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SUPPER CLUB - Wed, May 18th

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Wed, May 18th

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed May 18, 2022 6:04 am

Good happy morning!

We got Autie married off yesterday, even though X-finity was working on the cables out on the road and took down our internet 10 min before the ceremony and didn't bring it up again until it was all over. I was so angry! We had to take Bill's cell phone outside for best reception and huddle around it to join the Zoom reception. And we kept fading in and out. But it's done. :D The kids are taking a few days to travel up the Calif coast to Monterey before heading back to TX.

I also had time in my sewing room. I've been working on the 25-patch "A" blocks in my Irish Chain. I have 12 more to do today. Than I can start on my "B" blocks. Loving this project! But first, I have a chiropractor appt and then we are off to Costco. I'm getting a new confuser!! It's on sale on-line, but they say some warehouses have it in stock, too, so we're going to check out the store first. If they don't have it we'll come home and order it. Yay!!

CAROL - Yes, I agree, Malala is a remarkable person. I'm happy to hear how well her life has moved forward. Does she live in UK now? What did you think of the thread painting?

BECCA - Taking a break from the yard? I am almost - not quite - done with ours.

LORI - when are you leaving for Chicago? Even though it's for a sad reason, it will give closure to your DH to have his finally parents together again. And you will get to see your Cubbies play in their own house!

TINA - So glad to see you back! Thoughts and prayers are still with your family. I hope your sciatica improves soon. Stress makes everything worse.

VELDA - Your flowers must be doing fairly well if you're out watering them! Any seeds up yet?

JANA - I'm glad everything is getting better since the accident. Including the cello. Is Ethan back in school? Your yard will be so pretty when it's all done. I'll be looking for you at Costco this morning!

We were going to have orange chicken yesterday but lunch ran very late since we were "at the wedding" (and didn't even get a piece of cake!) So we ended up having eggs and toast instead. So I guess we'll have that orange chicken tonite, though Velda mentioned tacos . . . . We haven't had them in a long time. I think I'll run that by Mr. Bill.

Have you decided on your menu yet?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, May 18th

Post by Becca » Wed May 18, 2022 8:02 am

Hello everyone sunny here today
Been a little cooler this week

Maryz Glad you got to see the wedding even if it was small picture May they have a happy life & be blessed by a precious little baby
No My yard work went by the wayside due to HBP the pain drives it up The yard man can finish I only have about 1 hr left nothing pushing I have had to take it easy until this TGN settles down

Tina So good to hear from you Sorry your Sciatic nerve Hope it gets better soon Praying for your family Hard on little ones They don’t understand

Lori Hope your trip helps your DH with closure Enjoy your game

Jana So glad Ethan’s instrument is ok

Carol sure you are busy with something

Velda My seeds haven’t sprouted yet It’s late to plant them but maybe they will fill in

Maryz I really enjoyed making the double Irish Chain for my DGS I also made a baby one of course the babies are always the most fun
We have grilled pork chops left I will add garden peas and a salad for me. Becca

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, May 18th

Post by auntjana » Wed May 18, 2022 10:37 am

Good morning!

Mary - happy you got to participate even if it was a small screen! Traveling up the coast to Carmel and Monterey is a beautiful trip. The famous bridge on Hwy 1 is redone and open.

Becca - your yard must be gorgeous! You put lots of love and time in it.

Didn't do Costco this morning, that will be tomorrow's adventure. We pick up Ethan at school this afternoon for Sarah and shuttle him over to where we get our hair done. Sarah will then take him to his private cello lesson.

Dinner - I will see what is lurking in the freezer. I know I have some banned. Salad fixins too. Something easy.

Our weather is beautiful and hot! Over 90 today. Haven't heard from Aaron yet today. Sarah is out chasing areas that are future sod deliveries. The other day, a client gave her a area to drop a load of sod. Sarah looked at the address, and said no, I won't drop it there. Find a new spot. The original spot was the railroad tracks! Good thing Sarah pays attention to what's around her.

I am growling at the car dealership. They still have my Solara. The part needed is still not in and we are stuck until it does! Oh the list of excuses they are trying to pass off on us.

Daniel is packing up his stuff, readying for the move. He called the other night to see where they can put an above ground pool. Easy answer, Sandee's house. Sandee has a large backyard and a large area not landscaped. I did remind him that we are in a drought too. Silly boy! It won't be long until he's here. One plan is that he will still fight fires with his strike team in California. If his team is sent out on a wildfire, he'll drive to the fire and go in on the relief team. He makes very good money on the wildfires. The deployment is two weeks at a time. California is primed for a bad wildfire season. That boy is always thinking.

Well time to scoot,

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, May 18th

Post by gershwin64 » Wed May 18, 2022 3:11 pm

Hi everyone!
Mary, that's a bummer about your internet! What brand computer did you get? I had a Dell once, it was a total lemon.... never a Dell again for me. I really liked a HP I had once. The Toshiba seem to last need the longest.
I think you're right about making my sciatic worse Mary. I'm trying to practice calm. 💆‍♀️🧘‍♀️🛀🛌
Becca, I'm just doing light things in my yards early in the mornings, I just can't do the usual right now.
Jana, New Mexico is having bad fires right now, the drought is horrible. I hope your Daniel gets moved soon.
I'm still really queezie so I'm mostly just eating yogurt.
There's leftovers in the fridge for Frankie to eat.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Wed, May 18th

Post by zfatcat » Wed May 18, 2022 7:30 pm

Mary, we flew in yesterday. The service was this morning. It went well.

We visited with family most of the day after the service.
Tomorrow more visiting.

Dinner was chicken strips and fries.

Have a nice evening.
Lori 8-)

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