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Sunday June 6,2020

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Sunday June 6,2020

Post by fabricgirl » Sun Jun 06, 2021 1:57 am

Good morning Everyone,
Today its suppose to go up to the 90's today
that was the Temps for yesterday also.
I took out my Christmas book Better not pout and have been working on the mini stockings
They have appliques on all of them so they are a nice little project for now.
Mary z I thought I pm you yesterday but I guess it never went through so I tried again today.
Mary Q soon family will be at your house where is all the time going.
Well thats all the news for now I hope you all have a great day.
Prayers go out to all

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Re: Sunday June 6,2020

Post by suzette58 » Sun Jun 06, 2021 3:08 am

Good morning everyone.
I finished the braid quilt and it is ready to go to it’s new home. That should be sometime this week. I have started a quilt for hubby’s aunt. It is from an old pattern I got off of Moda Bakeshop. It is perfect for printed fabrics that you don’t want to cut. I have made several for people and they turn out so pretty. His aunt lives in Jacksonville, FL. I saw this fabric on Facebook that is ships like pirates used to sail and I thought it would be perfect. Well I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

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Re: Sunday June 6,2020

Post by grammiequilts » Sun Jun 06, 2021 4:01 am

Good Morning it is nice to see you all up and about. Parents got home and all is well...except the puppy Pepper didnt know her "mom" and didnt want to go near her for a few minutes. But they managed to get re aquainted.
I will unpack and do laundry today,,,There is a bit of housekeeping to do and grocery shopping is a must,
I hope to get my sewing machine set up and test drive her today. I have missed sewing...we will be in the 90s today also
Well Ken has insisted we go out for breakfast today so I need to get dressed... hope you all have a great day.

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Re: Sunday June 6,2020

Post by Becca » Sun Jun 06, 2021 5:06 am

Good morning everyone cloudy here We had some rain last night
We were in70s yesterday
Going to be a nice day Hope everyone has a wonderful day
I must get ready for Church to start

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Re: Sunday June 6,2020

Post by Quiltmom » Sun Jun 06, 2021 6:07 am

Good morning all! Another hot day here today so will stay in and sew and start a new puzzle. Not a whole lot going on here in Ohio but we are starting to get back to whatever the new normal is going to be.

Got the rhubarb that I got cut up and bagged for the freezer. So that is done. Still need to cut the watermelon I got and put in large container for the fridge. Also need to fold all the laundry I did yesterday. Sounds like an exciting day. LOL

Started reading Shannon Bream's book I got called Women of the Bible. It is interesting. I use it with my other devotions during my Bible Study each morning. I recommend it if you are interested.

Hope everyone is safe and has a good day. Need to go to town and get newspaper. Think I will stop at McDonald's and get some breakfast to bring home and eat while reading paper.


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Re: Sunday June 6,2020

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun Jun 06, 2021 6:28 am

Good morning,

No heat wave here! We are 48* and overcast this morning with rain moving in this afternoon and evening and a high temp of 54*. Far cry from the 85* we had few days ago!

BECCA - did you get your porch swing time yesterday, perhaps with a good book?

JUDI - welcome home, girlfriend! About the cereal bowl, I can hear Sophia telling her mom now, "But Gramma lets me!" lol! Sorry for the attitude. She's practicing for when she adds 'teen' to her age. Hope you get some alone time with your sweet machine today

SUZ - I think your hubby's aunt is going to love her quilt! Such unique fabric!

LOIS - I PM'd you Cindy's address this morning. I have that same book and looked up your stocking project. They are adorable! Do you plan to do them all? I love a tree with homemade ornaments. I did a bunch of yo-yo's in red, white, and green fabrics, sewed them together for garland. It completes my tree. One of these days I'm going to make those little stockings, too.

SHARONA - I'm so sorry about your fur-baby. I've been there, done that, and know I will be again one day. But for the love and joy they give us, it's worth it. Sending you a furry cyber hug.

