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Saturday May 14th

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Saturday May 14th

Post by grammiequilts » Sat May 14, 2022 4:38 am

Good morning its the weekend...I will head to the grocery store in a few...before the crowds..I only need a few things as we will be gone 3 days next week/
I am more than half way done with the windows and a little behind but all these bright sunny days are slowing the window cleaning,,,( oh Bummer) but they usually get done in time to close the house up becasue A/C is needed, It will cool down next week though.
It has been a little slow on the stitchers Garden quilt. The last 2 blocks had curves and circle sewing,,,had to relearn those then block number 4 is couching and I pulled out the decorative thread box to see what I have,,,,I do have a lot but now to remember how to do it,,,It calls for a couching foot and I doubt I have thst,,but I will watch the videos to learn this new trick, and see wht I have,
Well I need to get going before the stores get too crowded...I hear a train blocking the road also so I need to take the longer route We are surrounded by trains here,

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Re: Saturday May 14th

Post by fabricgirl » Sat May 14, 2022 4:50 am

]Good Saturday Morning Everyone,

It's suppose to be 72⁰ by afternoon with rain
today I will work more on my quilt and maybe go out and seek out a new store a couple of towns over but thats only if Bill wants to venture out and if not no big deal.
In the advertisement she mentioned she longarms quilts so this might be worth checking out because my longarm person retired.
Well thats all the news here I hope you all have a great day.

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Re: Saturday May 14th

Post by WeeOne » Sat May 14, 2022 5:11 am

Wishing a Good Day to All ❣️
Judi, thanks for the link. That's a pretty Springy quilt.
Lois, hope your venture finds you a new longarmer.
MaryZ, the chain had to be replaced and surprisingly it wasn't too expensive.
Chriss, I think you asked if we are headed back to Texas. Not for awhile.
We are done at Newmar. We're leaving here this morning and spending the weekend in Shipshewana. Then we'll head for Guysville, OH, to pick up my Mandolin.

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Re: Saturday May 14th

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat May 14, 2022 6:23 am

Good morning

Lyn, Smart on your part to not try to use your slide! Glad that is fixed. Now I have to go to my atlas and look up Shipshewana to see where that is in relation to where you are right now. Happy travels!

Cindy – congratulations on your retirement! I wish I could’ve been there to help celebrate! And now, for the next chapter…..

Lois, I hope you find a good long-armer close to you.

Judi- I almost forgot about your little trip coming up! But it’s going to be a lot of fun. I guess this is the purpose of stitchers garden - to learn or in your case, remember, how to do all those fancy things.

Chriss, well now I want to know what brand iron you bought, what patterns you bought, what you found at the yard sales, and were there any good books at the library? Our library quit having used book sales. Now they just have a spinner rack in the lobby and another one in the library itself. They say they can make more money that way and don’t have to put on the sale

Mary Q, I have no complaints about my Oliso iron. But other than it stands up a little legs, I don’t see that it is any different than the $25 irons I have had. We will see how long it lasts…. And yes, we are double vaccinated and double boosted. So we don’t expect to get sick. Plus Bill had it in January so should have a supply of antibodies. And I was cooped up with him in our trailer for two weeks while he was sick but I still tested negative so I figure we are good. But still, we don’t want to take a chance, however small, of infecting anybody else Just in case we are positive but asymptomatic.
There are so many scams out there now. We do not answer the phone unless it’s someone we know. And if I do, I never go to any website they say, never click on anything they say, and never call any number they say. If I want to double check a call I’ll look up the number of the business on my own. Also, I never say “hello“. Many of them have programmed that word into their scams to read as “yes“, which automatically subscribes you to whatever scam they are pulling.

Jana, so where was the little lost boy while everyone was looking for him?? Aaron‘s job is never ever boring is it.

Suz, what quilts are you making for your hubby‘s nephews? Last report I read you were finishing up fancy forest. Occasionally storms can circle around and hit you again. Once, not long after we were married, we were driving through North Dakota in our truck and camper. We drove through a terrible storm, outran it, made camp, got chairs out, campfire going, and the storm caught up with us so we got soaked again!

