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Saturday April 17th

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Saturday April 17th

Post by grammiequilts » Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:11 am

Good morning it is bright sunshine , Nothing planned, I finished binding the hexi quilt and might just tke the Christmas Ribbins t the machine and load it up.
Does anyone know a shop that sells YLI polished poly thread. I bought a 5000 yard spool years ago, it is white and shiney and quilts very well. I went to the company and they are out of stock on the white and no one else seems to have white either, There are other brands out there but I love this one..Adds a bit of sparkle to the quilting. I googled it and couldnt find it available white is appartently a popular color. I will pay shipping if you see it...thanks.
Well I need to get us some breakfast and see what the day brings..XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO

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Re: Saturday April 17th

Post by Becca » Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:20 am

Good morning everyone cloudy here today
We are to be in 30s next 2 nights so plants must come in again
Judi I don’t know where you can find your thread Hope someone can help

Kathy Update I talked to her yesterday She is doing better Kim is also doing better She was happy about Kim’s progress

I have laundry to do & will try to finish my quilt My fingers got so sore & my back was screaming so I had to leave it yesterday
Hope everyone has a great day
We got word yesterday that DHs first cousins DDs DH got killed in car wreck She is in bad shape in Hospital with multiple broken bones & other things Will be a long recovery

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Re: Saturday April 17th

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:46 am

Good morning

We bumped up against 80* yesterday! Love it! I worked outside most of the day. Then I made my Sew Along block and after that sat out on the deck and read. Ahhh.... a purrfect day! Today will be similar - weatherwise, with more yard work - maybe even finish it! My new cross stitch project came - Mama Bear and two cubs walking a mountain trail - and I can't wait to start it. But I already have two other X-Stitch projects I can't wait to start! And one coming down the finish line. Guess I better get stitchin'! I usually only stitch in the evenings while watching TV, so it's slow going. I'm probably set up for the next 4 or 5 years now.

VELDA - welcome back to your son's! Hope your weather cooperates so you can get to those outdoor things you wanted to do.

VAL - hope your free sew day was fun and productive! Does your DGD live close to you?

SHARONA - Hope you made it to your she shed yesterday and had some quality time with your fabric!

JUDI - I think Missouri Star sells YLI quilting thread. I saw it- in white - but a 500 yd spool for $8.45.

CHRISS - are you recovered yet from your 16 hr girls' day? Going to sew today? My friend made a pizza using cauliflower crust and let me taste it! It was amazing! You couldn't even tell it wasn't regular crust! She made hers from scratch though I've seen crusts for sale at Costco.

MARY Q - I know you're having a ball with your BFF! We'll see you when we see you!

DIANE - when will you be home?

BECCA - Your baby quilt is almost finished! Sorry your hands got sore and you had to take a break from quilting it, but that happens to me, too, with any handwork. Thank you for the update on Kathy. I tried to call her yesterday, too, but maybe she was talking to you! I left a message.

JANA - Did you get your elevator for your sewing machine yet?

SUZETTE - where are you?? Is your braid finished yet?

LOIS - Did you get a snowstorm?? I know CO did. Our news showed pictures of a 10" snowfall in the NE.

I talked to Cindy yesterday. They are having a really rough time of it right now. And it's probably not going to get much better. She said Don's cancer has metastasized into his liver. He is in constant pain and can't work. She is working full time still to support them. The doctor says he needs to have a meeting with the two of them together. This isn't good. They really need prayers right now.

Chickie (Miriam) is feeling better and her new doctor seems to have a handle on things.

Mary Rose is back working full time and feeling somewhat better though still tires easily. She was having another test yesterday, still attempting to discover the source of her internal bleeding. Surgery has been put off indefinitely until they have that answer.

Well, that's about all I have right now. Y'all have a great Saturday.
mary z

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Re: Saturday April 17th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sat Apr 17, 2021 6:20 am

Good morning, what a wonderful day today will be.

There will be festivities today, Emiliano, my neighbor, turns 7. There will be music, a bounce house, and rodeo themed cake, not to mention the bbq.

Jerry is making the cake and Nancy ( the mom) will come decorate it. It's going to be a lot of fun. I will be sure to stay on my diet and skip the cake.

Yesterday was a shopping day for me. Seems I just was asking about jeans and bought size 16. now they are too big. I went and found some size 14. Also found out that the Kohls here are have Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda jeans on clearance and instead of 19.99 they are 16.99. I ordered two more pair to be delivered to the store near me.

Judi, I googled that thread you like and a lot of places to order came up. Hope you find it.

Becca, thanks for the Kathy update, prayers for the family of DH's cousins and the girl in the hospital.

Maryz, thanks for the updates. Prayers for Cindy, Chickie, and MaryRose. Cauliflower pizza is good but the ground chicken crust is amazing. Bet those bears are cute.

