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Thursday, July 29

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Thursday, July 29

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu Jul 29, 2021 3:28 am

Good morning,

Where has July gone?! Our early morning air is starting to have the feel and smell of fall. Even as we're coming into another short heat wave here. It's been a quiet week around the Rockin' Z. Nice. We'll be picking up the pace a bit through the weekend, though, as we prepare for my sis and DBIL who will be arriving Monday in their RV for a 12-day visit. I've been working on my Halloween blocks, and when I finish them, I plan to put my Sew-along quilt top together. Bill has my pink Gypsy Dancer loaded on the LA frame and I think will actually start quilting it this morning. Fingers crossed.

SHARONA - sorry you can't take anything for your insomnia. What about Sleepytime teas? I'm drinking one right now at 0300. Not sure it helps, but it's tasty. Sorry, too, about your heat. My sis says it's been 100* at their house in Longmont. I think you are warmer than they are, aren't you? How long will the girls be staying at your house?

JANA - Sarah sure doesn't sit around and whine about her situation! She just says, 'this is how it is and this is how I can live with it!' And she does! I know they will all love D-land in October! It will be so nice to be able to stamp COMPLETE to your ceiling project. and also to have your bookcase glass repaired. I bet that grandson doesn't do that again! At least not at your house!

FLO - what a sweet little cutie! I love seeing the little ones! And I bet you can't wait to get some smooches planted on those little cheeks!

CHRISS - a 30-mile trip each way to the gym is quite a bite out of your day and your gas tank. I'm proud of you for giving it a try, but sure don't blame you for calling a halt. You should watch the movie, Ruthless People. It's a comedy with Bette Midler and Judge Reinhold. Bette is being held captive in Judge's basement and to keep herself busy she finds household things like cans of paint, the stairway, the garden hose, etc. and uses them in lieu of gym equipment. It was amazing all the things in that basement that proved useful in her toning up program. And thanks for the explanation of the difference between a condo and a townhouse. I always wondered . .

VELDA - so, given Chriss's explanation yesterday of condo/townhouse, is your new place a condo or a townhouse?

MARY Q - I'm a firm believer that if/when you are meant to move, the stars will align and everything will fall into place. Stairs are a big consideration for the future. I know if we ever move, there will be no more stairs!

KATY - I hope to start assembling my SAL top soon.

Today will be more Halloween blocks. I'm doing two sets and fusing them all before I start stitching them down. But I keep taking breaks to help Bill with a couple of his outside projects, bake something for the freezer, or just go sit out on the deck with my audio book and cross-stitch. I'm working hard on the cross-stitch because I just received a kit I ordered for a new Christmas stocking for Bill - with the front end of a red pick-up on it. I'm anxious to get started on it. I doubt I can get it done in time for THIS Christmas, though. I can stitch it in the evenings while sitting right next to him. He'll never notice if I switch projects! lol!

Have a great day!

mary z

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Re: Thursday, July 29

Post by QuiltGram8 » Thu Jul 29, 2021 3:47 am

Good morning Maryz and all the rest of us in this somewhat morning-ish group. Drinking coffee and catching up on the forum news. I too thank Chriss for the Roll Call. Nice idea!
Our home is called a condo. It is all one story. No stairs! Land and structure is owned and managed by association. We have a 1/12th interest in it. Should be annual meeting to review and address any issues. We are responsible for interior and that is how our homeowners insurance is addressed. We pay a monthly association fee to cover snow removal, mowing, and maintenance, etc.
It's small only 836 sq ft. But plenty for two senior citizens that are used to living full time in a fifth wheel for the last 10 years.
We are very happy with our choice.
Time for more coffee.
Maybe I can come back and add more after I catch up on reading the rest of the postings I missed late yesterday. 😊
Yes, I stopped back There's too much to comment on all. So busy you are!
I have to keep watching the click. I have early appointment to get hair cut. Looking forward to that.
Had a phone call from my sister-in-law. She is a widow now( my oldest brother passed two years ago). She never calls, so I figured something was up. She and her daughters are going through things trying the clean out the house. She found house dresses sewn by my mother many, many years ago. Why she ever kept them, I will never know, but she is asking me to take them and make a quilt for her.
She will have her son drop off the bag of dresses to my son's house, then I will get them and see what I can do. I am planning Dresdan Plate. I feel it's the best pattern for variety of cotton fabrics.
New winter time project ahead.
Last edited by QuiltGram8 on Thu Jul 29, 2021 4:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
HUGS, πŸ’• Vel

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Re: Thursday, July 29

Post by billizzy » Thu Jul 29, 2021 3:54 am

oh my two days in a row LOL I am here :)

Well yesterday so hot I stayed in sewing room. I did nt have lil man so got uglies done and hid in the fabric LOL I got one memorial quilt loaded and quilted I will work on the binding today. I Will iron backing and load the second one in a bit.

Maryz wish I did Halloween I would join its just not a holiday we follow.

Chriss I got into goats when one of my preschoolers gifted me two free goats. LOL He named all his goats after his teachers. He gave me Ms Lowery and Jimbob she was his K teacher and he was his farmhand. They kept me lol said I didnt have good breeding hips LOL Thats how the goat adventure started which was in 2007.