Flo, glad you caught those rogue HST’s.

SHARONA, sounds like you may have to take over training the puppy. I wish they came trained but alas, they don’t. The good news is most dogs are smart and eager to please, so hopefully she will catch on quickly.

Yesterday DH and I took Scotty to the bark Park for our morning exercise instead of our usual activities. It’s about 20 acres of fenced woods crisscrossed And encircled with trails. Dogs get to run free, Chase squirrels, play with each other dogs, fetch frisbees, and we get good exercise following him through the woods, up and down some hills, and across a couple little creek bridges. A good time was had by all! I got my buckeye beauty blocks together, a narrow inner border on and now I’m working on piano key outer border. But the weather was good enough to work outside and I finally got the one hardest section of the yard finished. Bill took the tractor out to the front woods and promptly got it stuck in mud. So we had to get the truck to pull it out. It was an exciting day so we decided to call it quits and built a fire outside.

Today my Autumn is eloping to Santa Barbara. It’s a long drive to make in 2 1/2 days. Their wedding appointment is for 1:30 PM on Tuesday.

I plan to finish my buckeye beauty top. Still trying to figure out what to make for my sisters king quilt. I was thinking of doing another BB, only larger. But I am tired of that pattern. So guess I will start looking again.

Happy weekend to y’all!!

Mary z

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Re: Saturday May 14th

Post by auntjana » Sat May 14, 2022 6:56 am

Good morning!

Yes, Aaron's job is never boring. The little boy just wandered away in his neighborhood and then wandered back. Yesterday, Aaron rescued a family that was stuck. Mama was frantic, but Aaron saved all the babies, ducks that is. It seems to be a very common occurrence here in Utah for the baby ducklings to fall through the grates on the storm drains. Aaron has rescued ducks before, out on the freeway. Today he is his day off.

We had lots of fun with the little girls and Ethan. Made a large pot of Mac and cheese and it disappeared! Then it was all smiles with the strawberry shortcake. I found a new toy for Lila at the store - it is simply stringing wooden beads together. Lila was making necklaces for everyone.

Not much else here. After breakfast, heading down to the Batt Cave. Michael's eye appointment went so so. He found out that he has two cataracts, what are called stage two. He was not pleased, but they will watch them. The numbing drops used in his eyes caused a reaction and that through him for a loop too. He seems to be better this morning.

Do fun stuff!


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Re: Saturday May 14th

Post by maryq » Sat May 14, 2022 7:17 am

Good Morning Girls

Oh how I love to wake up to mornings like this.... sun shining, a nice cool breeze coming in the windows... and so nice to be able to sleep with windows opens! I am a little disappointed tho.. my windows seem to be all nice and clean... so I have no windows to wash!

Judi... I think I'm going to have to google "couching" to see what it is... All I can picture is laying on the couch napping... maybe that should be a new name for accidentally falling asleep on the couch! :lol: :lol:

Lois... Hope Bill decides to go on a road trip with you. Sounds like a fun plan for the day.. and to check out a new quilt shop and LA'er... what could be more fun... oh except if there's a Fishing store nearby for Bill!

Lyn... Everything all fixed in RV? You do all the driving now or does Garry still drive once in a while? Every time I see I big motor home on the highway I think of you.. and this time of year in Minnesota there are LOTS of them!

Maryz... Now that I don't have a land line any more.. my cell phone alerts me to scam calls. But those scammers are everywhere and they find you. They think I'm a dumb old broad that will fall for stuff... they don't know me! Since it's prayer circle day, I'll send a little one to St. Christopher for safe travels for A & A... Are they having a photographer there so they can have some great pictures? I was able to download all of Jen's and there were some good ones!

Jana.... Have you ever made crock pot Mac and Cheese... I'm not a huge fan of M & C but this stuff was really good! and EASY. Call me crazy, but I like mine with tuna fish in it! I hope Michael isn't worried about the cataracts.... the surgery to correct is so easy-peasy!

