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SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, May 30th

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, May 30th

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun May 30, 2021 7:04 am

Good morning,

Beautiful morning here an I am out on the deck, computer on lap, coffee at my side, listening to Dean the Rooster next door telling the world all about it. I love Dean!

Today is our spaghetti party. We're ready. House is clean, table is enlarged and set. Firepit is ready to light. I just need to wash strawberries for HH snacking, make my sauce and get it into the crockpot. I made the meatballs yesterday and will add them later. I'll toss a salad this afternoon, cover it with a damp paper towel and pop it into the fridge to crisp. Guest are bringing garlic bread and apple pie. I also have Spumoni ice cream. It's going to be 75* today so we'll have dessert out on the deck. You're all invited!

Last night I finished my cross-stitch (6x8 pic of retro trailer in fall. I already finished the other 3 seasons). I just need to outline everything in black now - another 3 or 4 evenings, probably. Then to find frames of some sort for them. Frames that will fit on our limited RV walls. And now I can start one of my projects-in-waiting! I have two to choose from. I think it will be the golden retriever and her puppies with the red pick-up in the snow, red barn in background. But I reserve the right to change my mind and do my mama bear and cubs on a mountain trail instead. Both are already in frames and ready to go.

VELDA - We'll take your howdies any time you would like to leave them! :D Nice that you might be able to get some dancing in. It's been so long since we've gone dancing - I think it was NYE '19 into '20, just before we heard about Covid in the US. And the band was so bad we only got on the floor once and finally went and sat down. They couldn't keep a beat. And yes, I think you could easily freeze that soup. Let me know what you think.

JANA - another story to add to The Adventures of Aaron! Too cute about Ethan's "girlfriend". I bet you are anxious for the day when all the work is finally ended at your house. Those lights over your sewing area will be terrific! Do you have an actual doorway downstairs at the back of the house? I know you have a big window you could crawl out of in case of emergency, but a door would be nice, too. Let me talk to your handyman . . . I LOVE that new phrase - PICNIC error! No, Bill hadn't heard it before but he has now and is laughing. Made us think of our friend, Tex. He is camping with his brother in law (after 4 days with us last week) and suddenly all the appliances in BIL's motorhome were getting fried. Tex called Bill to trouble shoot from here. They thought perhaps the campground's utility post was wired wrong. (that has happened to us before!) Turns out Tex had replaced plug-in end of the BIL's motorhome's electrical cord that goes to the utility post and he'd wired it wrong. Sort of a PICNIC error. Not sure Tex will appreciate the new phrase yet. Too soon. :lol: (can't wait to tell him! :lol: )

LORI - your potato salad sounds delicious. And I make mine with all the same things except the vinegar. And I like either Mayo or Miracle Whip. I'm an equal opportunity potato salad gobbler! I love it! Congrats on finishing your JN! An achievement for sure! Your honey sounds interesting. I have to admit, I can't really tell the difference in honeys.

BECCA - ahhh - another PICNIC error! I predict that phrase is going to come in very handy. How do you make your meatballs? I used a recipe from Doris Roberts, following it to a "T". She is the actress who played Marie Barone in Everybody Loves Raymond. She was quite the cook and often had the cast and crew to her house for gatherings and made all the food herself. I found her biography in a thrift shop and it included many of her favorite recipes. I bought it for my sister, but read it myself first and copied a lot of the recipes. I've never made this recipe before, so we'll see . . . .

Well, you all know what we're having for our supper - spaghetti. I almost changed it to baked ziti but one of our friends, Doyal, remarked to Bill that he was really looking forward to "Mary's spaghetti". Well, how could I not oblige him? So I'll do the ziti another time.

What's on your Memorial weekend menu?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, May 30th

Post by fabricgirl » Sun May 30, 2021 7:27 am

Good morning Everyone,
Todayits raining very damp and chilly no outdoor cooking for us so I'm making hot dogs onion rings and beans .
Mary we had Spaghetti and Meatballs yesterday.
And now I'm sitting in my sewing room looking around trying to get started but we shall see.
I hope you all have a great day 💗 .
Mary I put that table runner away for now I will pull it out some other time.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, May 30th

Post by Becca » Sun May 30, 2021 10:24 am

Hello everyone sunny here but not nearly as warm Just took walk
Maryz Hope the dinner party goes well It always does
Lois Maybe you need a break too I had a slower afternoon yesterday
Watched Church then made lunch Leftovers for me CA had a burrito with some potato His eating is so picky now
And I am not good with picky
Have a great day to all
Remember why we have our freedom
Maryz I had a recipe here in one of my books but oh I’m bad to do my own I used
Meat 1 med onion diced 1 t salt scant pepper 1 T Italian Seasoning 1 T garlic powder Tad green pepper 1 egg Oh I added 1/2 cup of rice because mine was porcupines You can leave that out
Them made my sauce
Last edited by Becca on Sun May 30, 2021 12:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, May 30th

Post by auntjana » Sun May 30, 2021 10:30 am

Hi there!

Quiet around this part of the world. Stu is riding along with Aaron on his shift today. Aaron will enjoy the company and Stu will get a first hand experience of Aaron's job. I will get more gray hair! The troopers are out on extra duty watching for DUI's. So starts summer.........

Dinner is our normal late brunch. Hash browns and eggs. Then maybe later a dish of ice cream - I have a favorite that jumped in the basket last night at the grocery store - mint chocolate chip. Michael tolerates it, as he only eats a bite or two.

No uglies today - my day off. I did clean my stove, including the oven, carpet tomorrow.

Mary - you are ready! I like using a Cook's Country recipe for my meatballs. They use a parade to keep the meatball nice and soft. Add spices and sometimes a cube of mozzarella 8n the middle.

Lois - rain does put a damper on outside activities - here, we just say, wait 5 minutes and the weather changes.


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, May 30th

Post by zfatcat » Sun May 30, 2021 1:18 pm

Mary, the different honey's taste very different to me. I used different honey for different things.

I finished up my JN. I posted a picture in the photo section. I also posted a couple quilts in gray that I made for my DS.

We'll be having grilled chicken and potato salad tonight.
Lori 8-)

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