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SUPPER CLUB - Monday, May 9th

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Monday, May 9th

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon May 09, 2022 6:38 am

Good morning,

I hope everyone had a nice day yesterday. Bill made a fire outside and cooked breakfast on the campstove. Yum! Scottie hung right by the stove and all it's lovely smells while Foxy ran around chasing imaginary mice. It was a good morning. Then we made our video of our waltz and sent it to Autumn & Antonio ("Autonio"). That took us up to noon. I played in my sewing room a little bit and talked to Aut for over an hour. (they loved the video) She is excited/nervous to be getting married in a week. She is starting to pack for their trip - a fast drive to CA and then a leisurely camping trip back home to Texas again. They plan to see the Grand Canyon, Bryce, and maybe Zion. She said Antonio told her Utah is one of the states he would consider moving to, which surprised her. She'd never thought of it as a place to live. They do plan to leave TX but not for a few more years and they don't know yet just where they are going. Neither of them consider Texas their forever home but both are tied pretty tightly to their jobs as the moment.

I haven't made a plan for today yet, but might do a load of laundry. I might work in the yard if weather cooperates, and I'll, for sure, sew a bunch of 4-1/2" HST's and 4-P's for my Buckeye Beauty. And maybe polish the wood furniture. Our house could use a good vacuuming, too. We'll see what happens there.

JANA - I know your day with all your family was terrific!

LORI - setting up (and taking down) the quilt show was a lot of work, I know, but I'm sure it was just as much fun. So glad Jonathon was there to help.

BECCA - I hope you have some nice quiet days now to rest up after all the wild partying at your house this past week! :D You've probably told me, but what is "chow chow"? I can only think of the dog breed.

CAROL - you've had a lot on your plate the past couple of months. I'll be glad for you when life settles down and you can devote more time to whatever you want to devote it to!

VELDA - You've had a nice weekend for sure! Did you settle in for movie night last night? I'm in the mood to watch "RV" again with Robin Williams. I've only seen it, maybe, 5 or 6 times. But it's so funny. And we can so relate!

Well, I've had to retype this. I was ready to hit "submit" when Foxy walked across my keyboard and lost it all! That Darn Cat! (and there's another movie I'd like to see again!).

At least while retyping I came up with a menu - Yankee dip sandwiches with either coleslaw or fried cabbage & onions. And homemade applesauce for afters.

What are you having?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Monday, May 9th

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon May 09, 2022 6:49 am

purrfect-lady wrote:
Mon May 09, 2022 6:43 am
Here are a couple of pictures that are own Becca has painted


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Monday, May 9th

Post by Quilter7 » Mon May 09, 2022 7:22 am

Good Morning,

Maryz - So nice to have the dance video done before the wedding! Drop box is a wonderful thing!
You are so right. I have had a lot on my plate lately. I plan on "rewarding" myself with a solo trip to Disneyland tomorrow. I have no doctor appointments until May 26th with lab work the week before.

Becca - You are very talented. I love the bird. Glad you have it framed. Is it hanging in your home?

Jana - I know you enjoyed your family!

Tonight's dinner will be chicken, potatoes, salad and vegetable. I have a Zoom meeting at 4:00 PM to revise the business calendar and Standing Rules. Today I need to get some groceries and make a Target run for a couple of items. I am working on marking a quilt for quilting.


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Monday, May 9th

Post by Becca » Mon May 09, 2022 9:09 am

Hello everyone sunny here & I need to hurry Denise has been texting
I got laundry and chores done & lunch
Maryz Chow chow is a lot like pickles You cut up cabbage onions & then you add the sugar vinegar & spices I use green peppers instead of cabbage but true chow chow is cabbage based It’s a relish for beans & meat I haven’t made any in about 4 yrs now
Glad your video was a big hit

Carol Thanks for your kind words I do love to paint birds Yes it’s in my bathroom I give all my others away I did quite a few birds on rocks too Especially cardinals
Glad you have a get away to relax You have been quite busy with your job as guild president

I must get going on my walk We are having
Leftovers beans & cooked in butter potatoes much like potatoe soup with Beths bread
Have a great day to all. Becca

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Monday, May 9th

Post by QuiltGram8 » Mon May 09, 2022 11:53 am

Hi everyone. Mary, so glad you did the video for their wedding gift. What a fun thing to do. And fun for you to put it together.
Becca, wow what talent!! Gal of many skills. Thank Maryz for sharing.
Had fun this morning picking out flowers with neighbor. I helped her get them all planted and watered. I also got the ok to put flowers along the side of our condo. I will share a picture when I get that all finished.
Tonight we have a dance, so eating out tonight on the way to the dance (Pizza Man). Salad bar, spaghetti or personal pan pizza. Hmmm! What will I choose?? Or Something else?? LOL decisions, decisions!!!
Let you know later what I end up with. 🤗
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Monday, May 9th

Post by auntjana » Mon May 09, 2022 12:47 pm

Good afternoon!

Still mulling over what to fix for dinner. Last night's dinner was very yummy. I have plenty to choose from, just haven't figured out what I am in the mood for.

Finished redd-ing up the house. Only one last load of laundry left as well. Michael changed out a very dim set of light bulbs in our closet - I can see in there again!

Not much else happening here. Same old boring stuff. Heading down to the Batt Cave to finish up my project.

Aaron's day off, so no new stories. Sarah had to go down to Sandee's classroom and bring the puppies home to baby sit at her house. The puppies were being extremely good, causing no problems, but a helicopter mother called all worried that her child was going to get bit. This child is not even in Sandee's class or classroom area. The little 9 week old puppies were in a kennel, not running loose. Sheesh! Glad there is only 2 weeks left of school for Sandee and Ethan.

Becca - you are a very gifted painter! Those paintings are beautiful! To be able to see something and recreate it is amazing.

Mary - so great you got the video done- knew it would be treasured. Hope there is a permanent downloaded copy for posterity. Utah is a beautiful place to place forever roots! Not nearly as far as Texas from Washington. So much to do and see here. Springtime is wonderful to visit Zions, Bryce and Grand Canyon. Just need to watch the weather reports for any hiking of the slot canyons. Flash floods are common in the canyons.

Carol - getting all the ducks in a line will make the presidency transition so nice for the new president. Enjoy marking your quilt. 8 am doing that too.

Vel - yay for flowers! The kids gave me two big pots of flowers for the front porch. They are in the garage as we are still freezing. Needs to warm up first.

Easy dinner might just be banned pink pond fruit in marinara over cheesy polenta.


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Monday, May 9th

Post by zfatcat » Mon May 09, 2022 5:48 pm

Mary, it was a lot of work, and I'm also the accountant for the event as well. So I was collecting money all day. Glad you got the video finished and of course they love it.

Becca, your painting are beautiful. You are quite talented.

Had to drop off and pick up stuff at guild storage. We're going to scan documents to clear up some space in our storage unit. We have over 40 years of paperwork that take up a lot of room. The committee for that meets Thursday morning.

Dinner will be salad with leftover chicken.

Have a lovely evening.
Lori 8-)

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