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SUPPER CLUB - Friday, Sept 24

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Friday, Sept 24

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri Sep 24, 2021 4:41 am

Good morning,

We woke up at 3:30 to an urping cat. I think it was a false alarm, though, because I couldn't find any "urp". But by then, I was awake so here I am. I hear some people live without pets. I wonder what their lives are like . . . .

Yesterday I spent the entire day working on that block. I finished it and proudly texted a picture to Tina who immediately saw my glaring mistake. Arghhh!! So I'm going to fix that this morning and then set the entire project aside for a few days. I have other things I need to work on.

TINA - thanks! (I think.)

CAROL - great idea to color the pattern. And I have done that with some of the blocks. This particular block (8"x24") has about 180 pieces and has difficulties all it's own. Part of my problem is just determining what color I should color it! Though this big mistake I made - if I'd colored it, it would have really helped! I did WRITE which color to use though. But either I wrote it wrong or just was tired and picked up the wrong fabric. Oh well. It will be a quick fix. And I've passed the halfway point!

IRISH - When you hang out at a hoarder's house, you get the urge to clean out your own, don't you! I hope you get your porch roof soon. I know when we put one over our deck, it tripled the use we get out of it! How big is your deck? Is your sis going to put her mobile on her property or is she completely relocating?

CHICKIE - You will be loving those pear desserts come winter! But what a lot of work. Just thinking about peeling all that fruit made my hands ache. Maybe I'm glad I don't have any fruit trees. . . Good luck at the doctor today. We'll be waiting to hear what he says.

JANA - Wear that badge proudly! Sometimes it's very hard to earn a "You Are Awesome!" badge from a daughter! I'm happy to hear that Sarah is figuring out some great recipes to suit her diet. Maybe she should write a special cookbook.

VELDA - those diapers are really great but they look like a lot of work! A real labor of love. But like Jana said, I wouldn't be surprised if mom ends up going the disposable route before too long. I know that's what my DD did. She lasted until the first dirty (not just wet!) diaper. I remember she asked me how to clean it. I said, dip it into the toilet up and down until all the chunkies were off, then wring it out and toss it into the diaper pail. haha! I thought she was going to faint! She refused to touch it and actually flushed the entire diaper down the toilet! She never used another cloth diaper.

BECCA - your housekeeper is still sick?! She must have had a really hard case. You are wise to make certain she is completely well before returning to your house. Hope you are feeling better today.

Tonite's supper is going to be orange chicken. With jasmine rice and a salad. This is Bill's new favorite so he was happy to hear!

How about you?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, Sept 24

Post by QuiltGram8 » Fri Sep 24, 2021 5:18 am

Good morning Mary. That's a funny story about the messy dirty diaper. I feel a bit sorry for my niece, as she lost her mother a few years ago. They were very close. So sad that she doesn't have Mother to lean on now. But I know she has lots of other family for lots of advice. She has been around lots of dirty diapers, so she should be well prepared. She's not a "young" first mommy. 🥰
The pattern is not too bad for sewing, but I don't want to over do this gift either. I am mostly thinking that ordering on line always have minimum of 2 yds cut or at the least, 1 yd.
Much of this water resistant fabric is 60" wide. 1 yd would make a lot of tiny diapers....all in same fabric. Thus more important to pick a good fabric that's not too "off the wall" in design.
I found one yesterday with dots in multi color. Might send a screenshot to my neice and see what she thinks.
Supper? I have to think. Hmmm. Might do pork chops. Might even order a carry out pizza. Depends how lazy I feel. LOL
HUGS, đź’• Vel

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, Sept 24

Post by gershwin64 » Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:19 am

Good morning!
We woke up to rain glorious rain! It rained for at least an hour, I'm sooooo grateful!
Mary, you're welcome LOL I couldn't tell for sure if there was a little oops until I compared side by side. It's an awesome block!
Velda, MSQC started allowing ½ yard cuts and I think Hancock's does too.... maybe Connecting Threads allows even smaller? They used to carry waterproof fabrics.
Sorry I didn't make it back yesterday, I was wiped out tired. Surprisingly I slept pretty good, only woke up twice but fell right back to sleep.
The big pond clean out is today, Kevin is coming over to help Frankie and I get to not help and spend the day with Matthew, I'm very very lucky! I may see if I can help catch the fish and turtles, that's usually totally my job. The messy nasty part is Frankie's and Kevin's.
Kevin requested chicken salad sandwiches for lunch so I'm making that this morning so it'll be cold at lunch.
Supper tonight will be leftovers from last night.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, Sept 24

Post by auntjana » Fri Sep 24, 2021 8:53 am

Good morning!

