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Saturday July 24th 2021

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Saturday July 24th 2021

Post by grammiequilts » Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:11 am

Good morning hazing here they are calling for more rain.. Still hanging pictures. I have paired it down to 30 35.
Today if i dont hang pictures i will sew. Gran daughter may go out with her Dad. that is really all going on here,,,Still cutting for the next scrappy quilt. As i go to each color bin I find more stuff i forgot I had,,,and rememebr quillts that have left the building, It is amazing how much fabric I actually do have, and how many scrappy quilts I could make. Well I need coffee....have a great day, XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO

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Re: Saturday July 24th 2021

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:16 am

Good morning,

CHRISS - I really admire your stick-to-it-iveness in losing your weight and going to the gym.

SHIRLEY MAE - how did Rod's test go yesterday?

JUDI - it always amazes me how many quilts I can get out of a pile of scraps. Or how the stash never seems to go down after a sewing frenzy.

Yesterday was our first day on our own for a week. We got all the uglies done, the laundry put away, and Bill spent the day on the deck playing with his computer and I worked on my quilt. Then our friends who had been here the night for supper stopped by to drop off some plants and pick up some eggs from our neighbors. And stayed almost 5 hours. We ended up tossing some burgers on the grill. Good thing I keep burgers and buns in the freezer for just such an occasion! My quilt is nearing the finish line. It should be ready for the LA later today.

I posted a short intro yesterday to a Halloween Swap. I know it's shadowing the Christmas swap pretty closely, but Halloween is on the horizon. I hope you all will check it out. Official signups are Aug 1-15 but I'm happy to take names now if you'd like.

mary z

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Re: Saturday July 24th 2021

Post by FlorenceM » Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:27 am

Yesterday I played in sewing room. I have men's solid color t shirts for myself. Well, I used my fabric & fusible web and appliqued on them. 6 are ready to wear, 4 need blanket stitching, & 5 not started yet. It was fun.
Maryz, kids house not done, but little by little getting there.
Time to get moving

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Re: Saturday July 24th 2021

Post by womster » Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:44 am

Good morning!

Judi - you are making great progress on your pictures. I also was astonished on how much fabric I have. Enjoy the rain.

Maryz - I tried to say I would love to do the halloween swap, but then we lost our internet so... We do like you and keep hamburger stuff frozen - sure comes in handy sometimes. Those stinking wasps are hardy little pests, aren't they? The stuff of nightmares - ugh.

Flo - your t-shirts sound fun.

Chriss - good on you for your dedication! I have no idea where the bees are coming from - they actually let me weed without too much agitation. At least the snake wasn't there.

We're getting ready to leave for Pueblo to watch a DGD compete in some cross-country stuff. We'll only be there for one event, and hopfully it's early because my heart does NOT like being in 100 heat! After that, I plan on cutting fabric for my Christmas blocks. Y'all would have laughed to see me try to do math. Thank goodness for Alexa! Have a glorious day. xoxo Sharona

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Re: Saturday July 24th 2021

Post by fabricgirl » Sat Jul 24, 2021 6:12 am

Good morning Ladies,

Well it's Saturday I finished ironing down 1 of my Christmas blocks and managed to figure out how to put it in the swaps so today I guess I will sew it down .

Mary Z you are always busy.
Judi I hope your able to do more of your pictures.
Sharona have a fun day.
Flo glad you had some time to sew.

Well thats all the news here everyone have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.

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Re: Saturday July 24th 2021

Post by auntjana » Sat Jul 24, 2021 7:50 am

Good morning one and all!

Another beautiful day here in the mountain west and thanks Chriss, for sharing smoke from the California vwildfires. The wind shifted to come from the west, so we get smoke. In the summer, if it comes from the south, it's monsoon rains, and the winter time, wind from the north, snow. When the wind wraps around and comes from the east, that's just plain trouble, a east wind takes out trees from the roots and picks up and destroyed my swingset. So there is a lesson on wind here in Herriman. We just plain batten down the hatches!

All the kids are off and busy, so that means it will be quiet at Grandma's house. Sarah is moving her koi fish to a tank inside, so the koi pond can be rebuilt. Matt is up in Logan doing things on their rental house getting ready for the university new school year. He rents it to girls and has all his contracts full for this year. The plan later on is for his kids to live there while they attend Utah State University. Andrew still has a couple of years before that happens.

Sewing for me in the Batt Cave. My knee is improving and I can hobble around much better.

Enjoy this wonderful time, we only have this day once,

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Re: Saturday July 24th 2021

Post by Quiltmom » Sat Jul 24, 2021 8:12 am

Good morning all! Got more rain yesterday and supposed to get a real storm tonight. Guess that will make the grass grow. Yesterday I made corn souffle. I hadn't made it in awhile and had some fresh corn to use up. Next on my list is creamy cucumber salad, then fresh peach cobbler, and a tomato tart recipe that I found that sounded good. All of a sudden I am in a cooking mood.

Well, got my Bible study done so better get us some breakfast. This afternoon it will be time to watch my Cubs and cross stitch. I also started a new puzzle yesterday.

Well better get going. Hope everyone has a good day.


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Re: Saturday July 24th 2021

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sat Jul 24, 2021 8:30 am

Good beautiful morning, it's going to be a great day today.

My day starts with opening up the house. I get up before Jerry and Moose do so I also start the coffee pots ( we are a two pot couple) and then read my email. When Jerry and Moose (always a team) get up Moose bounds in to the living room for his morning head scratch. We do this every morning. On week days I head into the gym and on weekends I feel the tired muscles from working out. It's a good life.

Judi, I am in your boat with fabric. I have so much, it's all sorted by color, and my scraps are slowly being cut into usable pieces. I try not to buy more. I really need to get to sewing but it seems that I have no time.

Maryz, We also have burger patties in the freezer. We buy hamburger at Costco and make them up to freeze when needed. I love a good burger and sometimes crave them. I saw your Halloween swap and am thinking about it but need to finish my Christmas blocks before I can make a decision. I am only going to go to the gym until I tighten up my skin. It's not pretty the way I jiggle now, and I so need to fix that.

Sharona, hope the cross country competition is exciting. We had a pine tree that had bees swarming around it for a few weeks then poof, they were gone. How did your granddaughters report on Cicada's go?

Lois, I love your gnomes, such a cute block.

Flo, well? how is life in the empty nest? is the kids house done yet?

Jana, you're very welcome, I do love to share. The air is very clear here, but when you drive into town you can see the smoke in the horizon, not pretty. News here has talked about the monsoons. I would love to have just a deluge of rain here, even if it meant a foot deep flood. Enjoy your quiet day.

Sherry, wish I could join you for that peach cobbler, I'd even bring the ice cream. Do you make your cobbler with a crunchy top or a bread topping? I wouldn't scoff at either so there is no wrong answer.

I have just put my load in the dryer and soon will close up the house, it is already 80* at 8:20 and should reach a high of 100* I think I will make some sun tea. I have rotisserie chicken from Costco and am going to make chicken enchiladas ( no tortilla) for brunch. I do have some zucchini that I could slice thin and use as tortillas, hmmm.

You girls have a groovy day,
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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