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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Sept 25

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Sept 25

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Sep 25, 2021 6:22 am

Good morning,

Beautiful clear morning here, 52* but feels milder than that. Today is supposed to be our last nice day of the season. Cooler temps and rain starting to move in tomorrow. We have a strange cat up in the loft of our garage. I've seen him around now and then, doesn't look starving, so I'm thinking he lives close by. But right now he's way back under the eaves and no one here is skinny enough to crawl back and pull him out. So I put food and water up there and we brought Scottie (who wasn't being helpful!!) inside. Hopefully, he's just scared and not injured or sick and will come out later. If he doesn't, we will have a problem.

Yesterday I fixed my LOTR block. Glad to see the last of THAT one! Then I took a short break and played with Halloween blocks in the afternoon. Today, I'm going to get some lists made for our next camping trip. We're leaving Friday, Oct 1st for a week. I already packed clothes and the trailer is always stocked with toiletries, books, games, and non-perishable food. So, mostly what's left is perishable food and deciding what sewing projects to take along.

VELDA - you will have fun sewing those diapers, no matter how many you make. Always fun to try something new, especially when it's for someone you really care about. Where does your niece live? You probably said, but I can only remember so many things and it looks like that probably wasn't one of the things.

TINA - I'm so happy you got rain! Glad that pond job is a done job! The turtles and fish are probably pretty happy. Aren't their fish that eat the algae and keep the pond clean? Not sure if they are compatible with all your other 'residents' though. We have a friend with a 4-ft deep koi pond in front of their house. He has to clean it once a year and he puts on his swim trunks and goes diving! He has about 7 koi from 9" to 18". No turtles.

JANA - glad your stockings are coming to the finish line. I've had the book for 2 or 3 years and keep looking at them, but never get around to making them. Maybe later. . . When I finish LOTR I have 2 Halloween (swap) quilts to put together and then I want to make my brother a quilt. Maybe after all that. Glad Ethan is off house arrest. Love it when you said, "For now". :lol: Wonder what's next! Nice to have Yoohoodie for crumbs. We don't need that. We have a YooScottie. He keeps our kitchen floor sparkling!

BECCA - oh, I agree with the others! Don't risk re-injury just for yard work! There comes a time when it's just smarter to call in someone else - have you ever thought about a yard maintenance company? Even just 3 or 4 times a year for seasonal work?

CHICKIE - happy anniversary - and a day! What kind of wedding did you have? Family? Outdoor? Cake? Dress? So happy to hear you had a better week. After your day last Monday I was worried you wouldn't be upright at all come Friday!

We have leftover orange chicken and rice from last night. So I'll build a salad and do a reheat and we'll be all set for tonite.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Sept 25

Post by gershwin64 » Sat Sep 25, 2021 7:05 am

Good morning!
We slept in this morning and I was the first one up. It's overcast and Frankie was really tired from the pond clean out so I think that's why he slept in.
Oh my gosh, you wouldn't believe all the hugs and lovin I got yesterday! We're lucky if we see Matthew once a month so I'm always surprised about how much attention he gives us. He's always been that way ❤❤ he even got to see his auntie Holly and Jazmyne, Easton and Preston, he was very happy about that! He only sees them a few times a year, on birthdays and usually Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Mary, yay for getting that block fixed and finished! Tomorrow is the big look see from Drew isn't it?
Maybe the cat is a mommy kitty and she has babies up there, just what you've always wanted!
So far I haven't found any algae eaters for an outside pond, they can't take the cold. I tried buying some in the spring once to see how they'd do but I think I'd need way more than I could afford to buy each spring. I put natural stuff in there but it just didn't seem to work. Maybe with those 2 worst trees gone and 80% less pine tree needles and stuff falling in it'll help it. We don't get in ours until the turtles are out, they'll bite I'm afraid. Kevin had water boots on yesterday and was in there with them as it was being filled back up, they kept going to his feet and wanted petted LOL I hope I haven't lost anything, it's a stresser on them all to be taken out like that.
Today is the annual Band Boosters hamburger lunch fundraiser and I bought tickets so we're going to that and taking Jazmyne, Easton and Preston and there's a car show at it too. I think they have dime toss games and stuff too.
I need prayers please, my aunt Artie isn't doing good at all. She's back in the hospital and can't hardly breath. She had her vaccines, got covid a couple months ago and has been in and out of the hospital with breathing and heart problems since. They have her on a CPAP to force air and oxygen in, she told them yesterday that if that doesn't work that she doesn't want to be put on a ventilator and just let her die 💔💔 she's only 66 years old.
Supper will be...... hmmmmmm I'm not sure LOL I need to cook for 6 so I'm going to give it some thought.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Sept 25

Post by Becca » Sat Sep 25, 2021 7:47 am

Hello everyone cloudy here &foggy but gone now
Got laundry done & house straightened
Keep going thru things purging
Maryz We have a yard man but no one Does like you would I keep telling myself it will all die soon
I hope DGS is excited about his quilt
Tina may be right on baby kittens You know how they try to hide
Tina When our little cousins get together they are so cute & really love each other I love watching them
Enjoy your outing
Velda I hope your niece loves your diapers
Glad she has people to support her if her Mother is gone
Our Fair has been going on this week Didn’t try to go Today Is a nice day to be there Our Bethany & her kids were going
We have reruns of soup I love soup on
Cool brisk Fall days Got bank statement taken care of CA had a blooper on one thing While I was gone he tried to keep up I got it fixed
Have a great day everyone. Becca
Tina Prayers for your Aunts healing & comfort and peace
Last edited by Becca on Sat Sep 25, 2021 11:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Sept 25

Post by auntjana » Sat Sep 25, 2021 9:59 am

Good morning!

