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SUPPER CLUB - Friday, July 30

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Friday, July 30

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri Jul 30, 2021 6:31 am

Good morning!

We were 88* yesterday and going to 91* today. Hot for us, though after what we had the end of June, I'm not going to complain! We'll be cooling to low 80's/high 70's after today. Purrfect! We are sitting on the deck with our coffee and the new little rooster next door is making such funny noises as he learns to crow. He'll have it down before long!

Yesterday I got all my Halloween blocks fused and started blanket stitching them down. Just got started and Bill decided it was a good time to go to Costco, so we got all our grocery shopping done. We're now ready, food-wise anyway, for my sister's visit. She texted me this morning to say they are on their way! They should pull into the yard Monday afternoon. They are taking I-80 through southern WY and ID and cutting across NE OR into WA, the shortest route. Today my plan is to do some more stitching on Halloween blocks but I can't do a lot at once. Machine applique really gets my back and neck. So I will take breaks and do a few uglies in between. Also, I have a lot of fresh veggies to cut up for snacking as well as a watermelon. Then I need to organize the fridge and pantry after the big shopping trip.

JANA - what UFO are you working on? When I cross stitch a project, I actually start in the middle but try to work my way to the top quickly and then work down from there. If you work from the bottom, your hand is always on the stitching you've already completed. And your hand is always secreting oils, so it can quickly soil your work. Especially if it's a large project that takes months to work. I wash my hands every hour or so when I'm stitching.

TINA - that picture is so cute! I see Frankie and some quilts in the background!

VELDA - free corn and cucumbers?? I'm there!!

We have one big boneless loin porkchop so tonite I think we might have some pork fajitas. I have plenty of veggies to grill up with it.

Have you got your supper plan yet?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, July 30

Post by auntjana » Fri Jul 30, 2021 12:06 pm

Good afternoon!

It has been muggy, raining, thunder, and lightening here, oh so wonderful! Still more to come. Haven't even broke 90 today. All in all, perfect.

Dinner- not to sure, but I am thinking stroganoff or maybe a chef salad. Even out would be nice.

Working on my quilt top still. Down to the last few pieces that I had thought I had already made. I like the main pieces and the backing fabric, but I let Sarah talk me into a piece that is so not me for the borders. I may just punt that piece into the stash pile . I think that's why this top keeps getting shoved back in the drawer and not done. I will persist and finish.

Mary - we don't go to Costco on the weekends, just too many people! Costco is building a new warehouse just down from me here in Herriman. That will make 4 in a relatively close driving range, and there are still too many people on the weekends!

Well, those blocks aren't sewing themselves,


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, July 30

Post by QuiltGram8 » Fri Jul 30, 2021 1:35 pm

It's late I know, but I am not cooking again. I am getting good at this: getting out of cooking. LOL
We still have a gift certificate to use at TGIFriday s. DH asked if I want to go. Ha, don't have to ask twice!! Those yummy whiskey glazed ribs are calling me!
Maryz, the quilt I will be making will be using my sister-in-law's dresses. She said my mother made them. I know they will be cotton material. The material has to be 50+ years old. Hopefully it will not be too old to use??? My sister-in-law is kinda a bit of a hoarder. That's why she has saved these dresses all these years. Just hope I won't be sorry that I agreed to do this.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, July 30

Post by gershwin64 » Fri Jul 30, 2021 1:47 pm

Hello everyone!
I've been back and forth several times since this morning but didn't get to post.
Frankie needed to go get gas for the lawnmowers so I went too and said I needed to stop by our LQS 🤣😂 he tells me hurry every chance you get 🤣😂 he's funny. I found perfect fabrics for my cauldrons for the Halloween swap and I found my background for my Christmas swap! It was a winning morning for me!
Mary, when Adam left the public schools as a teachers aid where his annual income was $14000 a year he had several loans through the teachers credit union and he told Holly he'd pay them when he cashed in his retirement but she'd need to put them to come out of her payday for autopay or he'd have to pay them in full which neither had thre money for that, until he received his money, so she did. When he got his money he told her that she just needed to pay them because his retirement was his money and he wasn't going to pay it anymore because the loans were now coming out of her checks. So Holly would be the one to pay if he quits or doesn't get his degree I'm guessing. He earned like a high school kid and with the deductions for taxes, insurance and retirement that are all mandatory..... and all those loans he had he was only taking home $100 a month which didn't even pay his gas back and forth to work everyday.... he took his own vehicle because he didn't want to go with Holly and get "stuck" at school in case he wanted to do something. I tell you, you don't know how bad of a worthless person he is. We don't know why she puts up with it unless it's just that she doesn't want him to have joint custody and the kids not be supervised when they're around him. He lets the boys fight and stuff all the time and just says "oh well they're boys" when they get hurt. He thinks it's ok to have them outside in our hot sun and temps for 8 hours with no sunscreen and not having anything to drink. He won't make food for them when he's watching them. It's bad. I'm tested every time I'm around him.
You'll be all ready for your sis and BIL to visit! I bet it'll be fun times! Is she all better from their last trip?
Vel, I hope the dresses are in good shape so you can use them ❤ that'll be a sweet quilt!
Well I've got fabric almost ready to iron! I'm excited to get started!
Supper tonight will be chicken fajitas, leftover from last night. I make them with bunches of red and orange bell peppers and avocados, so I think our veggies are covered in there.

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