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Friday May 28,2021

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Friday May 28,2021

Post by fabricgirl » Fri May 28, 2021 2:23 am

Good Morning Everyone,

Today will be uglies for us yesterday we went to homedepot and got our plants for the garden we planted them I didn't buy alotbut I did buy pickling cucumbers and regular ones
Some cherry and beefsteak tomatoes also red and green peppers and that was about it.
We are suppose to be damp and chilly until Monday.

I have a question what happened to the supper club I use to enjoy reading it.

Well thats all the news from my neck of the woods I hope you all have a great day prayers go out to all.

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Re: Friday May 28,2021

Post by suzette58 » Fri May 28, 2021 2:43 am

Good morning Lois and those that come later.
I got a notice on my cell phone that we have rain in the area and I just checked out the front window, sure enough it is raining. Hubby was planning on cutting grass today. Who knows if that will happen? I am going to make the label and sew on the binding on the braid quilt. This morning I took the dogs out and we were wandering back to the house and I saw a deer walking along our neighbor’s yard. I hope everyone has a good day.

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Re: Friday May 28,2021

Post by grammiequilts » Fri May 28, 2021 4:28 am

Good Morning I was up early ran the sweeper and gathered up the laundry, got dressed and listened to the rain hit the roof here, we are supposed to rain all day.
I had a fun time with pregnant grandaughter,,,we bought a baby tent for outdoors ( she is out more than inside as she hunts and fishes) ( also owns the company "hook and Antler" for hunting shirts and fishing clothing) we found lots of cute outfits and pacifiers and diapers in a few sizes and wipes and had lunch it was fun,,,RYker was very good and I told him he could pick out something for himself....well he settled on a mop and broom set for kids....said he would help mom clean the house...I tried to talk him out of it but he remained firm and took the duster and did my living room when we got home...it was a fun day....he is a cutie for sure. I did find a onsie for the daddy that said "I'm not allowed to date....ever" I am sure CHris will like that,
I am noe working on the babys quilt.
Today i will clean house as tomorrow I stay at DDs with the kids for 8 days,,,I can come home with them during the week on and off,,,but mostly stying there with the kids and fur babies..Ken will come and eat dinner with us but will work on the basement.
I need to get the stuff done and get some coffee...hope you all have a great day XXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO

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Re: Friday May 28,2021

Post by velvet » Fri May 28, 2021 4:44 am

good morning to all. No rain in the forecast till maybe Sun. (Usual with the pop up showers)
Last night went to use the electric knife for the steak and I heard it cry and then it died. After 20 years I should have expected it. Then last night to use electric toothbrush and it died to. It was about 15 years old. Is it coming my way for me. LOL. Am I on the list next?
So today Bed Bed and beyond for knife and Costco for toothbrush thingie. GRR!
Want to start a qov with a pattern called Safari Adventure. Has stars and rail fence pieces. I hope to cut it out and maybe sew a little on it today.
Well, that the plans for now but who knows.
Have a great day wherever it takes you.

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Re: Friday May 28,2021

Post by Becca » Fri May 28, 2021 4:53 am

Good morning everyone we had a shower overnight Tomorrow is our cool day Yesterday 87
Lois your veggies all doing great If I had more sun I would put out a few
Judi That’s so cute of Ryker Sure your DGD loved all her things for baby
Suz We see deer here too & turkey I love seeing them but don’t like when they eat my flowers
Jana Glad to hear your DS is improving I read an article about Covid affecting young adults Heart

Yesterday I got a few shrubs trimmed & bathrooms cleaned Due to our Dr visit cleaning lady didn’t come I’ll do the rest today Have a great day everyone & prayers for Cindyg & Don Kathy Rosebud Lyn & DH & Chris’s job & all others in need. Becca

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Re: Friday May 28,2021

Post by FlorenceM » Fri May 28, 2021 4:55 am

Crazy week. Finished top fir new grandbabys quilt. Next week will get backing and put it on hoop.
I also picked up my new glasses. I can see clearly again.
I got my veges into my 5 gallon buckets.
And there us a chance in a few weeks kids will be in their house!!!!

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Re: Friday May 28,2021

Post by auntjana » Fri May 28, 2021 5:47 am

Good morning!

Well, it's going to be a SSDD, again. The Batt Cave ceiling is progressing. You know, when you are assembling a quilt, sometimes you go across to make the rows, and other times, you go down, well my handyman man is going the down the length method. That means, my sewing area is still in the construction zone. As well as my LA area. Oh well, patience is being practiced here. :)

I have a smaller section of carpet to wash today. Normally this section would be bigger and I would be done, but with getting supplies for the ceiling from the garage, I can't do the whole area. So it is getting dragged out a bit longer.

Looking forward to playing in the Batt Cave and starting something new. Even finishing something old! Plenty of each lurking down there. LOL!


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Re: Friday May 28,2021

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri May 28, 2021 6:03 am

Good morning,

JUDI, what a fun, fun day you had! I love that Ryker wanted things to help Mommy around the house - and then cleaned YOUR house! lol! What projects are you taking to the kids?

DIANE - I know things come in threes, but I don't think you're up next. It's probably your coffeemaker. I looked up your Safari Adventure quilt. Love it! It will be fun to do. :ugeek:

FLO - Hooray!! Kids will be in their house soon! Let your cabinets begin!

BECCA - I would like to plant veggies, too, but we just don't get enough sun on our property due to all the tall trees. How is your CA doing?

SUZETTE - Enjoy your rainy day. You won't have to water! God watered our yard yesterday. He did such a good job that in some parts of Puget Sound, trees even came down! Sweet to see a deer. We've had a few go through our yard but Scottie takes care of that! Also coyotes and once even a bear.