We have beautiful bright sunshine! A wee bit cold, but that's OK. We are headed out to DI, Deseret Industries, like Goodwill, to drop of stuff. We tried yesterday, but missed the drop off time, it was closed. So will do it now. Need to empty the back of the Highlander. Then back home to sew and work on my lesson.

Dinner, well banned white chowder is not a Michael favorite, so last night's didn't get made. He stopped and got something else. So I will get a soup he likes from the freezer and make my chowder for me. Won't need to cook for several days! Tomorrow, in fact, is family dinner at Matt's. All I needed to bring are the drinks. Root beer and orange soda, done! I am good with that.

Yoohoodi managed to get himself stuck again. This time we were out. I forgot to pause his run, so when I got the help me notification, I called Sarah and she came down and rescued him. She laughed when she saw where he was stuck. About 18 inches from his home base, tipped up on a table leg. One thing the engineers did when building this robot was to install a stubborn streak! It goes where it wants and doesn't give up, even if stuck. I told you, cleaning and entertainment!

Well, need to get in the car,

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Sept 25

Post by QuiltGram8 » Sat Sep 25, 2021 10:38 am


I ordered my fabric. Now to wait and see.🤗

We ordered a pizza last night, so tonight is leftover pizza, the the pork chops for tomorrow.

We have outdoor church tomorrow at pavilion down by lake. It's always so beautiful! Then pot luck after church and games for the kids and kids at heart. 🤗
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, Sept 25

Post by Irishgram » Sat Sep 25, 2021 1:47 pm

Good late afternoon from a very, very pleasant warm, sunny SW. Pa....This weather is great, makes a person want to do something, even if it's wrong......

Mary, off and running again, do I need to pack anything different? Kathy has been teasing me, saying any more, I don't put away the luggage, it's always packed and ready...I think we'll probably be going back to the mountains in another week or so....Told my sister I wanted to be a "Leaf Peeper" and got the funniest look......Hopefully, this will be a good year for peeping......We are going back to the hoarder house tomorrow and really looking forward to it...I'm having a blast, hard on the back but promised the doc I'd try to sit more...And, I do get the urge to purge after I've been to the "house".....
My sister is moving her new home next to the farm on my nephew's property...He has a small mobile that he used when he was 1st married and has been renting it out but it is going to be torn down and her new one moved in....Right now, she's a little overwhelmed.....So much stuff and then getting grief from a couple of her kids sure isn't helping...Her only daughter is only interested in getting more of the property, hasn't been or shown any interest in the new home...Not to be nasty or maybe I do mean to be nasty, but I'm hoping she keeps all the property together and sells it as a farm....My oldest said, we could really be nasty and sue for half or what should be mine but can't see me doing that...I just wish everyone could get along and be happy, not always wanting more.......

Tina, I can imagine all the work it would be cleaning the pond...And then to have turtles that might bite, no thanks....Years ago, Terry was the only one still at home and had 4 big fish tanks and that was a job, keeping them clean but he did have a thing that ate the bad stuff....We did make the mistake of getting those cute little, I believe, African frogs and then wondered why most of the fish were disappearing...Those little buggers were eating everything they could get in their mouths AND they would also manage to jump out of the tank and hide...Not fun trying to get them from under the couch....But, one day, I was cleaning the room and bumped the heater and yep, you guessed it, cooked the frogs.....But, fish are very relaxing to watch......

Becca, I know how you feel about that outside work and agree about having someone to come and help...Kevin does the mowing and I'm so grateful but I hate to ask him to dig because he has a bad back also.......But, if I plug away, little at a time, I'll get it done.......

Chickie, so happy to hear you finally had a good week....Let's hope and pray, it continues.....

Jana, I have the back of Ruby filled with bags to drop off and here it is too late today and no one is open tomorrow...And we'll probably have my sister's car jam packed coming home tomorrow so bright and early Monday morning, we'll be ready to deliver........

Today was a good day...Had a good visit with my chiropractor yesterday and today, did watch or try to behave myself but got my autumn/winter curtains and quilt washed and ready for the change over...It was so nice outside, had to wash something to hang out, lol.....Will be gone all day tomorrow so Monday might be change the room around....Did watch the Notre Dame game, 1st quarter was a nail bitter but they really pulled it all together and won big time.....4-0 so far this year....I know Jim is quite happy.....
And although the jeans are starting to strain, I made some cinnamon sticky buns....And while those were baking, I hemmed some pants for a neighbor....Tired but a happy tired.......

For dinner, another neighbor dropped off half a Sub from the local HS band and I might make a salad.....Or maybe I'll just have cinnamon rolls................

You all have a great rest of the day......

Happy eating.........................

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