Got the house ready for Yoohoodi. We make it easy for him to get under and around the chairs. Also make sure my counters are wiped down, so any crumbs will eaten by Yoohoodi.

Ethan will be here sometime today. He has no school, parent teacher conferences, so after he gets his homework caught up, he can come. He did get all the past missed work done, so he is off house arrest, for the time being.

Dinner- soup will grace the table today. I have frozen or, I can make banned white chowder, my favorite. I tried freezing that type before and the potatoes don't freeze well.

Almost finished with the quilting on my mini stockings. They are really easy, but a tad time consuming. I have some embroidery details to add before I quilt three of them. Then all the button details. There are a lot of teeny tiny buttons! But the cuteness is in the details!

Mary - glad you had a second pair of eyes on that block. Can't wait to hear about when your grandson sees these blocks! Kitties are the gest! With no kitty cats here anymore, I get my fix with Smudge. He comes and jumps in my lap when I am at Sarah's house. The good thing is the purrs , loves and no cat box to change or squishy surprises to step in! I am good with that!

Tina - pond cleaning - you have the best job, Matthew! Sarah's koi are currently living in a huge tank in the house, while they rebuild the backyard and the koi pond. She is making it bigger and a better pump and filter. She has 5 koi, good size. Smudge looks longin at what could be supper, but so far, he hasn't succeeded. Sarah does have a cover, just in case, on the top of the tank.

Well, it's entertainment time, Yoohoodi is out,


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, Sept 24

Post by Becca » Fri Sep 24, 2021 9:20 am

Hello wWe have a glorious day with sunshine
DGS FaceTime this morning We got to be talk to all the kids too I got my exercises and walk in early I woke up at 3 & only took a cat nap about 6 I guess I must resort to taking something for pain when it is so bad
Maryz My Cleaning lady is better She text me this morning But I’m not letting her come back until mid oct or later Time will tell I just don’t want to take any chances with CA
Tina Glad you get to miss the pond cleaning That would be a big job for sure
Jana You don’t need entertainment with your vacuum My DGS got one when they first come out He B loved it
Velda I thought when I saw the diapers they were a labor of love I hope she uses them if you make them Your story on the diaper is a joke How we make it I don’t know There was no disposable ones in my day
I tried to do something in yard yesterday Yard work is a no no for now until I heal better When I walk I see so much that needs attention
I am making a pot of soup We we’re in low 40s this morning It should hit the spot Beef veggie & cornbread Becca
Chickie Those pears would be a lot of work You are ambitious with your vertigo
Of course they will be good this Winter I usually do apples

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, Sept 24

Post by FarmChick » Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:07 pm

Good afternoon! Sixteen years ago today we got married… and they said it wouldn’t last! We are still having fun!

Today is doc appointment, and I’m going to drive myself! I know doc is going to think I couldn’t have been as bad as I told his nurse I was over the weekend. I really have had a good week since Tuesday! Since I’m going to town by myself, I’ll fix dinner here and go out with friends tomorrow evening as planned.

Mary—I would be in-patient at the cracker factory if I even tried to do those blocks! They are amazing! Wait till next grandson sees and wants one! I have been awakened by some of those nasty surprises—dogs and cats!

Good doctor’s appointment and no problems driving at all. It’s a very good day!

Vel—hope you get an answer back from your niece and finish your project. I’m assuming the diapers grow with baby and aren’t completely for newborn babies. They really are so neat! Be sure to show us the waterproof covers!

Tina—hopefully that rain will travel on east to us. As I was driving home, the south wind was blowing dust across the road. That cleanout is quite an operation!

Jana—hope to see pics of those little stockings! Seems like tiny things have way more work and detail and take as long or longer than full size projects.

Becca—Don’t take any chances with your health! The yard work isn’t worth it! I’m going to make ham and beans here soon. I do love my soups no matter what the weather.

Time to start thinking about dinner. Since it’s our anniversary, it will be special Gulf crustaceans, baked broccoli and steamed broccoli with sliced tomatoes. How’s that for colorful! Bon appétit!

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, Sept 24

Post by QuiltGram8 » Fri Sep 24, 2021 4:36 pm

I ordered my water repellent fabric today. Got the ok to go with polka dots. She's looking forward to receiving her sample on Monday.
She wants the smaller newborn size. So I am anxious to hear back from her on that, next week.
I will not get fabric until Oct 5-8. So I am sewing school bags first, then back to my piano key borders until the fabric arrives
HUGS, đź’• Vel

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