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Tuesday May 10th

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Re: Tuesday May 10th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Wed May 11, 2022 6:21 am

Good morning. Today will be a great day. Not quite sure why yet but it will be great.

I have a zoom meeting today and am also going to sew. I also want to make a green salad.
Jerry will pick the lettuce and I will chop everything up. I love salad and it takes me quite a while to make one. I like my salad veggies to be small enough where I can fit multiple flavors on each forkfull. Silly and OCD, but it's one of my many quirks.

I watch movies on my laptop while I sew. Movies just aren't what they used to be. It's really hard to find a good one. So, the question is, what is your go to movie. What is the one or two that you will watch over and over?

Got home last night about 8:30. My appointment was at 4:30 but didn't start until after 6:00. When I got home, I fried up some eggs, Moose ate half of them, and I went to bed. Nice to have that behind me.

Judi, I agree, where is everyone? I opened up yesterday's thread and realized I was re-reading what I had read yesterday. Happy window washing.

Valerie, what crazy weather you had. We were cold, windy and cloudy but not a drop of rain. Sure wish all that hail was in my yard. We are in kind of a valley and it seems that the weather often passes us by.

Velda, Suzette posted a picture on her FB page that made me think of you. Two wild turkey's drinking from a humming bird feeder. The caption said something like, These hummers are looking rough this year. It was cute.

Lois, hope the seam ripping is minimal and the allergies go away soon.

Maryz, you are getting off of the air fryer band wagon? I have to admit, we used ours often at first and now not so much. It now lives on top of the fridge. It's a big bulky thing and I prefer an iron skillet, guess it was a novelty thing much like the pet rock. We get blackberries at a farmers market nearby. they are easily the size of something between an almond and walnut. Wish I had the plant that grew them that big.

This weekend, starting Friday, is a huge estate sale that I will be attending. So hope there are treasures for me to grab onto. I also need to take some stuff to the thrift store and the library book sale. And also I have my quilt group meeting where it is my turn to bring the snack. Jerry will make shortcake and I will get some strawberries and a can of squirt whip cream. Someone else is also bringing snacks but I have no clue what their plan is.

That's my story, think I am due to get dressed and get my day started, you all have a super day
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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