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Monday May 3rd

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Monday May 3rd

Post by grammiequilts » Mon May 03, 2021 4:19 am

Good morning everyone is still asleep here. busy day yesterday visiting all our family...on Kens side...I have a bit of time as they guests are stil asleep/ I stripped my bed and got some coffee. started pulling some fabric for a new quilt...and I will try to make my sew in block today. Depends on when Ken gets home from the rink and can entertain his brother,,,Sister in law has no hobbies and is not interested in sewing of anykind..so I may have to wait til they leave to catch up.
Another grandson ( same family) has come up positive so they are all in quarentine....Oldest son feels much better after 2 days and doesnt think he caught the wuhan flu ( his words LOL) but his results are not back yet,
Hope you all have a great day,XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO

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Re: Monday May 3rd

Post by QuiltGram8 » Mon May 03, 2021 4:40 am

Good morning, Judi and all who follow. Sounds like visit with family is going ok.
This week's Sew along block looks really fun. Think I might buy a package of rick rack for trim. Won't get to work on mine until later in the week.
What is your next quilt pattern? I have fabrics in a tub for church quilt tops, but have been too busy to get started at them
Going to try May Lotto this month. Haven't joined in a long time, so this will be fun.
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Monday May 3rd

Post by WeSignificant » Mon May 03, 2021 4:54 am

Good morning Judi and Vel.

Judi glad the visit is going well. No hobbies is weird to me. Wonder what she does all day.

Vel I am going to try the lotto. One block to see if my measurements are right then will go from there.

Getting blooms on my tomatoes, a few I think on the peppers but the birds are having a hay day with the leaves again this year. We had the same problem last year and had to put a screen over them. A few strawberries but something is eating the fruit? They are screened so know it's not the birds. I planted a pepper called Candy Cane I believe, It has blooms everywhere but I have pinched a few off as the plant is still small. Herbs are doing well except for the parsley. I will harvest oregano this week as plant is unruly. You can cut them all the way back and they will grow back.

Dad has his first eye injection today. I have never seen that done so interested to see how they do it. Praying he behaves.

Nothing much else new. Last day to finish my charting to get paid and one more chart.
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Re: Monday May 3rd

Post by auntjana » Mon May 03, 2021 5:00 am

Good morning!

We finally got a reliable test back on Andrew - it's negative! The middle school he attends, has a large outbreak of the virus, so to attend, the school is using the spit test, which is notorious in being wrong. It was this time. I will stay off my soapbox, just happy all came out well.

Today is running errands, Mt Washmore, and a few uglies. Then I will be the lovely assistant, helping with the ceiling project. Michael is drawing up the bill of materials, and I will do the ordering today. No company carries this system locally, so I will use my well honed skills of shopping on line. There are several places online, in stock, delivery and price wins. Sewing is 8n my to do list, somewhere.

Stay Safe!

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Re: Monday May 3rd

Post by Becca » Mon May 03, 2021 5:15 am

Hello everyone a rainy day here today
We had a great time yesterday with Denise & Mark She brought me 2 gal of fresh strawberries was beautiful vase of flowers for Mother’s Day I got the berries frozen
And she brought a dish full to eat We had a wonderful meal together
I gave her her big stack of pictures and mementos I saved over the years
I haves stack for each child I plan to do more purging today
Judi Glad Visit is going well Hope the covid is over soon
JanaGlad your family was negative
Velda Enjoy your day
Valerie Do you have a bunny They love gardens
Have a wonderful day everyone & prayers for all in need. Becca

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Re: Monday May 3rd

Post by mepeace2 » Mon May 03, 2021 5:51 am

Good Morning all
The sew a long block has been posted and I am sure Mary will post pictures soon. She is so busy right now.
I am sure she just forgot. LOl I am working on learning how to get pictures from my phone to this sight. So far no luck. I can get pictures to facebook but there system makes it easy.
I am still working in gardens . Laying mulch has been a daily thing. Yesterday transplanted more day lilies. And of course layed mulch. :lol:
It rained during the night so gardening is on hold. I am going to do some cleaning then sew. Nothing else going on here.
Becca Glad you had a good time and received all those strawberries.
Judi No hobbies Does she read books or on internet . I read sometimes more than I should . But no hobbies seems amazing.
Velda Glad you like sew a long block. I answered your question. I fell in love with this block. Its easy ,cute, and really belongs in sew a long.
Valerie Is Candy Cane pepper a green pepper . I do not have any luck with peppers. But would like to try again. I need to get my green beans planted in a couple of weeks. My onions and potatoes are up. I am going to local greenhouse to buy cucumber and zuccini plants. going to plant more of these this year.

Well I need another cup of Java and watch the birds.

You all have a great sewing day

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Re: Monday May 3rd

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Mon May 03, 2021 6:08 am

Good beautiful Monday morning,

What a busy weekend. A friend and I went to that yard sale that the town was putting on. It's a pretty small town, maybe 5,000 or so people. One Mexican restaurant, no other place to eat. And it's the cleanest little town with only a few businesses. A store called Grandma's Antiques put's it on the first Saturday in May each year. You grab a map and go to sales at peoples houses. what fun. I bought a cute new purse for $5, some quilting books that I didn't need, and some other little things. We went to lunch and then came home.

Sunday was church, great sermon series on prayer. It was a productive and busy weekend.

Jana, they opened up our high school recently. Not quite 600 students, 150 of them were exposed to Covid and on quarantine.

