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Friday May 7,2021

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Friday May 7,2021

Post by fabricgirl » Fri May 07, 2021 3:57 am

Good Morning Everyone,

Yesterday I made some head way on the tshirt quilt but I ran out of interfacing :x so I will have to wait and see if I get a flyer from Joanns and see if they are having on sale again.
Today we are going out to an early mother's lunch with Billy and Melissa so nothing will be going on in the sewing room today.

Judi I hope you and Sherry have fun at the quilt show.

Mary Z thank you for your words of wisdom.

Well everyone have a great day prayers go out to all.

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Re: Friday May 7,2021

Post by Becca » Fri May 07, 2021 4:50 am

Good everyone sunny and breezy here
We had a gorgeous day yesterday I got lots accomplished
Even got some flowers planted & weeding done All that rain really makes things grow
It is all green here now
Found out my 2 nieces are coming on Monday to visit so must prepare for them
Lois Sure you will enjoy your early Luncheon Glad the tshirt quilt is coming along good
I better get moving Laundry to do & other chores
Have a great day Everyone
Lori I’m so sorry to hear about your mom
Praying for you & your Dad

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Re: Friday May 7,2021

Post by FlorenceM » Fri May 07, 2021 5:02 am

Yesterday I ended up at docs with another uti. So back on antibiotics for me. Wed I got some if mowing & edging done, now I need to avoid prolong exposure to sunlight. Now since Joe has to do mowing, the zero turn is going to shop this morning...Joe doesn't like the push mower.
Son having baby is my youngest in Pennsylvania...so vacation for me this summer!

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Re: Friday May 7,2021

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri May 07, 2021 5:29 am

Good morning,

I see we have two starting posts for today, so I'm going with the first one.

LORI - I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. Is she at home or in a care facility? Wishing them a loving anniversary. Hugs, my friend.

JUDI - glad your long week is over. You were such a good hostess to a challenging guest. I hope you find some wonderful treasures today!

BECCA - more family visits! How nice! Will you be serving a meal? Your yard always sounds so lush and green.

LOIS - sorry you ran out of stabilizer. I hope Joann's has a good sale going! In the meantime, enjoy your lunch!

SHARONA - I have periwinkle all over my yard. I love it! I have a lithodora to plant now. I love that even more!

MARY Q - you HAVE been busy! My back ached after reading your post! I hope you get a rest soon and maybe a long soak with Mr. Teal's Epson Salts! I'd go with the lavender-scented . . . :D

FLO - sorry to hear you have another UTI. But fun to contemplate another grandbaby! I predict a baby quilt in your near future!

I have a haircut this morning and then we're going shopping for a new bed. Our mattress is 28 yrs old - a double-sided pillow top. It was so comfy in its day, but its day is over. And Bill has decided he wants a whole new bed, frame and all, not just a new mattress. He wants to downsize from a king to a queen. Funny. He was the one who INSISTED on a king. And I had to squeeze my way around it every time I got in or out of bed. Then a ago we changed the furniture around and now he's the one doing the squeezing. And he's decided we need a smaller bed. lol! I don't care - I'm just along for this ride through life. But I don't know if Foxy is going to like this! He sleeps between us every night.

Have a Fabulous Friday!
mary z

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Re: Friday May 7,2021

Post by auntjana » Fri May 07, 2021 6:35 am

Good morning!

Boy are we warm! 65 here early this morning, but a cold front is coming and will drop these nice warm temps for a day or two. Michael mowed and reconnected the sprinkler system yesterday. All the sprinklers work. That's a good thing! The rest of the ceiling system for the Batt Cave is out for delivery today. So if our handyman is available, he'll start on Monday! Whoo hoo!

Still plugging along 9n the binding on the big quilt. Of course, when it got warm, I would be doing this quilt 8n my lap, par for the course!

Not much else here, sewing and my lesson.


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Re: Friday May 7,2021

Post by velvet » Fri May 07, 2021 6:55 am

Good m0orning to everyone here.

Just got back from mammo (routine) I usually go in Feb. but the virus had the places closed and then were really backed up when they finally got to make new appointments. Oh well, at least its done for the year. Should get the report within a week.

Almost have my bedroom quilt pieced together-king size all with grandma star blocks. Will be happy when this set is done. I have 2 raffle quilts to make for QOV I have the panels for them. Just have to find the time to start them.

Off for breaksfast and definitely coffee.

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Re: Friday May 7,2021

Post by Quiltmom » Fri May 07, 2021 8:04 am

Good morning all! I couldn't go to the Sauder Quilt Show and meet up today with Judi. My arthritic knees are just terrible this week and even with my cane couldn't walk very much. My asthma is also bad this week. Glad I have a doctor's appt. in a few days. I really miss not going to the show but guess I am just "having so much fun getting old" as my DH used to say.

Just staying in and doing laundry and a few small jobs today. Need to get the TV I bought for my sewing room set up this weekend. May-be will get back in the mood to do some quilting then.

Hope everyone has a good day.


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Re: Friday May 7,2021

Post by womster » Fri May 07, 2021 8:29 am

Good morning!

DH is waiting for me outside so I'll keep this short. I need to rake the pine needles out of a couple of flowerbeds and then get to my sewing space. We're supposed to get snow again Sunday - GAH! We have a gutter guy coming (LeafGuard I think) to give us an estimate on replacing the gutters with a product that keeps pine needles out. DH has tried three other products and none of them work. At almost 74, he is too old to be climbing a ladder. Have a glorious day! xoxo Sharona

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Re: Friday May 7,2021

Post by grammiequilts » Fri May 07, 2021 2:19 pm

Good Afternoon. I posted this morning but Lois had posted too. So I deleted mine and here i am. We saw many wonderful quilts at the Sauder Village show today,,,the theme seemed to be foundation paper piecing and many "New York Beauty" quilts were on display. plus a lot of others...there was a lot of people there.
We of sourse hit the quilt shop and I found a piece of soft blue fabric I had to have and I did get some #12 perl cotton to hand quilt the mini quilt i just finished, They only allowed 10 persons in the shop at any givn time so there was a long line outside...we went to lunch afterwards and headed for home. It was fun but we missed Sherry and hope we can meet up another time.
I stripped out the guest room bed and will do some laundry today and tomorrow and put the room back together,,,Right now the window is opened and the fan is going to get some fresh air in there, SIL was a smoker and spent a lot of time on the front porch but the room needed some air.
I now have 2 quilts in the "todo" list. So I will be working on them...hope you all had a great day. XXXXXXOOOOOO

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