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Friday July 30th

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Friday July 30th

Post by grammiequilts » Fri Jul 30, 2021 4:09 am

Good morning, I am up early despite going to bed late. ( yes still have the girls) Ken says today they will go to Colleens house for a night or 2 so I am sure i will be in bed early tonight, I do confiscate the screens at night but they are still noisy.
I started quilting the star quilt and will work on the scrappy quilt, and the table runners . I do have some chores to do today, Coffee right now is the order...hope your day is grand...glad to have you as my friends...XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO

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Re: Friday July 30th

Post by QuiltGram8 » Fri Jul 30, 2021 4:28 am

Good morning, Judi. I am enjoying your account of your busy days with the girls. I can imagine all the giggles and chattering that teen girls are noted for. Love it that you can have these moments. I missed out on all those fun moments with my grands living so far away. Even the families miss out being so far apart. The kids miss out knowing all the fun of cousins and the family times.
I sometimes wish that things could have been different, but we don't dare get caught up in that. God gives us the life we are in for his purpose not ours. So here is my thoughts for today: " This is the day, The Lord hath made. Be glad and rejoice in it! " And so: I will!
I too am so happy to have all of you to call my friends.
Have a great Friday!
Coffee time β˜•! πŸ€—
HUGS, πŸ’• Vel

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Re: Friday July 30th

Post by velvet » Fri Jul 30, 2021 4:39 am

Going to be a super hot day for us- so happy for AC.
Today is a presentation at the vets cafe for 6 to 8 vets. I picked up birthday balloons yesterday for a regular customer-Leo, 93, Korean war vet and very much loved by all. It will be a surprise for him. The cafe has a cake for him also. After that home to work on a beautiful kit "MAZE" that Daryl send me. Hopefully, it comes out nice. Check out the pattern from Laundry basket quilts. Lots of pieces to cut and I'm not rushing

Laura is doing pretty good now that the insurance co has okayed here botox for her cervical dystonia ( she has been fighting this for so long.) She is such a trooper, I don't know how she deals with all her medical problems. Please say a small prayer for her.

Well time to get started on the day.

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Re: Friday July 30th

Post by fabricgirl » Fri Jul 30, 2021 4:53 am

Good morning Everyone,
Just sitting having coffee and getting ready to fold my towels then I will take a shower and get dressed.
Bill is down Billy's he went yesterday Billy has testing and so he had to bring him I would have went but I have to care for the cat 🐈.
Yesterday the weather was crazy in the state they had a few tornados tuch down all down south 1 not to far from Billy's.
All I know there were alot of those weather alerts on the TV.

Today I will continue to work on my blocks.
Well thats all the news here I hope you all have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Friday July 30th

Post by FlorenceM » Fri Jul 30, 2021 5:34 am

Made a stuffed Llama yesterday. Tried attaching pic, but had trouble. Need someone to talk me through it.
Today is groceries and bills.

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Re: Friday July 30th

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri Jul 30, 2021 6:07 am

Good morning,

LOIS - what kind of testing is Billy doing that your hubby is going?

DIANE - so happy to hear Laura's insurance is starting to play nice and she is feeling better.

VELDA - A nice idea to make a quilt from your mom's dresses, depending on how many dresses and what the fabric is . . . Though I've seen quilts made from a variety of fabrics and they actually look very good, giving a quilt, especially a memorial quilt, a lot of texture, just like life. I agree a DP would be a good block to show them off.

JUDI - The girls do keep each other occupied, don't they. A movie a day is a great idea for them! The first tablerunnner I made was a zigzag pattern just like Jenny Doan's. (I looked it up). Only it wasn't her pattern. It was a handdrawn pattern I received in my first QIAD Secret Santa in 2008. I did mine in Christmas fabrics and still put it out every Christmas.

IZZY - I've heard a lot of good things about the robot vacuums. With all the pet hair we have, it would probably choke the poor little thing!

LOIS - your gnomes are cute! I love your background fabric and saw it in a fabric catalog last night and recognized it right off the bat!

FLO -what was your cross stitch pattern that you just finished? Is the contractor going to finish Your kitchen?

JANA - well, now I'm going to have to go dig out my "Stripping' book and see just what you are doing.

KATY - I love working from my stash and have made many quilts without buying any new fabric. The problem is my stash never seems to go down! What is the quilt you have been working on so industriously? Still the Sew-Along? I hope to get mine all together soon.

SHARONA - yes, Bill made three passes, quilting GD3. Almost halfway through it! I think he'll need to make 8 passes. I have my binding all ready to go. You reminded me that I should get my label ready, too. I'm already excited to make this pattern again, only in Halloween fabrics. I've seen pictures of one and it's amazing! And the pattern challenges me every time I make it.

MARY Q - what's the word from MN today?

CHRISS - how did your orientation class go the other day?

