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SUPPER CLUB - Friday, July 9

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Friday, July 9

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri Jul 09, 2021 6:15 am

Good morning,

We barely made it to 70* yesterday. Brrr! I had to wear a light jacket for our evening on the deck. But we should make it to 80* today. By mid-August, I'm ready for fall. But this is only mid-July!

I got my chore list finished early yesterday and got to play all afternoon. I worked on Christmas blocks and then Gypsy blocks. I should do a few of my little 4" star blocks, too. They are sitting there, handy. But my biggest chore for today is to clean all the picture frames in the house. Where does all this dust come from?? I just dusted them in 2019.

JANA - I hope you get your ceiling all done today. If not, will he come back on Monday? If your train track is eye level, that is HIGH! You mean eye level of a standing adult? Wouldn't that make it hard to see the overall scene?

LORI - Hope you can finish up those pineapple blocks soon. They take time. I'm ready to move on to something else . . . :D

VELDA - glad you are back to getting in a bit of dancing. We hear Port Orchard Eagles is starting to have music again finally. And they have the biggest, best dance floor in our area and usually good music. I hope we get to go soon. Not sure my joints will know what to do! It's been so long, we've forgotten much of our "fancy stuff".

I haven't heard anything from Irish for about 3 weeks. Covid has left her depressed with little interest in anything. She hadn't turned her computer on for weeks. Maybe I will send her another text and get an update om her.

Becca's comfort quilt is out for delivery today, so perhaps we'll hear from her soon.

Looks like it was taco night for many of us last night! We're moving on to new food tonite. I think we're having orange chicken over white rice. We bought it frozen at Costco. We'll see if it's good.

What sounds tasty to you tonite?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, July 9

Post by QuiltGram8 » Fri Jul 09, 2021 6:57 am

Hi everyone!
I have been thinking about our friends, Irish, and Becca, too. Hope they are doing well. Chickie, too. I hope all is well. I am surprised to have my life back to normal so quickly.
Our weather temps are going to be great for the week ahead, but rain in every day, off and on storms. Scattered, too, so you may get wet, or you may get drenched! LOL.
Never getting a chance to put our boat in the water. Either appointments or rain storms, ☹️
Yesterday, dentist repaired my chipped tooth( the repair chip from many years ago, just fell out about a week ago). He had it fixed and I was out the door in 20 minutes. I was amazed! And he asked if I needed to be numbed up? Gosh, I said, I don't know. What do you think?
Let's try, he said, and if the drill bothers you, we will stop and give you a shot.
It was fine! It was only a chip repair. Sounded bad, but only felt vibration. Sure was quick. And what a great job! You can't even tell there was ever a chip.
Well, left over taco salad tonight. I tried something different yesterday. I add black beans, chopped crispy salad cucumbers, and chopped tomatoes. I love lots of veggies!!
Wish I had had some sour cream, though. I love that on top.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, July 9

Post by Irishgram » Fri Jul 09, 2021 9:42 am

Good early afternoon from a warm but kind of dreary, SW. Pa....Hoping I'm back or getting back in the groove, lol....I think just too many things caught up with me and knocked the "stuffin" out but "stuffin" and all, I'm back....At long last, the doctors have "fixed" the back and now I can move without hurting....Not doing any jigs but getting out of a chair or walking is a plus.....My sister has been doing a lot of pushing and scooped me up last Friday and took me to her camp and it was wonderful...Fish weren't bitting but I did manage to catch a couple weeds while trying to cast...AND of course there was a marathon card game going along with way too much food...
Our weather has been hot as most of you have been but I'm not complaining...When I talk to Nick and he tells me his weather is 110+, I have no complaints...But, just had a message from Nick and he's back in Jordan and he likes it better than Dubai.....
Mary, I have been trying to keep up with your posts, especially your travels...And your new kitchen floor sounds perfect...I love the idea of laying the floor on top or the other...Any little bit helps with you're built low to the ground....
A friend of mine belongs to Costco and just last week, I went with her...There were 3 of us and we could have used another car...Just them buying the potty paper took up half the back...But, it was fun but so much like our Sam's Club.....But, the best thing, Costco is across the river from the eagle's nest and just as we were walking back to the car, all 3 of the little ones were flying above us...Of course they aren't very little but it was a thrill to see them....They'll stick around for another month or 2 and then the parents will "gently" kick them out of the nest and they'll move on to join other young ones.....

I've been thinking of all those who are going through some rough times...We're all so lucky to have all of you, with the good thoughts and prayers......

I have no idea what might be on my supper menu for tonight...Normally, 4 of us get together on Friday night, order pizza and salad and play cards into the wee hours but 2 of our players are away...And I have a contractor coming by this evening to give me an estimate on the roof for my front deck...I might need to double up on my heart pills when I hear that......
This afternoon, I need to visit a friend's fur babies...She's away for 10 days and I get to play with them every day.....Tough job but someone has to do it, lol........

You all have a great rest of the day......Be safe, be well!

Happy eating...............................

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, July 9

Post by QuiltGram8 » Fri Jul 09, 2021 11:50 am

So happy to see your post, Irish. What a neat experience to see all the eagles in flight. I love the beauty of nature and all it's wonder!
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, July 9

Post by auntjana » Fri Jul 09, 2021 11:57 am

Good afternoon!

We are HOT! Over a 100 today. The heat of the day is later around 4 pm so we shall see what it gets to.

Dinner- what else, leftovers! We have plenty.

Aaron and the girls just showed up, let the giggles begin. Kate is on duty today, here in Herriman . Not the close station to me, but the one just on the south side of town. All are heading over in a few minutes for a tour and showing Daniel about working here. Doubt if there will be success, as he makes much money in California. But hope springs eternal!

Michael and Daniel are working on the railroad. Also, our little truck threw a code for a engine problem, so Daniel will fix that later today. It's a easy fix. We have a tool, a code reader, to be able to see what the check engine light means.

Mary - yes, the railroad is high, so it appears more like you are standing beside a real train, watching it go by. We have some step stools that the littler ones can stand on to see. When you are modeling, It's a compromise of lots of things. That's why, I have lots of storage space under the railroad tables.

Vel - isn't modern medicine wonderful! So happy you are doing so well! And the tooth fix was easy!

Irish - happy dance, we got to hear from you! You are missed! And all the travels of you to camp and what Kathy is up too.

Sewing is waiting on me in the Batt Cave. But all the little girls are upstairs and that could spell trouble. Lila especially! So I am near by, keeping an eye on them and keeping peace. Karlie and Gracie are close in age, so play well together, excluding Lila, who then causes commotion.


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