LOIS - Supper Club - I loved it too. I had no idea you enjoyed it, as well. I usually started it but I've been gone a lot lately, camping. And most of our regulars have drifted away so I figured it had run it's course and stopped posting, too. I have to say I miss it. Should we start it back up? Love to have you stop by the table and say 'howdy' .... or even start it if no one else has.

MARY Q - wakey wakey! Are you getting ready for the kids? I now know we'll be in Oregon on June 20 so won't be able to pick you up at the Montana airport. Sorry. And that's only 24 sleeps away! Are you getting excited??

SHARONA - what did you plant? I've planted one thing this year - a lithodora, and it may have died from lack of water while we were gone. Hoping yesterday's rain helped it. The soup, Southwest Black Bean, turned out really good! Bill must have complimented me about 10 times. He ate it for lunch, for supper, and will have it for lunch again today. I'll do Supper Club today and post the recipe, OK?

JANA - we always seem to go through Utah during Orange Cone Season. They really brighten up the landscape, don't you think? Glad your Matt is doing well. I see as more research comes in they are finding a lot more long term effects (long-haulers) from Covid than previously thought. Sorry the ceiling is dragging on - and therefore the carpet cleaning. But, oh baby, when it's all done, I bet you will be dancing a jig!

It was kind of a dreary day here yesterday so I traded off working on my Star Bright stars and my cross stitch. I have 48 stars finished. It calls for 225 but I think I'll run out of my background fabric long before then. Since they made the error in cutting directions - each block needs two 3-1/4" squares instead of the one they indicated, it follows that the total amount of yardage needed is also wrong. I will just make as many as I can and either add borders or let it be a smaller quilt. I will be finishing my X-St project in a few days. So excited to start one of my new ones. I still haven't decided which to do first.

Today is a blank day. Life has been quiet lately. So quiet we haven't even messed up our house, so no uglies to do. We'll see what the weather is and maybe I'll work outside a bit. But will probably sew some, stitch some, and maybe bake some bread.

Group hug!!

Mary Z

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Re: Friday May 28,2021

Post by womster » Fri May 28, 2021 6:26 am

Good morning!

Lois - all those veggies you planted sound good. What a blessing they'll be come harvest-time.

Suzette - I guess there will be no mowing today.

Judi - that Ryker - what a character! How sweet that he wants to help his mom.

Diane - I think it's a conspiracy amongst your appliances.

Becca - agree with you about the deer. There are so many here they are considered pests.

Flo - glad you can see again!

Jana - it's nice to hear the ceiling is progressing, even with SSDD.

Maryz - I will go check out your recipe. I forget there are other threads here on this forum! I'm planting the periwinkle. And maybe something different along the border. That's too bad about the errors in that pattern.

I will be trimming shrubs today. I had been waiting on some 108" backing fabric from Hancock's. I ordered it at the beginning of April and they kept saying it was back-ordered. I went to check on it yesterday, and it said it was no longer available! I had to email them to have the order canceled. It was disappointing - I have received excellent customer service from them in the past. Have a glorious day! xoxo Sharona

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Re: Friday May 28,2021

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Fri May 28, 2021 6:34 am

Good wonderful morning and happy Friday.

There was a fire on the other side of my mountain yesterday. It's at 200 acres 5% contained. I'm completely safe. Here people complain about tourists and how fire careless they are. I think this one happened because someone chose to mow or weed eat and all it takes is for one little spark that comes from hitting a rock, and we have many, for a fire to get out of hand quickly. Please, if you tow anything with your vehicle, and a metal chain is involved, tie the chain up so it doesn't hit the asphalt on the road. and don't park in any dry grass.

Lois, your garden will be perfect. just the right veggies to make a great salad. Sounds like you are going to make pickles. Hope they are wonderful.

Suzette, I love when I see wildlife. yay for being on the downhill side of the braid quilt.

Judi, sounds like a wonderful day and you had Ryker who cleaned your kitchen floors, what a sweetie. I bet you will have a fun 8 days with the kids. Curious to see how much is done in the basement when you get home.

Diane, Enjoy your new electric knife and electric toothbrush. I don't think you will be next, you aren't electric. I googled that quilt pattern, I really like it, it will make a beautiful QOV quilt.

Becca, sorry your cleaning lady didn't come. Deer are one of the reasons we don't have much of a yard, squirrels and gophers are the other reason. Why did Noah put them on the Ark?

Flo, yay, there is an end in sight. bet the kids are as anxious as you are to get into their new home.

Jana, Hope that Batt Cave gets finished soon. Bet you're itchin' to play.

Maryz, Wow, a blank day. you could meet me at the Modesto Mall, I want to find a pair of tennis shoes or slip ons that I can wear with crop pants, I think that's what they are called. Any Vicky news? did she ever get help. Nice that Bill loved your soup.

Maryq, I missed how your kids are coming. I have to go back and read some more. I bet you are super excited. I'm not sure if I will go back to work or not. still on the fence.

Tina, happy retirement.

Sherry, I have decided against the nursing program, It really isn't up my alley.

Sharona, UGH on the hancocks fabric. I know Connecting Threads was having 20% off site wide but not sure if the sale is still on. Hope you find just the right fabric.

We should see triple digits next week, this weekend it will be in the high 90's. Thankfully it is still cooling down in the evening and we can sleep with the windows open.

Lots of plans for this weekend. Today some friends and I head out for a shopping trip, tonight is dinner at the Elks with my parents. Tomorrow morning Jerry and I go to Sonora, Ca where there is an amazing farmers market, he also thinks I need to buy him lunch. There is a restaurant called the Diamond Back Grill, amazing hamburgers. Then Sunday is church.

I need to start my day. Shower and breakfast are first on the agenda. I have leftover dinner from last night that. it was marvelous.

you all have a marvelous day,
Proverbs 4:11-12

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