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Thursday June 17,2021

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Thursday June 17,2021

Post by fabricgirl » Thu Jun 17, 2021 2:43 am

Good Morning Everyone,

Today will be up in the 70's my Grandson Virgil is graduating High School we won't be attending because they were only aloud 2 tickets Olivia can't go either but Sandi promises to take lots of pictures we are having him lunch here and cake on Saturday.
Today I will do uglies.

Yesterday I finished the rest of 12 little stockings from better not pout.

Well thats all the news here everyone have a great day.
Prayers go out to all.
Last edited by fabricgirl on Thu Jun 17, 2021 4:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Thursday June 17,2021

Post by QuiltGram8 » Thu Jun 17, 2021 3:45 am

Hi Lois, and good morning to all. I am healing each day a little better.
Picked out fabrics yesterday for this week's Sew along. I would love to get back to sewing, but I need to wait a little longer.
I have to do a stress test tomorrow am. I have never had this test, but kinda know what to expect. Told me it takes two to three hours.
I will keep you all posted.
Have a good day.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Thursday June 17,2021

Post by velvet » Thu Jun 17, 2021 4:37 am

Good morning to all. It looks like a hot day with the sun shining and no breeze.
Almost finished the top for qov has rails and a line of stars. It worked up pretty fast.
Daryl (Andover fabric) sent me beautiful yard cuts of woman-ish colors for the PTSD units.
So far I have 3 tops done and the other Diane (my partner in crime) finished 2.

Good luck for your stress test, hope it goes quickly for you.

Time for coffee.

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Re: Thursday June 17,2021

Post by grammiequilts » Thu Jun 17, 2021 4:39 am

Good morning,,it is another beautiful day but we head into the 80s and chance of thuinderstorms. I am having lunch today with a former co worker and friend and quilter, she invited me out of the blue...we will go to "the farmers cafe" good home cooking. it will be fun to catch up/
I didnt get any windows done yesterday I had my eye dialated and they didnt clear up till after supper...I hate that feeling and looking at anything light was bad, so tomorrow if nothing else is scheduled will be more windows...'
Basement storage and work areas are coming along...this area was under the front porch and closed up for years never used,,,the one side wich has a sump pump in it and was in terrible shape....a former owner has a kiln in there and it caught on fire...fortunately this was all cinder block so the only damage was a wooden ceiling which as charred black...they covered it up with dry wall and sealed the room up...we never considered the basement remodle til this year and Ken pulled all the old dryall down to redo it,,finding the fire damage and a bit of water damage, it was all good and my amazing husband has completely redone it and we have nice clean storage and no spiders...now to move on to the main room and the new "man cave" ,
Back to the star quilt which is the same block as this weeks sew along...only in a 6 inch version,,,LOL and a 1 1/2 inch by 2 1/2 inch flying geese. it is coming along...I have 20 more blocks to go...
Hope you hall have a great dayXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Re: Thursday June 17,2021

Post by Becca » Thu Jun 17, 2021 4:49 am

Good morning everyone sunny here
Thank you for prayers for Denise Dr didn’t do surgery He doesn’t like to do it because it’s so painful He gave her new med & salve to put on eyelid If not well in 2 weeks then he will do it we are praying it gets well so she doesn’t have to have it

Velda Hope your stress test goes well DH has had it
Lois Congrats to your DGS Enjoy your time with him
Gotta run get on my walk before the heat hits Have a wonderful day everyone

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Re: Thursday June 17,2021

Post by WeeOne » Thu Jun 17, 2021 5:42 am

Hi from Nebraska. We made it to my Aunt's farm yesterday. She is so excited that we came. I pick up my sister at the airport at 1. Then we'll help my cousins with whatever needs doing.

Prayers for All.

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Re: Thursday June 17,2021

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu Jun 17, 2021 6:20 am

Good morning!

We don’t have Internet but we do have cell coverage again. Was sorry to learn about Velda and Cindy’s Don’s fall. But happy to hear Kathy will be going home. Chickie is doing OK but still has wobbly times. She had a new great GGD end of May.

Lois, congrats to your Virgil! I can’t believe you already finished all those little stockings. Did you just fuse them or stitch them as well? I often don’t stitch decorative things if they are fused well.

Velda, good luck on your stress test

Judy, what!? You haven’t finished those zillion and three windows yet?? And you have yet more storage! You can have one room just for Christmas!

Becca, I hope the medication to work for Denise. Our friend, Annette, self healed her Eye when doctors insisted she needed surgery. So it does happen

Lyn, I thought you had to stay in MO for a few more weeks for Gary’s treatments. Are you visiting your aunt just for fun?

We were camped for three nights in northern central Washington about 10 miles from Canadian border. When we left the campground yesterday we drove for 50 miles and passed only three other vehicles. And only one vehicle came up behind us. My kind of traffic jam! We crossed Lake Roosevelt on The Columbia river on a tiny car ferry. We were the only vehicle on it. The crossing took 10 minutes and was kind of fun. As we left camp we saw two deer, 2 moose, a bear, and a flock of turkeys! Never have seen moose in Washington before so that was great fun.

