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Sunday June 20, 2020

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Sunday June 20, 2020

Post by zfatcat » Sun Jun 20, 2021 6:42 am

Good morning. Happy Fathers day to all the wonderful fathers in your life.

Lori 8-)

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Re: Sunday June 20, 2020

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sun Jun 20, 2021 6:44 am

Good beautiful Sunday morning. And happy Fathers Day to all of your husbands and fathers and sons.

Today after church we will go see my dad. Not sure what, if anything, we will do. Probably just lunch. I try to have a meal with my parents ( dad and step mom) once a week.

Yesterday evening I did an art project with the boys next door so they could give their dad a fathers day. The dollar store had these cheap plastic coffee togo cups and you take out the paper lining and draw something on it. they each made a personalized cup for their dad and put some candy in it. They love these projects because their parents really give them high praise when they get their gifts. It makes for a happy day.

It's been way to hot to walk in the mornings. It's already 75 degrees at 6am. This weekend is all about 107 degrees and I see the forecast is the same for next weekend.

Lois, how was lunch with our new graduate? hope he really enjoyed it. Does he know what he will do now? college, a job, travel and see the world? I sure didn't have a clue what I wanted to do with my life when I graduated high school. I love slip on shoes, and mule shoes.

Judi, how was the baby shower? sorry about the water pipe. Recently I looked at a weight chart online to see what I "should" weigh. Jana's Proverbial "they" want me to weigh between 129 and 158. Well this 186 pound girl will never be in that range. My reading says I am overweight, if I gain 3 pounds I will be obese. I am also over menopause and have had a kid and am pushing 58 years old. I think the weight chart needs an overhaul. If it is going to call me overweight I will call it antiquated. So there!

Diane, looking forward to seeing your grandma's star quilt, I love your colors.

Flo, happy new car day. It does take a long time to purchase a car. When I bought mine Marilyn was with me and said she would never buy a new car because of how long it took. So glad the kids will be in their own house soon. You have been a very patient lady.

Maryz, funny how your friend saw a bird ( green and red?) in your cross stitch. Sorry your friend with the lung is starting to fail. I'll add another prayer. Our walking fizzled over the hot weekend. Three of us can walk at 7am and maybe earlier, the fourth doesn't want to start until 7:30 and would like to push it to later. the fourth is the one who feels blue often and requires a bit more attention than the others. We walk on a dirt/gravel road at the end of my road, it's called Coronets Entrance. It is a two mile round trip with a couple of little hills. It's a nice walk.

Jana, I imagine you will find dust in those nooks and crannies for a while. Is the job complete? is there more that you need to do to your house? How is my room coming along :lol:

Sharona, do you have a lot of planting yet to do? How was breakfast out? Jerry and I haven't been out to eat in a very long time. I really couldn't tell you the last time we had a date that included a meal.

Sherry, your post made me smile. bribing Doug with rhubarb pie, you are a smart lady. glad you are going back to Bob Evans. Here we can find Bob Evans meals in the freezer section of the grocery store.

Maryq, it's finally here, time to hug those kids right around the neck, stick them in the car and bring them home. yay for you. I can only imagine your happiness. Velda's directions for posting pictures are very helpful. I use them whenever I post a picture.

Kathy, I am just so so overjoyed to see you here. you are a new woman. you sound so full of pep and eagerness. I just love that we have you back sounding like your old self. if you could see the happy on my face as I type this you would know how I feel. I am glad you aren't giving up on your sister, hopefully she will come around. I also get how you feel, I haven't spoken to my mother in many years. Prayers for a better outcome for you. Gosh, it's so dang good to see you. xo

Lori, good morning, hope you have a marvy day

We have three window A/C's. One died yesterday. so we went to Home Depot to buy a new one. I purchased it online for pick up and when I got there I found so many issues with picking it up. So canceled the order and bought the exact same one off of the floor. Seems they were unable to select my order and there were a zillion customers ahead of me. Their idea of order and pick up could take days. but, long story short, we have a cool house now and are no longer grouchy from the heat.

Hope you all have a cool un-grouchy day.
Psalm 48:10 Isaiah 41:10

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Re: Sunday June 20, 2020

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun Jun 20, 2021 7:03 am

Good morning to everyone

We are sitting outside our trailer enjoying our early morning coffee and our beautiful bovine neighbors. All the little calves were gathered in the pasture right at the back of our trailer this morning. What a treat to see

Chriss, your posts are always so light and beautiful and uplifting. I feel like you are a cheerleader in my life. If it makes you feel any better ( it does me!) My doctor ( Who happens to be a young woman only four years older than my daughter) feels that people “of a certain age“ should carry a little extra weight. So I’m doing my best to maintain that! 😆 and succeeding remarkably well, if I do say so myself! And pat yourself on the back for all you have accomplished this year. Your doctor Will smile at your next visit.