Becca, hope that your visit was fun with the kids. You are blessed with a family who likes to come see you, they must feel the love. Strawberries are wonderful. We have a fruit stand on the way to my dads house with marvelous strawberries.

Diane, I loved reading about your family. what a blessing to like the in-laws and to all be in the same area. I imagine it will make for some wonderful family gatherings. what fun.

Valerie, you do have a lot on your plate, glad DGS will be moving in with his mom, one less thing for you to deal with. I also look forward to not working but that will be maybe 10 years from now. Jerry built a big caged in garden with raised beds. Bees can get in but birds and squirrels can't. We have lettuce, tomatoes, onions and bell peppers. I love home grown tomatoes.

Velda, when Jerry was working I used to make a big fruit salad and freeze it in portions, he would put it in his lunch box to act as an ice pack and it would be thawed but still cold by lunch. I love fruit, especially melons.

Suzette, yay the braid quilt is done, backing and binding hopefully will go quickly and you can get started on the next thing.

Lois, I also got new glasses recently. I don't go every year like I used to.

Judi, Odd that your SIL has no hobbies, hopefully she has some interests otherwise a day would be dull. hope it's not difficult to entertain them and if it is I hope the week flies by.

Valerie, not sure what could be eating your fruit, here it would likely be squirrels. Since yours are covered in with screen can something get in from underneath?

Lori, I'm thinking about you, keeping you and your parents in my prayers.

So my son calls me the other day to tell me about the 17 year Cicada invasion coming in the midwest. I had neve heard of it so I googled to read more. Oh my gosh, what an interesting and noisy time it will be https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/ ... x-map-2021

My weight loss has stalled, I still have 30 pounds to go. It's really my own fault. We ate out after the yard sales on Saturday at Panera Bread. Probably someplace I won't go to again. You had to buss your own table, put the compost in one bin, plastic in another, paper in another, really weird. and the food wasn't great. Time to get back on my diet and start the day new.

Hope you girls have a marvelous day,
Proverbs 4:11-12

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Re: Monday May 3rd

Post by maryq » Mon May 03, 2021 7:48 am

Good Morning Girls

Hey.. Remember ME! Yes I am still alive.. .just tired and sore! Last week was a week that I don't want to repeat any time soon. This week should be a little less crazy, at least I hope so. I was at David's house (Jen's bf's) every day last week helping him clean out his garage. Finally got a dumpster, so a lot of junk went in that. He sold a LOT of his antique stuff on line and we had an impromptu garage sale.. , just threw a street sign on the corner hear his house. A lot of his neighbors came by and I got to visit with a lot of folks that I knew back when DEX and I owned the drug store in town. Still a lot to do, cleaning out kitchen etc and I am headed there today to do that today. David is leaving for AK on Friday so we are trying to get as much done as possible. There are things I'll be hauling to Goodwill or Salvation Army after he is gone. His garage is cleaned out, but you should see mine!

Next week I am headed to Wisconsin for Rummage Along the River at Tom and Viv's... and I am SO hoping I don't have to bring ANYTHING back to my house. I can't even get my car in the garage right now. Tom and Viv are driving up on Sunday to pick up a load of stuff (and to visit their son who lives in Minneapolis) Good thing Tom has a big Pick Up Truck :lol: :lol:

If I didn't have a mile long to-do list today I would stay and chat, but I need to get in the shower and get going to David's... today I'm going to tackle his kitchen... I know there is a load of clean dishes in the dishwasher and some dirties in the sink... Need to clean out the cupboards. The couple that live next door have been a HUGE help over the last week, so I'm going to see if they want anything... Other-wise I'll start another GoodWill Box!

please know that I miss you all and hope to be back soon

I did post pictures of Katy's and my apron for the Sew Along! Sorry it took me so long!

Wishing you all a Marvelous Monday!

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Re: Monday May 3rd

Post by womster » Mon May 03, 2021 8:20 am

Good morning!

Judi – it sounds like the company isn’t too bad so far – I hope that continues to be the case. Good grief – that’s too bad about the Covid.

Vel – rick rack is so cute as a trim. Have fun with the lotto blocks.

Valerie – I saw where you said your DGS was moving back to his mom’s. You were doing yeoman’s duty between him and your dad. Is the eye injection for macular degeneration? Hope it all goes well. Happy charting.

Jana – enjoy your lovely assistant duties. Well-honed skills – love it!

Becca – glad to hear you had a great visit with Denise and Mark. That’s a heap of strawberries.

Katy – you sure have been busy out in the garden.

Chriss – my youngest Ohio granddaughter is taking part in a science experiment to track the cicadas. They are not the most pleasant-looking bugs (but then, what is!). I thought of you over the weekend at that huge yard sale. Sure looked like fun. I know you'll get back on track.

Maryq – it is so nice of you to help David get his house ready to sell. I’m also glad Tom has a big truck to haul stuff up to the sale.

It is snowing here again. We got over an inch of rain before it turned to the white stuff. I missed yesterday – I actually went to church in person! Nothing much new here. Have a glories day! xoxo

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Re: Monday May 3rd

Post by grammiequilts » Mon May 03, 2021 9:04 am

SIL doesnt read books, doesnt watch tv, she goes out on the porch and smokes( :( ) and talks and talks and talks.....Im not sure what she does at home....since this is the first time we have met... She does go to her kids houses a lot that as far as I know is all she does,,,,,,they have 9 kids...so I guess that would keep her somewhat busy,,,,she is a nice person but My ears are ringing. She did say today she likes to plant flowers...so maybe she does that,,,

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