Maryq I have one of those vacuums and love it. I even got a 3yr extended warranty on mine. This is the second one we have had. I just got it back from service. The brush motor died. They paid for shipping and all. Love that warranty it paid for itself. I have wood floors upstairs and only carpet in bedrooms and it does an awesome job. Man, I missed it the week it was gone I had to drag my central vac upstairs no fun.
You would be amazed how much it picks up and we don't have indoor pets unless you count the grand LOL

So today will be milking first thing this morning. Heat index to be 105 today YUK. I went down last night late and all my girls crowded around me to get the boys away LOL the boys know I will swat them and so do the girls. They are my babies so dang rotten.

Well thats my day in a nut shell. One more cup of Java. Lil man in the bathroom watching the newly hatched quail and chicks. LOL He likes to monitor them. I have dozen quail chicks and so far two chicken chicks.

Have a blessed day all :)

Hugs πŸ€— Prayers πŸ™and Happy stitching 🧡

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Re: Thursday, July 29

Post by fabricgirl » Thu Jul 29, 2021 4:39 am

Good morning Everyone,

Today I will be ironing my gnomes on to my background and see how far I get we are suppose to get some storms and don't know if I will be able to stich them down but thats as all I will be doing.

Mary z you are always full of energy how about filling up a bottle and sending it to me :lol: .

Velda your condo sounds nice good luck on your move.

Izzy you are always so bizzy you make me tired when I read your post.

Well thats all the news here.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Thursday, July 29

Post by FlorenceM » Thu Jul 29, 2021 4:59 am

Nothing new here. Finished a cross stitch project I started 6 months ago last night. Now to frame it.
Got early Morning mowing done yesterday. Today I amvtrying to make a stuffed llama to ho with quilt to new grand baby..
Time to run. Contractor due anytime.

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Re: Thursday, July 29

Post by grammiequilts » Thu Jul 29, 2021 5:01 am

Good morning,,i is raining here but it is supposed to stop...my plan to weed just went up in (Mosquitos) So I will do laundry and try to entertain th girls when they need it,,,I did have to get up aroind 1 and quiet them down (grrr) oh well they arent perfect...I got up at 6 and had a spurt of sewing mojo and put together a table runner top. it was charm squares I unearthed in my cleaning, it is very fast called "The Zig Zag Runner" (jennie Doan of MSQC) I used a pack of CW in cream blue and red I can finish it today sometime, if the girls donr need me. I rented them a movie yesterday and they were quiet and still for 2 hours,,,so maybe I can interest them today...they do like movies...( One of my favorites is called "Nanny McPhee" it is a good kid movie. we shall see if I can find it,,,an old movie.
Well I need coffee and motivation to put in some laundry and continue the life journey,,,xxxxxxxxoooooooo

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Re: Thursday, July 29

Post by auntjana » Thu Jul 29, 2021 5:40 am

Good morning!

Quite muggy here, I can chew the air! And we will be hot too.

Our handyman will be here and today should finish up the ceiling. There's not much to do, set the cross ties in place and slide in the tiles. Oh the sound difference the ceiling has made. So much quieter between the main floor and Batt Cave.

Worked on a quilt top from El's Still Stripping book. Named Fabric Gal. Thought I had all the pieces parts ready to assemble, but realized I had one more color to do. The strips were sewn, but I needed to mark and sew them for triangles. So started that, which is tedious to get the marking lines on, so will continue today. I need 80 blocks for this section and half are ready.

Sarah will be here to sew, so my best laid plans will get interrupted.


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Re: Thursday, July 29

Post by mepeace2 » Thu Jul 29, 2021 6:47 am

Good morning all

To answer Izzy's question. Yep thats the way I wanted it LOL But Thank you for noticing. I worked just a little on the sew a long quilt yesterday and after I get dishes done I will sew. I need to try sashing on side blocks first . If that side fits then I will cut all my sashing and cornerstone blocks. I have a border picked out but not sure till quilts together. One thing I like about this quilt is Its my stash buster all of it came out of my sewing closet. Never done this before.
My whether is hot but cloudy. Gardens are going to wait until it cools down a bit. I am getting tomatoes finally. I cannot wait to see if I get sweet potatoes.
I am now feeding at least a hundred humming birds Got 7 feeders going . Yep its a lot of work but I love the little critters. I am making a gallon of food a day.
I do not have to worry about dinner. I have a pan of fresh green beans and new potatoes made. I will finish off with tomatoes and cucumber salad . I love it when I have fresh veggies from my garden.
Well I need more coffee
You all have a great sewing day and stay safe.

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Re: Thursday, July 29

Post by womster » Thu Jul 29, 2021 6:51 am

Good morning!

Maryz – I can’t drink any herbal teas either, for the same reason – causes arrhythmia. It’s all good – I nap when I can to try to catch up. We are usually 5-7 degrees cooler than Denver because we’re at almost 7000’. So we got to 93 yesterday. The monsoons are coming back tomorrow so things will start cooling off – yay! The girls will only be here six days. Sophie (17) has a job she has to get back to. Did Bill start on GD3? Men – they are SO observant!!

Vel – I’m so excited for y’all to start this new chapter in your lives. That is some wintertime project you’ll have to do!

Izzy – things at the farm are humming right along! Hope you can stay cool today.

Lois – I hope the gnomes get stitched down before they run off.

Flo – congrats on the newest addition! A stuffed llama – how cute!

Judi – good grief – 1am? I love Nanny McPhee – it is such a good movie. The table runner sounds very pretty.

Jana – yay for the end of the ceiling project. Have a great time with Sarah.

I need to fix breakfast and then get outside to work on my blocks. I stayed out there until it hit 80 inside – that’s too hot for me. Not much else new here. Have a glorious day! xoxo Sharona

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