyone else. This is causing a hiccup in my yard plans. Not to say, a headache and no income for the small, independent companies that do work, like driveways, sidewalks and patios.

Well, it's time to get dressed, and be useful here, that is fed Michael.

Hugs, and many prayers for all in need,


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Re: June 16,2022

Post by Quiltmom » Thu Jun 16, 2022 7:17 am

Good morning all! Sadie went home yesterday so Smoke and Sweetie slept really well last night. Sadie went nuts when Rob walked through the door yesterday. She missed her daddy. Today is laundry day. Need to strip the bed and wash the bedding also some in the clothes hamper also. It is supposed to be hot again today in the 95+ range so will stay inside after I get back from the store. Need to get a few things.

Need to go through all of your posts also. I see several people are in need of get well and thinking about you cards. Have a good and safe day everyone.


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Re: June 16,2022

Post by KATHYSQUILTS » Thu Jun 16, 2022 7:17 am

Good Chilly Damp Morning!

I finally got the flower boxes planted. I could not believe how dry the potting soil was. It wouldn't except the water. It must have taken an hour to water it a bit at a time.....I'll do it again to day. I planted Begonias.....red with red leaves & white with green leaves.
On Youtube I saw a woman make a Hummingbird bird bath out of a bucket, a plastic plate & a empty soda bottle you also a solar run pump for the water. I'm going to try it out.
I hope the lawn man comes today.
The rest of the day will be a few uglies in the kitchen. Then cleaning off the sewing tables.

Love & Prayers...........Kathy

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