Today we are going into Oregon just a 3 Hour Drive. Last night I boiled potatoes and eggs and will make potato salad when we get set up at Bob and Betsy‘s. They are grilling burgers in our honor. In our life, we call that rolling out the red carpet!

Wishing a happy Father’s Day to all the dads in your lives. Do something you especially love today and offer that enjoyment and love up to the ones who are no longer with us.

Group cyber hug!

Mary z

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Re: Sunday June 20, 2020

Post by auntjana » Sun Jun 20, 2021 7:33 am

Good morning!

Happy Father's day to all the Dads and Sons in our lives. They are great!

Another hot one today here. I informed Michael that's it's a no wearing pantyhose for church day. Too blinking hot! Sandals will be the shoe of choice with a summery dress.

Not much else here. Sarah finished her DH's gift and it came out perfect. She is hiding the gift under some fabric pile on their game table in her basement. He will never see it, hidden in plain sight.

As we worked on the Batt Cave finishing, we came across a gift that was to be for Ethan's BD, back on New Year's Day. It was hidden here, after I embroidered his name on it. We put it up in a basket on top of my large IKEA unit holding my fabrics. So we gave it to him last night. It's a hooded blanket poncho, made from fleece to keep you warm in the cold winter days. He had to wear it right now! Wasn't taking it off, it was 101 outside! Silly boy! Surprising what you find when cleaning! Now if some wonderful fairy would hide a winning million dollar lottery ticket, that could make cleaning very interesting......

Time to get going,

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Re: Sunday June 20, 2020

Post by maryq » Sun Jun 20, 2021 7:44 am

Good Morning Girls

You won't believe this, but I was here really early and nobody had started! But I was thinking that somebody would soon, so I waited and came back! I knew a West Coaster would start us out!

Lori.... Happy Father's day to all the Dads in your life as well! When I look at my boys.. I'm so proud of the Fathers they have become.

Chriss... How fun to have a project with the boys next door! Every time I have to stand on the scale at the Dr.'s office I cringe... my Dr. rarely says anything... but I sure do like that idea that at my age I'm allowed to carry a couple extra lbs. Problem is, I'm carrying every body else's extra lbs too! I sure don't envy your weather... If it gets that hot here... I'm stay downstairs and don't even leave the house.

Maryz... Quite an interesting view at your campsite this morning. Are you at a whole campground or did you just find a spot to park?

Jana.... Pantyhose? You still wear panty hose? OMG... when the kids were little, their dad would cover their ears when I tried to put mine on... he didn't want them to hear me swearing. :lol: That's a standard joke around my hose.... what Christmas present will be found in June... hidden in a closet somewhere!

Got to see my Michael, Kaya and Eli on Saturday... My gosh that little boy is getting so big... So sweet and so cute. We went to Dave & Busters so of course he had to play games and earn his tickets to buy stuff. He wanted $100 from Nana so he could play a LOT... yeah right. There was an ATM machine there and when I told him I didn't have that much money.... "Nana... here's a cash machine" of course not understanding the concept that you have to have money in the bank to use the cash machine! :lol: :lol: But it was sure good to see them. I'm hoping they will have a chance to visit again before they go back to AK

For now, I better get in gear.. need to run the vac, tidy up my bathroom, and double check my suitcase again. If I have forgotten anything... well too bad... it's not like there isn't Target or Walmart in Montana! :lol:

I did post the sew along for this week... It's an Easy one... Stars and 4 patch!

I'll try to check in from the road... if not, I'll see you on Thursday!

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Re: Sunday June 20, 2020

Post by grammiequilts » Sun Jun 20, 2021 7:57 am

Good Morning all. It is a warm sunny morning,,,Made pancakes and bacon for the dads, and cleaned up the kitchen...got ready to set the sun tea jar out for the day and it broke....I tapped it against the sink accidentally and tiny crack appeared,,,it is 20 some years old...so I orderd a new one...O make sun tea every few days here,,,Ken drinks it, (I dont care for ice tea)..the kids all drink it when they stop by. then my fridge alerted me that I needed a new (very expensive) filter replacement so ordered that,,,It has not been a good week .....We finally got the basement high and dry. and Ken will paint the second storage room this week so we can finaally get to the main room...Im really tired of the process and ready for a vacation...If my camper were not still at my sisters I might lock myself in it and turn on the air and go away. without moving.
But in the man time I need to do laundry. Going to DDs for fathers day dinner. hope you all have a great day Maryq Have a great trip XXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO

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