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wed May 12th

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wed May 12th

Post by grammiequilts » Wed May 12, 2021 4:32 am

Good morning, it is a sunny day but the temps are still in the 30s I am going to try to get the grden in this weekend.
We have a hockey game tonight so we will go to that.
Today will be a few uglies. I cleaned out the fridge now it looks bare. but Im good with groceries.
So Happy to see Kathy is getting her surgery and praying or a recovery and back to normal for her,
Well I must get coffee and get a few things done. We just got word our guild will have a meeting on the 26th, It is good to see nirmal peeking its head up///XXXXXXXXXOOOOOOO

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Re: wed May 12th

Post by WeeOne » Wed May 12, 2021 4:44 am

Rise and Shine!
Today's song is On The Road Again!

I fixed our Coach yesterday, with help from a wonderful man at Silverleaf and a tech here who told me what should be removed on batteries first. I didn't get shocked but did have sparks once when wrench touched a screw head on wall of compartment. Seems we have a little solar panel, for cranking batteries. The guy and I didn't know where to shut it off. But all is well. It's done and I'm driving to Springfield, IL today. Then on to Kansas City area.

So thankful to see Kathy post.

I see Judi beat me by 10 min or so, so deleted my post and moved here. Good morning Judi and all that follow.


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Re: wed May 12th

Post by mepeace2 » Wed May 12, 2021 5:20 am

Good Morning Ladies
Lyn When in Springfield Your about 75 miles from me. I am glad you got your coach fixed. Happy travels.

Judi Its only in 30's here too . And I agree its time to get rest of my veggie garden in. This weekend will be a busy one for me. Finally QVC is sending part of my flowers.

Not much going on today. Do dishes make my bed and put down more mulch . I found out on line that your not supposed to mulch butterfly bushes. So I will go take the mulch away from my old one and will not mulch my new one when I get it.
Finally my female hummingbirds are showing up. The Orioles are eating grape Jelly Like really eating jelly. Like 3 jars in last 2 weeks. :lol: I have no idea how many I have but they are so pretty.
I need to go to Lowes and Menards this weekend I need some more plants for my south garden. I am planting more perennials in this garden. In groups. We will see how this turns out.
I still need to do one more block for the sew along. Glad its the last block. Then doing my large center basket. Dont worry girls its not part of sew along. I just have a design in mind for mine. I am using part of Els older collections in this quilt.
Well its off to do dishes and another cup of java.

You all have a great sewing day

O ps I cant wait to see your sew along blocks.

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Re: wed May 12th

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed May 12, 2021 6:34 am

Good morning,

Oh, wasn't it good to see Kathy's post?! So glad she's going for her surgery. Will be keeping her in prayers for sure.

JUDI - good luck to your hockey team! I used to love having a veggie garden, but I just don't get enough light in this yard. It will be good to be able to attend your guild meeting.

LYN - you are handier than most men I know! Glad your panel is now fixed and you are on your way. Thx for the pic. I will show it to Bill. He was curious.

KATY - you reminded me - I got my sew-along blocks all caught up but I got busy and forgot to post photos. Will try to do that today. Happy gardening!

CHRISS - There are so many cute ways to make aprons. I need an apron for cooking and a big pocketed bib for eating. I'm such a messy mary! Wasn't it you who said you had a friend who wanted to know about making camping rezzies? The days are getting away from me and I forgot to answer. E-mail or text me, OK? One thing is parks and campgrounds are really full these days. There has been a huge increase in camping late;yu because of Covid. It's an easy way to have fun while staying apart from other people. Would you believe I ran out of full bobbins yesterday?!! I almost called you!

SHERRY - glad you're going to be around to bug your sons for a long time! I'm sure they're glad, too. Happy mowing! I love those cheery little yellow dandelions, too. And even their little puff balls later are pretty. But then I'm done with them.

MARY Q - wise not to pack your bladder 'to the gills' until after you arrive at your destination! How's it going so far? When are you coming home? I miss you already!

IZZY - how scary for you and your DH! I pray he's not in too much pain. And Val is right - burns infect easily. Be careful and watchful.

VAL - you are a busy, busy lady! I hope you still have time to sew a little.

JANA - I will check out photos and see if you got your picture posted. And happy baby quilting!

FLO - glad you like mowing. I didn't mind it until my back went south.

Yesterday was nice here - purrfect weather. I got my sew-along blocks caught up. Then friends came by for leftovers for supper and we ate outside by the fire. Today our new mattress and box springs will be delivered "between 10 and 1". Gives me time for my shower, walk, and chiropractic appt. Yesterday I washed our new cotton sheets and dried them on the line so bedtime will smell good tonite! Can't wait to see how my back feels sleeping on this new mattress. It is made by a local company and I'm happy about that!

Have a great hump day! Prayers being offered up for Cindy and Kathy. Will try to get an update from Mary Rose soon.

mary z

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Re: wed May 12th

Post by womster » Wed May 12, 2021 6:40 am

Good morning!

Judi – it sure seems like ‘normal’ is making a slow but steady return.

Lyn – good for you, doing those repairs yourself! Safe travels.

Katy – you have a lot of planting in your future. I bet your yard is beautiful.

Izzy – praise God that your DH is ok.

Maryz – I bet that’s what happened with my post. I need to pay closer attention. SEE? I already did and noticed you snuck in before I hit enter. Happy new bed day.

We got 4” of snow yesterday morning, and then another couple of inches in the afternoon. It’s all melted off now. Yesterday was spa day for the dog, and because of the weather we had to leave at o’dark hundred. So I missed my visit here. Ran a bunch of errands – also took my sewing machine in for its spa day. Today I’m back outside – closing in on finally getting the sewing room ship-shape. I was very saddened to read about the trails Cindyg and her DH are going through. xoxo Sharona

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Re: wed May 12th

Post by velvet » Wed May 12, 2021 7:27 am

Good morning to all
Kathy-hope your surgery goes well and soon. Need you back here to join the laughs. So hurry back full time. How is Kim doing?

I was able to get backing for 108 inches at 10.99 a yard from the lqs yesterday. Its wow so will be able to us it for anything. Picked up 7 yards. Hoping to get the batting soon. (on sale) The top measures 120x130. So hopefully one of the laer's will be able to do it for me.

Going to Sevierville, TN for a week with a cousin couple to a cabin. Leaving Sun. It will be nice to just get away for a few days.

Very windy and cool here today. I will try to straighten up sewing room. Darn those little elves that sneak in at night!!

Well time to rear in gear. Have a great day.

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