CHRISS - so, did you get to your garage sales? Find any must-haves? I guess I should have told you ahead of time to keep your eye peeled for sheltie stuff, fox things, nun items, Sylvester the Cats, and Blessed Mothers. Those are my collections. Thank goodness they aren't big collections! Yet. I hope your friend is OK.

TINA - Your painting project is a big one! I'd rather go set up classrooms! We are saving money for the next time our house needs painting. It's 2 story and we're not up for that kind of ladder work any more. You and Frankie are better men/women than Bill and I for sure!

JANA - I hope Gracie is OK today. Do you think it might have been a combo of heat/excitement/food? Just riding in the car made Autumn sick when she was little. At 44 she's still not a good rider.

SHERRY - sounds like you are stocking up and hunkering down for your heat wave just like for a snow storm! Thanks, you reminded me that a friend brought me some rhubarb the other day and it was during a busy time so I put it in the fridge and forgot about it! I better deal with that today.

MARY Q - I think as you clean rooms, you need to close them off with crime scene tape (or some such thing) to keep those gremlins out. Then you won't have to clean them again! Hard to imagine your family will be there in 2 weeks!

VAL - I have never tried to pollinate plants of any kind. I wouldn't even know how to go about telling the girls from the boys. My sex-ed class was sadly lacking, I can see!

Our visit with Bill's sis and DBIL yesterday was so nice, as always. We picked up our wine club selection (2 bottles) and had lunch. Then it was the 100 mile drive home again with just one minute to spare to get Scottie's supper on the floor. Whew! It was close! Today, I'll be packing what I can into the trailer. My clothes are in, most of the non-perishable food is in. I've been cutting out Star Bright blocks to take along. I also want to do some lotto blocks and I may take a tote of pinks (with some greens for accent) to start working on my new Gypsy Dancer. A good thing Tina's Christmas Swap doesn't start for another 3 weeks because I'd want to take that project, too! :lol:

Offering prayers for Don & Cindy, Lyn & Garry, Kathy, Mary Rose, and all who need them.

Mary Z

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Re: Sunday June 6,2020

Post by auntjana » Sun Jun 06, 2021 6:37 am

Good morning!

We have cooled a bit, on in the 90's. We leave for church in three hours, so I have a bit of time first.

Not much here. I have been enjoying watching my Giants. I sewed a bit on a project yesterday. One piece is not cooperating, so after the fourth time unsewing it, I set the project aside and will try again later today, after church.

Aaron had another scary run up another canyon to a call. He and the troopers are still trying to figure out how the car, went off the road, rolled and jumped over the small river, and didn't land in the river, but landed on the other side of the river. The canyon road was shut down for several hours and is very narrow, so people just shut off their cars and broke out the picnic lunch they brought with them, and had their picnic in the middle of the road. Made the best of the situation.

Not much else here.

Hugs and prayers,

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Re: Sunday June 6,2020

Post by gershwin64 » Sun Jun 06, 2021 6:51 am

Good morning everyone!
We hit 101° yesterday! Well I helped DD get her room all set up and it looks great! She has everything up and her theme is succulents this year, so cute! It took us 7½ hours and was I ever exhausted! She only has 1 more thing to put up, something called Math Mountain or Mountain Math LOL but it'll take her more than an hour so she said she'll do that another day. She got me home at 5:45 and I had to get supper on the table for 6 when Dad gets here....I made it on the table at 6:10, super fast fajitas LOL.
Sherry, cold watermelon sounds sooooo yummy!
Becca, 70's.... how perfect! Those are my perfect temps ❤❤
Judi, sounds like you're going to have a really good day even if housework and grocery shopping are included. Enjoy your reunion with your machine ❤. The cereal bowl would've been a bad one with me. My grands do that too because their dad does and it drives me nuts! When DD does dishes she brings out a sink full of dishes from the bedrooms. She tells the kids not to be doing it and they say "but Dad does"....I wouldn't put up with it myself. 🤷‍♀️ and he never gathers them up and never does dishes.
Suzette, I find some nice patterns on Moda Bakeshop too.
Lois, how little are the stockings? I bet they're cute!
Maryz, we're having that same conversation... the next time it needs painted we're hiring it out.... we both are in total agreement LOL
Jana, oh my goodness that sounds like a bad bad wreck! I hope you can figure your project out when you get back to it.
Well today I will be the lovely assistant for hanging siding and I need to water out front and back and vacuum, dust, do bathrooms and I think windows really need to get started here. I think we're going out with one of Frankie's sister's and her hubby for supper.
Prayers for all in need.
You all have a great day!

