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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, April 17

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, April 17

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Apr 17, 2021 6:31 am

Good morning!

I hope I have the day right - it was Saturday in my mind all day yesterday. Now I get to have Saturday again! I got a lot of yard work done yesterday and Bill got most of the mowing done. There's more work to do today, but that should be the end of it for now (unless I/we get distracted - again.) I even had some time to just sit out on the deck, enjoy our upper 70's, and read and listen to the birds. Sweet! Our rhodies are starting to come into bloom, too. I love them! We have about 20 all around the property and they bloom at different times between now and mid-June, so we always have color somewhere.

MARY ROSE - it was good to have you at the table! I'm glad you're feeling better, but wish you were feeling BEST. Hoping this latest test gives your docs some info I'm not familiar with a capsule endo, but it has to be better than a scope, from a patient's perspective, anyway.

TINA - Good to see you, too! You've been busy with the kids! What a cute play - Life of a Sunflower Seed. Sounds like Easton has a starring role(s)! How is your dad doing? I hope you get a break from kid duty this weekend.

JANA - I love looking at all the sweet little girl dresses at Costco at Christmas and Easter. Those days went by so quickly. The youngest little girl in my family is 44 now. And she doesn't appreciate her mom choosing her clothes. :cry: :lol: Remarkable restraint on your part - going for milk and it only costing you $300! lol! We are having our first milk delivery on Monday. We'll see how it goes.

BECCA - I know EXACTLY what that needle is doing to your fingers. You need a break sometimes. I've got the same thing going on with my hands so I've backed off my cross-stitch this week. Just when my new project arrived! Now I have 3 new things I'm itching to start. Normally, I never start another project until the previous one is finished. But I may break that habit now. Funny you should mention you like pink. I've always seen pink when I think of you. I like all colors, but I'm a turquoise girl.

We were at our friends for supper the other night and she let me taste a bit of leftover pizza she'd made the day before using cauliflower crust. It was amazing! She made the crust, though I know you can buy ready made ones. So just in case you were wondering, as was I, what they tasted like, wonder no more
- really good! You would never know it wasn't a regular pizza.

Supper tonite at our house is going to be grilled burgers. We are loving these warm days and have been eating out on our deck and enjoying long evenings out there. I know cool and rainy days will be back, but after that, so will warm sunny ones!

How's supper prep coming along at YOUR house?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, April 17

Post by Becca » Sat Apr 17, 2021 12:35 pm

Hello everyone partly sunny
I got laundry done Then hit the quilt Yippee it’s out of frame ready to bind
Will do that next week Baby isn’t due until August
Maryz Pink & purple & colors in those blends are my favorite I don’t know what my next project will be but I suspect it will be embroidery I think I may get a crewel piece to do I loved doing that
Our weather has been so nice
Mary rose I’m glad they got one problem solved Sure hope they can get you back feeling good again
Lori Hope your Dad & Mom are doing as well as possible
Tina Sure hope you are Resting some this weekend
We had the leftovers from Thursday Tomorrow will be fresh food. Becca
Maryz Thanks for the report on Cindyg & Don Sure will be praying for them That’s sad news

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, April 17

Post by auntjana » Sat Apr 17, 2021 2:21 pm

Good afternoon!

Been fussing around here in the Batt Cave and haven't got one single thing done! I tried kitbashing a top together for my ironing station. Kitbashing is where you take one thing from a place and try to marry it to another. Everything measured right, except I forgot one critical measurement. It didn't work, so I now must put the table top I was using back together. And the cover I had been using all these years, isn't made anymore, so will have to fabricate a new one. Not one of the better days down here. And the internet just went out - I know that from Michael trying to get something done there. So this will get typed and wait to post.

Thanks for the Cindyg update - my worry meter has been going off. Lots of prayers for them. Our MaryRose too!

Dinner is leftovers - I made banned chowder and it does not freeze well, so I made just enough for yesterday and today. Tomorrow I make a macaroni salad and take it to Aaron's for dinner - hamburgers and hot dogs - just what a three year old likes to eat!

I found a cute little pink sundress and a outfit that has skinny jeans with two tops - both pink - what else! LOL! I love to find the little girls dresses at Costco and at Christmas, I shop at Macy's online - they have some beautiful dresses that are marked down to a very reasonable price. Paying 85 or more for a little girls dress is not something I will do, but when it is marked on sale to about 25, then it is doable.

Mary - I am sitting here , looking out my Batt Cave window, enjoying the scenery - it is too cold to be up on the deck! it was 31 degrees this morning and hasn't warmed up too much more. We have a landscaper - one that works with Sarah coming to give us a estimate on yard work - I love yard work, I can "watch" it by the hour - someone else doing it! No the elevator is still a work in progress. our handyman will be here this next week.

Becca - hope your fingers heal quickly! When I did lots of hand quilting, I used a balm for my fingers that what was used on cows udders to help them heal. I can't remember the exact name, but it worked! What works even better now is my LA! LOL Glad it is down to the binding.

Well, I hope that the internet is now back and working - havene;t heard too many comments from Michael - tee hee!


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, April 17

Post by zfatcat » Sat Apr 17, 2021 7:43 pm

Mary, I've heard the cauliflower crust was good. One of my friends uses the one you can buy. Maybe I'll try it one day. Hope you enjoyed Saturday again.

Jana, the weather up there is a bit crazy.

Becca, everyone is good today. Thanks.

I had left over grilled chicken in a salad for dinner. It was very yummy.

Sleep well my quilty friends.

Lori 8-)

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