Now we are in Potholes State park near the town of Moses Lake in the center of the state. Will be here one more night. I have my sewing machine with me but I haven’t gotten it out yet. So far my sewing has been confined to cutting out blocks. Lots and lots of blocks for my gypsy dancer 3. Don’t know if I will ever get the machine out. It has been simply too Hot to want to heat the iron. But I have my Crosstitch project and have been working quite a bit on that . We still plan to be home June 24.

Take care, happy sewing!

Mary Z

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Re: Thursday June 17,2021

Post by gershwin64 » Thu Jun 17, 2021 6:34 am

Good morning!
Lois, I bet your little stockings are so cute! What will you be working on next? Just an FYI, I'll be posting the Christmas in July block swap in a couple of weeks 😊
Vel, I hope your stress test shows you passing with flying colors now that you have your pacemaker.
Diane, you're really getting those QOV out fast, totally awesome!
Judi, wow your basement sounds like quite the adventure! Pretty cool you're finding all that hidden space! It sounds like it's gonna be an awesome basement!
Becca, I sure hope Denice doesn't need the surgery and that new med kicks that infections hiney!
Lyn, your setup at your aunt's house sounds just like how my parents used to do when we always went and stayed at my Grandma's house in Virginia. We all stayed in Mom and Dad's motorhome in the yard/ driveway and all my uncles and aunts and cousins came and visited. My dad is the oldest of 18 so it was quite the reunion/ get together. I've always loved it! They now do it every year on June 10th in honor of my Grandma's birthday. When I went with Dad in 2018 everyone was in and out for the 2+ weeks we were there like when I was a kid, it was great!
Maryz, how great to see a moose! Thanks for sharing your travel adventures, I have an imaginative eye that shows me pics as I read 😊
We've been over 100° for over a week now, as high as 108° a couple times 🥵 too hot for me! We've been painting and doing what we can outside by 10am and then trying to just stay cool inside. We have a swamp cooler so it's difficult to do much inside even with it because it mostly keeps us at 80° inside, some days if we're lucky it'll get down to 77° inside. Our air has been so heavy with the heat that it's been difficult to breath at times.
Today we're going back to Cruces because the tire store put the wrong tires on the truck Sunday and didn't have the tires we ordered in until today. We also bought a new water pump for our cooler and it didn't work so we have to exchange that and a sprinkler that was broken when we bought it. So that'll be my day.
Prayers for all in need.

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Re: Thursday June 17,2021

Post by Quiltmom » Thu Jun 17, 2021 6:40 am

Good morning all! Just a quick stop in today. Weather is nice today but some severe storms coming tomorrow possibly. Not much planed for today. Took my friend Ann to Sauder's Village with me yesterday. It was a special since it is 45th anniversary. Only cost $2.50 to get in instead of usual $20. That was the cost when it first opened 45 years ago. I am a member but she had never been there before. We had a great time. When we went to the Threads Of Tradition quilt shop in the village I bought some fabric though I have too much already. I usually use Civil War reproduction fabric in my projects, but this bright red pack of 4 inch fabrics caught my eye. Now have to think of project for it. I took her to The Barn next door for lunch. After all that walking today am taking it easy.

Watching Royal Ascot racing in Great Britain this morning and tomorrow. It is so interesting because the men wear tuxedos and top hats and the women dress up fancy also. The racing is very interesting. Tonight I will watch my Cubs.

Well, better go get some breakfast. Will come back later to read all the posts that I am behind on. Seems like alot has been going on with everyone.

Have a good and safe day.


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Re: Thursday June 17,2021

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Thu Jun 17, 2021 6:47 am

Good beautiful morning. If ever you wanted to see if the heat of the day would fry an egg on the sidewalk this would be the perfect day to give it a try. We should be from 105 to 110 through the weekend. It was 129* in Death Valley yesterday. So not where I want to live.

Only a quickie today, I have to go walk in a few minutes. We added a 4th lady to our group of walkers and she is an early riser, I so would rather walk early than later.

Lois, happy graduation to Virgil. sorry you can't be there but the pictures will tell the story.

Velda, hope that stress test shows how wonderfully you are recovering.

Diane, glad the quilt is going quickly for you. Nice to have girlish QOV fabric.

Judi, glad the basement is coming along and that you have a talented husband. Enjoy lunch.

Becca, glad the doctor tries other things before surgery. Hope she heals perfectly.

Lyn, yay, you arrived. So glad you are safe and as sound as you can be.

Maryz, you were miles from the Canadian border? why didn't you go grab Maryq's kids and bring them home? glad you are having a nice trip.

Lori, great quilting, sounds like a fun class. If I was there I would go to the quilt show

Jana, love that Sarah can just make a thing that she sees. the game board lasy susan will be so cool.

Sharona, Mosquitos, ugh. When I get to heaven I am going to ask Noah why he decided that Mosquitos needed to be aboard the ark.

Tina, I need tires. I am looking at prices now. I think the July 4th holiday should show sales.

Sherry, enjoy breakfast.

Gotta go, have a happy day
Proverbs 4:11-12

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