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Re: Sunday June 6,2020

Post by maryq » Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:43 am

Good Morning Girls

It's a tropical heat wave...a tropical heat wave.... Ok sing, picture me in a grass skirt singing that tune! :lol: :lol: :lol: (Or maybe not... might ruin your day) We hit 100 here yesterday... doesn't happen often, but we did it yesterday... Looks like we are in a long heat wave ahead too... 90's for the next week plus! I can see my electric bill climbing!!!

Lois... sounds like we will be sweatin' together! You're so right... how fast the time has gone... Two weeks from today I'll be flying out to Montana to scoop up my kids! I think that's what keeps me awake at night.... figuring out where to put every body. I want to make things nice for the kids, so they can feel like this is home.

Suzette..... Do you ever see all the folks on FB that sell fabric? I've found a couple groups and have had pretty good luck. You get to know the folks that have the good stuff. Some folks are selling off their stashes, so you have to be careful... I've gotten WM fabric from time to time, but usually can find a use for it. One gal was selling jelly rolls for $15....!! that's pretty good deal!

Judi... Ah... home sweet home.... Your Sophie, kind of reminds me of my Evie... I just call her "Snarky" She is 14 so she has that "teenager" thing going on, sweet sweet kid.... but snarky! Hope you get lots of time to play with your machine today.... and she just purrssssss.

Becca... If you get tired of the rain.. .send some back here... I think we are going to need it! Thank you for the PM... My friend Michele was thinking (for about 5 minutes) about moving to NC... just trying to find a place in the US that's less expensive than CO and of course... Senior Friendly! I think they are going to stick with Arizona.

Sherry.... Rhubarb and watermelon.... all cut up and ready to go... .actually that sounds pretty good to me! I almost grabbed a watermelon when I was in WM the other day... Do you put salt on yours? That seems to be an ongoing question on Facebook. I do love a little salt!

Maryz..... I'm thinking you did learn the important stuff in sex-ed class! :lol: :lol: Two of the three bedrooms downstairs are cleaned. Had a little mishap with one of the bed frames (I broke it) so they will have to bring Evie's bed in, instead of putting it in storage. I was googling around yesterday and found a PERFECT town house for me... only 5 miles up the road from where I am now... but I have to slow-my-roll and wait and see what the kids decide to do.

Jana..... I'm thinking the moral of that story is to always have a picnic lunch in the car! Was the driver ok.... Maybe his traveling Angel was watching over him.

Tina.... Did I hear a rumor about Christmas Swap? :lol: :lol: All my fabric is in the garage, but I think I can put my hands on my Christmas stuff.... and there's no rules about having to buy some new fabric either right? :lol: :lol:

Time for more coffee..... haven't been sleeping so great at night, so took Tylenol PM last night and then slept late.. So now here it is almost noon and I haven't done anything. But it's Sunday so I'm not going to feel too bad.. Even God rested on the 7th day! So I'll just putts around with a few little things today and get back to the real work tomorrow. Am still tweeking things to make room for the kids..

So... with that... I wish you all a Super Sunday
and send prayers for all in need.

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Re: Sunday June 6,2020

Post by auntjana » Sun Jun 06, 2021 11:24 am

2 people were injured, in critical condition, but are expected to survive. The troopers are leaning to excess speed as the cause.

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