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SUPPER CLUB - Friday, May 14

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Friday, May 14

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri May 14, 2021 6:55 am

Good morning,

LORI - I'm so sorry to read that you lost your beloved mom. Especially so close to Mother's Day and their anniversary. But what a special life she has had! And now a new special life in heaven! Sending you hugs and healing thoughts during this sad time.

I talked to Mary Rose (Rosebud) yesterday. She is hanging in there, still working, with no medical answers yet. So no surgery, either. She is exhausted. But is working on that beautiful cross-stitched quilt label for her DGD's wedding quilt. She says hi to everyone and is grateful for any prayers said in her name.

I've been puttering around the house, getting things ready for camping. Also put in a few hours in the sewing room. Bill has our deck stairs almost finished. He might finish the last section today. Then he has a little trim to do and also sand and stain the handrail. I have chiro this morning after my walk. Then my today will look much like my yesterday. Unless it takes a left turn. Maybe we'll go to Costco with a short list. It's only 3 miles. We need a few things for our camping trip.

BECCA - I simply can't believe Wren is 5!! Where do the years go? I'm kind of a card saver, too. In fact, I had 30+ years of Christmas cards in boxes in our attic. When Bill saw that when we were cleaning a few years ago, he questioned my motivation in keeping them and convinced me they could go. And they did. But special cards from special people I still save in a box in my closet.

TINA- I agree!!! All-day K isn't good for most kids. I had to insist on morning K for Autumn because she would come home exhausted, eat a sandwich and put herself down for a 3-hr nap, every day! No way could she have gone all day long. (BTW, she still naps whenever she can and she's 44 yrs old now! lol!)

JANA - I so agree about the upper half of the gas tank, but my gasser-upper never hits the station until the car dings at him. Sigh. Glad Scott and Sandee are staying put! I love corn on the cob, too. We raised it while I was growing up and sold it, ala roadside stand style. We had about 7 acres in corn that we kids hand hoe'd. PIcked the corn fresh for each customer. I could eat 6 ears in one sitting! To this day we still call paper grocery bags "2-dozen sacks" as that's how many ears we could pack into each bag.

Tonite's supper is going to be orange chicken - in honor of Lori and her mom. She always makes orange chicken. In the interest of full disclosure, though, I have to admit to you it's purchased frozen orange chicken. I've never tried it - only made my own, using frozen popcorn chicken.

Are you experimenting with your supper tonite, too?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Friday, May 14

Post by Becca » Fri May 14, 2021 9:58 am

Hello everyone sunny here & beautiful Got walk in early And Keith FaceTimed He said his second oldest DD the one that loves to read & made her Mother the quilt is now writing a book A mystery first in series She is amazing She just turned 10 this week
This evening is our nieces memorial service Mark is presiding It’s in CAs home Church where we used to live Denise said she will represent our family She is placing a pot of fresh flowers on altar In memory of Judy

Maryz You must be like me about cards
I got a really pretty one from my DDIL I love pretty cards
Thank you for the update on Rosebud I
Will continue to pray for her

Lori You & family are in my prayers

Jana I am sitting on half tank I don’t have to go anywhere so I think I should let the ones that have to work or go to Dr have the gas
Glad your family is staying Now if you can get Daniel there
I made us a pizza which was tasty I always put fresh veggies on my side He had the meat side
Have a great day everyone Becca

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