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Supper club. Thurs Jan 27

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
Posts: 16121
Joined: Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:42 pm

Re: Supper club. Thurs Jan 27

Post by auntjana » Thu Jan 27, 2022 7:26 pm

Good evening!

Sitting here with our dinner- enchirito. Quick, easy and no mess, as everything was ready in the refrigerator.

Irish - so sorry about your friend. Loved your memories, they are great aren't they! Where are you off galavanting to this time? I missed where.

Vel - loved the oops and the quilt too!

Tina - oh no, Jaz! Hope it is a very mild case. And the boys don't get it!

Mary - OK, give - Phillip? I suspect "channel fever or as missionaries call it, "trunky" is beginning to set it. Those terms are where home is getting close and in sight . Not long now!

The Dr's office just called, yes this late, and Michael is totally done with the extra O2! Yippee! The office will contact the O2 company to come get everything! Today, while I got my DL renewed, Michael practiced driving in the DMV lot. All the markings and cones were out for driving tests, so he used them to practice. He drove home and around on the backroads for awhile too. I haven't let him drive since he got sick. Now a little bit at a time. No freeways for awhile! I passed the mugshot and eye test. Good for another 4 years.

Pantry still in progress, and my patience is starting to wear thin - it needs to be done!

Ethan is Sandee's favorite! He always has been, but moved up the list a bit higher! Ethan has a very slight cold - not Covid, but his school can go to online school with a certain number of Covid cases. Well, Ethan would put the school at that threshold, and the principal declared they went over. Sandee was doing a huge happy dance! So Ethan is schooling from home for a few days. He is fine.

Tomorrow I'm the school pickup for Gracie. Sarah has Lila and we'll get Gracie, as Kate is on duty and so is Aaron. Aaron had to deal with his first here in the city, code violation. A person had 20, not running cars in the front yard a big no no here. Aaron cited him and gave him 10 days to clean it up. We will see.

Well, it's time to say, Goodnight Gracie, from an old TV show,
See y'all in the morning,

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