Yesterday was going to be my last "kick around and play" day before it's time to turn to and get ready for my sister's visit, and I did get all my Halloween blocks fused and started stitching my owls down. Then we decided to go to Costco and Freddy's. That had been on our docket for today, but Bill was in a Costco mood, so now the shopping is done and we avoided the weekend crowds. Today is cleaning/cutting snack veggies and watermelon, arranging the fridge better, and organizing the pantry, more Halloween fun, and whatever else comes my way. My sister just texted me and they are on their way through Wyoming right now, headed our way, and they should arrive sometime Monday afternoon. It's about 1,350 miles.

There is still 2 weeks to sign up for the Halloween swap if you are thinking about it. There are 9 spots left. And even if you aren't planning to join, pictures are starting to show up in the thread and they are fun to see. Check 'em out!

Wishing us all full bobbins!

Mary Z

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Re: Friday July 30th

Post by womster » Fri Jul 30, 2021 6:32 am

Good morning!

My laptop decided to choke on security updates this morning, so there went all my time to visit. We have a memorial service at 11 - a really great guy who lived to 90, in spite of Parkinsons doing its best to bring him down earlier. DS1 and family are attending a funeral today for the first friend his son made when they came from Russia - 16 and killed in a rollover accident. So sad. The monsoons are showing back up this afternoon - yay! Have a glorious day. xoxo Sharona

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Re: Friday July 30th

Post by auntjana » Fri Jul 30, 2021 7:15 am

Good morning!

Glorious rain is falling! Has for most of the night. Michael is scurrying to get the recycling out to the street. That truck can show up anytime now, but I haven't heard it yet, so he will get all the cardboard shipping boxes out in time. We have many with the ceiling shipping.

Made good progress on my quilt. I have all trimmed and squared and down to the last twelve to mark and sew. I laughed at myself. I was watching my Giants play and win, and the last color I was working with was Giants orange! Good fun!

More ceiling today. Our handyman mentioned that last night he needed to build a ramp at his house so his wife could get down the stairs to the garage. She had major reconstructive surgery on her foot. No weight on it, no walking, no nothing for another 6 months. She gets around with one of those knee scooters. She also teaches school and that starts next week. So when Tim mentioned his project, we remembered that in our barn is a portable metal wheel chair ramp we had to get Michael's dad in and out of our house. It is now getting use at Tim's house. So glad we had it!

So more ceiling, more sewing and some laundry.

Michael found a t-shirt for me with the following saying: If mama ain't happy, no one is happy. If Grandma ain't happy, RUN! Good one I say!


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Re: Friday July 30th

Post by billizzy » Fri Jul 30, 2021 7:19 am

Good morning three days in a row I am just a knocking it outπŸ€ͺ

Jana you have almost redone whole house bet you will be glad when all is done πŸ˜‰

Got up got another quilt quilted and binded this morning so my final Memorial quilt for a lady at church is doneπŸ₯°I can’t thank sue enough for sending me so many blocks that’s how I got these two Quilts completed so quickly she sent me several sets of blocks so they turned out perfect for the gentleman and the lady that has lost a family memberπŸ₯°

I have posted pictures under the UFO thread if you want to go take a look

Mary I have a long hair and that vacuum does pick it up really well but you have to clean the brush out because I have to go every few days and take the roller out and twine all my long hair off of the roller but it still does an awesome job

Another hot day so I guess I will work on finishing the border on DH is Bible story quilt and once I have that done I can bind it and put a sleeve on the back so that he can hang it on the wall

Hugs πŸ€— prayersπŸ™ Happy stitching 🧡

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Re: Friday July 30th

Post by Quiltmom » Fri Jul 30, 2021 8:11 am

Good morning all! Another day in NW Ohio. Not much out of the ordinary planned for today. Just usual cleaning. I also need to make a pumpkin pie for my DS2 who is coming tomorrow to put copper sulfate in my 2 ponds. I am good at bribery. Still need to make my creamy cucumber salad and the tomato tart from the new recipes that I found.

I am very mad at the Cubs. They traded Anthony Rizzo to the Yankees yesterday. They are supposed to trade Chris Bryant and our best reliver today also before the trade deadline. They are destroying my Cubs. Only about 2 players will be left from the World Champion 2016 team. This is part of baseball I find hard to understand. Not sure if I will be watching many Cubs games for a while.

Judi - So glad you are enjoying your time with the grands even though it makes you tired. That is one part I missed with my DGDs with their dad being in the Corps for 30 years. Now though they do live only 20 miles from me so I can see them more.

Diane - Enjoy your QOV presentation today. I don't know of any group around here. I will also include Laura in my prayers. Glad she got insurance okay finally.

Maryz - Sounds like you are really busy with all your cleaning. I try to do some each day, but sometimes my ambition goes poof.

Sharona - So sorry to hear about your DGS's friends death.

Well too late for breakfast so might as well make lunch. Have a safe and happy day everyone.


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