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Monday July 19th

Daily discussions.
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Joined: Sat Jan 13, 2007 6:41 pm

Re: Monday July 19th

Post by Quiltmom » Mon Jul 19, 2021 8:19 am

Good morning all! As usual I am behind on my reading of your posts. Looks like you have all been busy though. Just got back from my Monday morning breakfast at Bob Evans. As usual it was good. Brought home a serving of sausage gravy and biscuits for tomorrow's breakfast. Not going to mow today. Am letting it set one more day after about 5 days of rain. Several lawns I passed that had mowed had wet ruts where they had mowed so I will wait one more day to mow. Hope it gets dry soon.

Will be doing some cleaning and sewing today. Still haven't gotten back in the mood to work on my quilt. I don't know why I just "pooped out" on my quilting for a while now.

Well, better get my rear end in gear and get going. Hope everyone has a safe and good day.


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Re: Monday July 19th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:00 pm

Good afternoon, my mornings seem to just slip away lately.

I get up early and head into the gym. I have bene walking at least two miles on the treadmill then I do the 30 minute circuit training set. My goal is to evolve into the machines that will tone my tummy, tush and thighs. I call them the three T's. I ordered a thing that goes around my arm and holds my cell phone so I can rock out while exercising. I'm hoping that I can tighten things up in a year or less.

Judi, how was Hobby Lobby and what did the girls find to do. When Marilyn was younger she loved those looms that she could weave rubber bands on and make bracelets or chokers. I still have some now brittle rubber bands in my jewelry box. What ever the girls find to do I hope it contains lots of giggles.

Sharona, sorry the red didn't turn out. You have 9 granddaughters, any grandsons? You go to Costco often, hope you find what you are looking for. My tuna salad needs a little more dill pickle relish.

Maryz, wow, you are happy. You had a grandson fix, you get to sit and chat with friends and your friends all have dogs. It is so ding dong good to be you. Makes me smile. The fires on this side of the map do seem to get worse each year but there is a drought and the water situation gets worse each year too.

Lori, hope this mornings procedure is all done and you are recovering well.

Katy, I have enjoyed watching the sew along happen, you girls picked up some fun blocks. Hope the shoulder gets fixed soon. Hopefully your X will do more than sweep.

Velda, hope that trailer sells quickly. I also hope it stays at the lake, it's so pretty there.

Jana, we also have warmth, a cloud cover and thunder. Sure wish it would just open up and rain.

Maryq, sounds like a great family gathering. I'm sure everyone enjoyed it fully. I don't get to have cake anymore, how was it.?

Sherry, I don't get to have sausage gravy either. It was one of my favorite breakfasts.

MaryRose, what a treat to see you here. hope you come back often.

Kathy, Becca, Cindy, come out come out wherever you are.

That's it for me today, you all have a marvy afternoon.

Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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