I have my work cut out for me for the weekend... Went to visit friend at the Assisted Living. Her name is K C (it's really Kathy, but she prefers to be called K C. Anyway.... I picked up some of her quilts that Viv offered to quilt for her. Oh my goodness... they will be a bit of a challenge. Only a couple have any border on them, a couple need repair in the middle, one she has a piece of almost corduroy feeling fabric she wants on the back.. A couple are small so I may do them myself but the others I need to piece backing for and get ready to take to Viv's on Tuesday... Wish me luck as my good machine is in the shop! I feel so bad for this gal... of course she is nervous that a stranger is helping her, especially after she got ripped off by someone else. I did assure her that I will do my best and bring the quilts back to her. Her kids kind of left her at the Asst. place and she hasn't seen them for a year and 1/2. Her place is a mess with boxes still unpacked and stuff everywhere. I did manage to clean the kitchen and do dishes for her yesterday. Next time I go back I'll work on rearranging more of her fabric and other stuff. SO if you stop by Prayer Circle today.. think of me, I might need a couple little prayers too.! :-)

For now I better warm up my coffee, crank up my music and get to work!

have a great day everyone!

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Re: Saturday May 14th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sat May 14, 2022 7:48 pm

Good evening. It's been a fun day today.

Went to my quilt club meeting where I learned to make the Round Rosie Table Runner by Material girlfriends. Kind of an interesting pattern. I will work on it tomorrow after I clean my very messy sewing room.

Judi, you are way ahead of me on the windows. I've not done a window in a while. We will be going to Costco in the morning, if there is anything you have forgotten we will gladly pick it up for you. We also have the AC on here. 82 was the highest I saw today.

Lois, did you go to the new store? what kind of a store is it? was it wonderful.?

Lyn, happy travels. I saw a cartoon this morning that reminded me of you. A couple was traveling in an RV and the wife said, if the kids can't find us, they can't move back home.

Maryz, I likely missed it, why is Aut getting married in Santa Barbara? Moose is also a squirrel chaser. Amazing how fast he can run when a squirrel is the target of his pursuit. I bet Scotty had lots of fun and will remember his day for a long time. I also don't answer the phone if I don't know who is calling. It's crazy the number of scams out there and it's getting worse. The steam mini-iron was a SteamFast 727 from Walmart, used it today and love it. The regular iron I bought was a Beautural 1800 watt. My 1500 watt shark wasn't hot enough. Love the Beautural from Amazon. MSQ patterns that I bought were, Modern T, Forget Me Not (also bought the template) and Grandma Mae's Economy Block. And, since it was on clearance, I bought one called Road Tripping Art Quilt. Got free shipping or these items would still be in my shopping cart. Bought three books at the library sale. QIAD Radiant Star, not sure if I had it or not, A New Turn On Drunkard's Path by Mary Sue Suit and Lillebet's Garden by Beth Ferrier. At the yard sale I found a ceramic dome shaped thing that used to be part of a wind chime with our courthouse on it. Jerry and I got married in our courthouse. And a small plate with Amigo De Oro on it. He is the mascot for our county fair. My grandfather was one of the founders of our fair and one of it's fair managers.

Jana, mac N cheese and strawberry shortcake. You are the coolest grandma ever!!! No wonder the grands all want to come to your house. Heck, I want to come to your house. What a cool kid Lila is making necklaces for everyone. such a sweetie.

Maryq, KC will see that you are a blessing to her. Have you talked to the nurses at the assisted living place? I realize she told you her story, but I wonder if the nurses could give you more information about her situation. You are a very kind person Maryq, I'm glad you are my friend, except for that tuna fish in the mac N cheese comment you are a gem. I don't like hot tuna. In fact, if it were served alongside peas I would eat your peas and you could have my hot tuna. Deal?

The kids next door have a cousin who graduated college. They are having a party complete with a mariachi band. Really glad that my house is well insulated. With my AC and TV on I can't hear their music. But when Moose needs a trip outside I hear it.

Nothing else here. hope you girls had a great day,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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