Sharona, how did your fabric sorting and folding do? I did mine recently and decided I would sort by color. I put totes on the floor and just went at it. Took me almost two days. Man that was some work, but it looks so nice now. If only I could get the scrap tote whittled down I would be overjoyed.

I have legos to wrap and a load of jeans to wash. Hope you all have the best day ever.
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Re: Saturday April 17th

Post by womster » Sat Apr 17, 2021 7:42 am

Good morning!

Judi – I hope you find your thread. I’ve had lots of luck at redrockthreads.com, but I didn’t see what you wanted there.

Becca – sorry you have to bring the plants in again. And thanks for the Kathy update. I’m so sorry to hear about the death in the family – I will be praying for them. So sad.

Maryz – I forgot to say yesterday that it’s so good to be back. So which x-stitching project are you going to start? I did make it out yesterday afternoon. It is still so overwhelming, but I persevere. I like the cauliflower crusts, but our Costco only sells the entire pizza so I have to zhush it up. We got about 6” of snow and more to come next week. No planting here until Memorial Day. Thanks so much for the info on Cindyg, Chickie and Mary/Rose. That’s very sad about Cindyg. Prayers for everyone.

Chriss – congrats on going down another size. I will use your idea today when sorting all the bits and pieces of fabric I have. Most of the big yardage pieces have been folded and put into their respective plastic bins. Have a great time at the birthday party. It’s so heartwarming to see how your families are being knit together.

Today, as stated previously, I’m headed back outside. I became dismayed last night when I realized the shape of my fabric (and, to some extent, my house) is a reflection of the state of my mind. But I shall prevail in taming this beast! It won’t happen overnight, but that’s ok. Have a glorious day. xoxo Sharona

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Re: Saturday April 17th

Post by auntjana » Sat Apr 17, 2021 7:50 am

Good morning!

Judi - don't know about that thread, but did get a email from Superior Threads yesterday. They have moved their HQ's to Vancouver Washington! Rats, there goes that road trip to St George.

Thanks for all the updates on the girls here. My worry meter has been going off on Cindy.

Not much planned here. First day in a few, no snow when we woke up! I will head down to play in the Batt Cave in a few minutes.

No elevator yet, sometime this next week.

Stay Safe!

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Re: Saturday April 17th

Post by QuiltGram8 » Sat Apr 17, 2021 8:51 am

Hi ladies.
I have nothing to add. Just chilling out herewith the dog. He loves us and especially DH's lap. LOL
Prayers for our friends, Cindy, Chickie, and Mary Rose.
Prayers also for Lyn's DH. And others
HUGS, 💕 Vel

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Re: Saturday April 17th

Post by WeeOne » Sat Apr 17, 2021 12:12 pm

Thank you all for prayers and hugs!!

Garry was released from the hospital yesterday about noon. He had a stroke deep in the brain. I asked the Dr if she knew when and she said based on what we told her it started last Saturday and probably ended Wednesday night, since he's showed no signs since. I didn't know a stroke could take days to happen. His smile is normal, but his left hand coordination isn't good, and he's left handed. That had been the first and only thing that had showed up until Wednesday when he couldn't remember how to do something on the laptop.

MaryZ, you asked about our travel. I'm calling Monday and hoping to get him into a primary Dr. Ours quit Jan. 2020. If all goes well and Dr Ok's it, I will drive us to Nappanee, IN, to our Newmar appt May 3rd. Then on our way to Colorado, we'll stop in Gladstone, MO. Dr. McDonagh treated Garry's Dad after his stroke many years ago. They do the Chelation Therapy (Garry hasn't had any since Oct 2019) and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.

I think I'm caught up on the posts here.
Lori, I hope your DH is better. To those of you who have updated us on our friends & their families who are having health issues, thank you!! My prayers go out to them.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend.

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Re: Saturday April 17th

Post by zfatcat » Sat Apr 17, 2021 7:40 pm

Chriss, how did the cake turn out for Emiliano. Was he a happy boy? Looks like you had fun with Marilyn the other day. That was sure a long day for you.

Lyn, I hope Garry continues to improve. That's scary when that can't figure out what's going on.
My DH is fine. He'll follow up with his doctor.

Jana, bummer about Superior threads. I was going to stop there on my way up in September.

Maryz, thank for the update on Cindy. I was wondering what was going on with her and Don. What a bummer. She sure has had a lot to deal with over the last few years. Glad you have stitching to keep you busy for a while. I do too.

Judi, the only time I see YLI is at quilt shows. And we haven't had one of those in a while.

I got a couple of Quilts for Vets quilted today. Now to get the binding on.

Have a wonderful Sleep.

Lori 8-)

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