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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Nov 20th

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Nov 20th

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:48 am

Good morning!

Today is our TG/Christmas day with the grandboys! I have a lasagna to make this morning. And lots of stuff to pack into the car - all my house plants (6) and their stands, (Drew is watching them for me), presents, LOTR blocks, Christmas-opoly game, lasagna, Italian sausages, wine, and I'm sure I'm missing something here. I'll remember it when we're halfway "over the hill and through the woods to Andrew's house"! lol! He lives in Bremerton, 25 miles north of us.

Bill had a dental procedure yesterday in Tacoma and Scottie & I got turned loose with the car while waiting for him. I went to Hobby Lobby, Michaels, and finally Artco before I found a mat/frame for my cross-stich. Yay! At last! I'd gone to 3 other stores in GH the day before with no luck. Anyway, I posted a photo of my finished product last night if you care to see. Looks like most of you have already found it.

BECCA - Congrats to your Keith on all his goals and ambitions! He is special, as is all your family! You are getting to see a lot of beloved folks this week! How wonderful for you! you and CA will be enjoying leftovers for days!

JANA - so, when reducing the O2 for Michael, do you just try it and see how he does or is PT giving you orders, or ?? I was just wondering about your reducing process. He will be leash-free before long! I tried making french fries and freezing them like Izzy did (instructions from Ball preserving book). We had the last bag last night. They were delicious! Great for when you get stocked up on those Costco potatoes. I just cut the fries, blanched them for 1-2 min., laid them out on towels to dry, and bagged and froze them. I've also frozen twice-baked potatoes with good success.

TINA - Glad the tooth was a baby tooth! How's Frankie today? Any reactions to his booster? I'm betting we will have to get boosters again next summer-ish. I do see your temps are dropping. According to the weather app on my phone, you'll only be 35-64* the day we overnight in Deming. But better than 100*!

Well, y'all know what we're having for supper - an Italian feast. Now, what about you??

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Nov 20th

Post by gershwin64 » Sat Nov 20, 2021 7:00 am

Good morning.
Mary, wow sounds like quite the event of over the hill and through the woods! Everything sounds fun and yummy!
Frankie has a headache, his arm is swollen at the injection site, he's achy in spots....I think it must be normal, just like mine 🤷‍♀️
Yes, we're getting colder and yes for sure, way better than 100°!
Sounds like you had fun while Bill did not. I love your project, it's awesome.
I'm thinking boosters will be like flu shots, at least once a year 🤷‍♀️
I was hoping to go to a craft thing this morning that a friend is holding in her pecan orchard but I'm not sure if Frankie feels up to it.... we'll see.
I think supper tonight will be pork chops, baked potatoes and a veggie.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Nov 20th

Post by zfatcat » Sat Nov 20, 2021 9:53 am

Mary, your cross stitch is beautiful. So when are you getting your golden retriever? lol
Sounds like you have a fun day planned. Enjoy.

Tina, are you looking for anything special at the craft thing, or just looking?

Yesterday I got a new toy. I bought a Cricut die cutter. I want to put words on quilts and didn't want to be limited by a die from Accuquilt. It's so much fun. I spend a few hours playing with shapes and letters and stuff. It cuts out fabric really well. I have so many ideas swimming around in my head. So I'll be playing with that today. I do need to finish up my wool project though.

For dinner I think chicken noodle soup and corn bread.

Have a lovely day.
Lori 8-)

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Nov 20th

Post by QuiltGram8 » Sat Nov 20, 2021 1:49 pm

Hi everyone
Boy, I messed up! I thought I posted here this morning. I came back now to read other posts. Where did mine go ??? Bet I forgot to submit! How crazy. Now I don't even remember what I said. LOL
We just changed clothes to go out with friends to a dance about an hour away. We are going to stop and have dinner along the way. Cute little restaurant at a small local airport. We have eaten there before. Neat to see out to the run way as you dine.
Not a lot of traffic though. Earlier in the season, we could watch the crop dusters take off, etc. One time, a private plane taxied in. Food is good, that's the important part.
Well Maryz, tomorrow is your travel day. Praying for your safety. I know you will keep in touch.
I worked on quilt tying again today. I am now on #5. Someone asked about the tying.
Our church does tying rather than quilting. It's much faster and we can have ladies help with this, even if they don't sew.
I have a small folding table that DH bought me years ago for RV. I would set it up at the end of our dining table to give more room for the weight of quilts when piecing.
I set it up in the living room. Drape these quilts over it and use it to tie quilts. It's fabulous for this project.
Tonight at the dance they have pot luck snacks at the break time, around 8 - 8:30. So I made a few dozen cookies to take. Made them small size to get more pieces out of the package.
I guess that's about all I have for now. I will try to do better tomorrow. 🤗💕
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Nov 20th

Post by auntjana » Sat Nov 20, 2021 3:10 pm

Well, here it is late afternoon, and I am finally getting here.

Been busy today, mostly getting the food supplies straightened outl. I ran out of fresh fruit that Michael eats, so at 3 am this morning, was awake, so made a grocery order to pick up. Did that pickup early. Then, he was out of cracked wheat, that I cook for his cereal in the morning, so out to the garage and took the whole kernels to my hand grinder and did that. It cracks fairly easily, but it does wear out my arm. Then got out the meat slicer and fixed the turkey pastrami he eats instead of bacon. Michael is very set in what he eats for breakfast, to keep his diabetes in check. Me, a bowl of cheerios is just great! He keeps his blood sugar in the 120 or less range, carefully managing his food.

Matt and the kids are here raking and hauling away the leaves in the front yard. That's the only place we have trees that shed. Matt also changed the furnace filter. It was due for changing about the time all heck broke loose here. Now it's done.

Sarah's gift bag got put on hold for a short time. No rush now, a good thing. The CR quilt is all laid on the design wall, ready to sew.

Dinner - I have soups in my freezer, so one may fall out.

Mary - love your cross stitch. There are only a couple of breeds of dogs I would ever have. Goldens are one, St Bernard's, and a Burmese Mountain dog are the others. Just a dog on the small side! LOL! Have a safe journey and enjoy the ride! My nephew Scott was driving to Seattle tomorrow alone, but Sandee decided that since she has the week off and they have a big motor home, she would go too. Just throw in some clothes, food and their 2 dogs and off they are leaving, in the morning too.

Lori - Sarah really loves her Cricut cutter. Lots of things get labels around here now!

Tina- I am sooooooo not looking forward to our booster shots. We have to wait until the first of the year. There's a craft fair I wanted to go too, but there is next year for me.

Vel - I tied many a quilt in my day. When I was in charge of crafts and the quilts at girls camp, the girls all came and tied many for donation. I learned a backstitch method that didn't leave a knot on the top. It locked in place and stayed flat.

Well, need to check the score of my BYU game, it's not on TV,


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Nov 20th

Post by Becca » Sat Nov 20, 2021 4:51 pm

Hello everyone late here after a wonderful day with family & tons of food yes there’s lots of leftovers
Avery & I did hand turkeys & she showed me her writing skills
Papa has fluid in his lung again Had a rough day I pray tomorrow is better for him & me
Maryz That picture is a beautiful work of art I love it
Hope you had a wonderful time with your grands tonight
And a safe trip tomorrow
Irish Good to have you join us
Jana Glad Michael is able to go down stairs now
Lori Sure you had a nice day
Velda We tye our quilts on tables too Makes it easier
Tina Hope you got to go to your activity
Have a good night to all Becca

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