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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, May 23rd

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, May 23rd

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat May 23, 2020 6:07 am

Good morning,

Looks like it's going to be a nice weekend here - not too hot, but mid 60's and no rain. My DBIL & crew should be here late today. They spent the night in Butte, MT. That's about 600 miles. MY DBIL, Al, was an LA County Sheriff's deputy, his SIL is a police sergeant/detective in the CO town where our Sharona lives, and from here they are going to CA for HIS son's retirement from Coast Guard and induction into Marin Co Sheriff's department. They are a law enforcing family! Proud of them all!

Today will be a relaxing day, I think. Vac'g (Bill), sanitizing main bathroom (me), and shredding the cooked pork roast for BBQ sandwiches. I already have potato salad made, beans ready to pop into small crockpot, watermelon is cut, frozen peanut butter pie is in freezer. I'll put together the coleslaw this afternoon. And I might make oatmeal craisin cookies - a double batch - so the guys can take some with them on the next leg of their trip. My sewing room is now Al's bedroom for their visit but if I have extra time and want to do any sewing, I have hexies, X-stitch, and hand embroidery to do. And a book to read and one to listen to.

BECCA - Zoom gatherings are becoming so popular! On Tuesday Bill is going to start his "Y" exercise class up again, via Zoom. I guess we'll move the furniture back and let him rip! lol! He's going to try to hook it up to the TV. We bought a haircutting trimmer so I'm doing Bill's hair but mine is getting kind of wild. And it's so curly that it's like big wispy cloud around my head. Actually I kind of like it. No drying or styling required! I've been wondering what it might be like if I let it grow and now I have the opportunity! lol!

JANA - boy did I have Perry pictured all wrong! I'd never have picked him out of a kitty line-up! lol! Our Riley almost made it to 20. Bunny lived 15 years, Smokey 16 yrs and Mike's cat (sister to Riley) did pass her 20th birthday. I love ALL cats, but medium haired tuxedos are my favorite. Thanks for waving at my family as they drive by, but wave big because they are taking '90' across Montana. Skipping Utah entirely. Can you imagine that?!? Autumn and I once stuffed a small couch into her little CRV SUV.

LORI - I, too, love a cat on my lap, but my Foxy (age 6) isn't a lap cat. He's very affectionate and will lay against my lap, and sometimes, over one thigh. But never fully on my lap. He was 8 months old when he adopted us and we were told this about him. But it does leave me more room for hand sewing . . .

ROSEBUD - I wasn't sure if you'd returned to work or not. Nice to know you still have almost 2 more weeks. I hope if it's still dangerous out, you can stay off longer - if you want. And what a lot of work maintaining a yard can be. I've given up on some parts of our yard that I used to keep clean of weeds, baby trees, briars, etc and just let Nature have it all back. I convinced myself I like Nature. Nature is pretty.

Well, I already shared my menu with y'all. There's going to be plenty - even with 3 extra hungry men at the table - so you'll be hearing this menu a few more times, I fear. I think they want to spring for pizza tomorrow night if they are still here.

What's going on your table for tonite?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, May 23rd

Post by auntjana » Sat May 23, 2020 6:55 am

Good morning!!

Mary - We did have another favorite kitty, Buster. He was a tuxedo marked kitty. Beautiful dark gray with the four white paws, tummy and a small bit of white on his chin. We called him Buddy, Daniel's cat mostly. Buddy had an attitude and if you got him mad, he would lay in wait and then jump out to get you. Buddy loved doughnuts, just like Daniel and knew where Daniel kept his stash. Marin County has a great SAR team. Search and Rescue. Aaron worked with that team, when he was a CoCo County deputy.

Dinner - leftovers.

Rained all night. Snowed on Sarah up in the mountains camping. Today will be cool and we heat up starting tomorrow. Michael had planned to mow today, but it may be to wet. We will see.

Will play in the Batt Cave. For Christmas I got a batting hammock for my LA. It is installed, but the batting falls off. So I figured out a way to solve that problem, just need to run that solution past the engineer. It is a very simple fix, so after I show him, it will get done.

Time to start my day, the house is now nice and warm. We had to turn on the heater again!

Stay safe!


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, May 23rd

Post by Becca » Sat May 23, 2020 9:39 am

Hello everyone cloudy here
Maryz That is a Law enforcing family
Your dinner sounds wonderful I love potatoe salad but never make it just for us
Jana We had heat this week but today it’s in 70s
Rosebud I’m so glad you aren’t having to work yet
Lori You are the speed woman on the rearranging of rooms Yah for you
Got laundry done DGS FaceTimed He does every Sat morning We have our date He’s the one that was so close to his Papaw
Got the book work finished finally
I will walk if rain holds off I don’t do thunder storms
Twins are posted in Photos Chris did it for me They got a good report at Cardiologist yesterday Hadlees cyst hasn’t grown She goes back in 3 months She is up to 15.7 lbs 24.5 ins length
Brodee is 17 lbs 26 length
Brodee has small Hole in Heart but it’s closed 95 percent & Dr says it will close as he grows He goes back in 3 yrs
Both got a good report on lungs We were so thankful They are both thriving
I have spaghetti in freezer I’m having Beths bread & salad. Becca

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, May 23rd

Post by zfatcat » Sat May 23, 2020 11:33 am

Mary, I got Molly and Emma from the animal shelter at the same time. Molly was about 8 months old. Her owner had turned her into the shelter. I'm guessing they liked having a kitten, but not a cat. She didn't sit on my lap for about 9 years. Then one day she just came up and sat down on my lap.
It was like she realized she was missing out. Emma has always been a lap kitty. She was just a little thing when she came home. Molly's newest thing is to lay on me when I go to bed. She perches herself on my back or chest and goes to sleep. She's making up for the years she missed out. Hope you have a nice day with family.

Becca, the twins are sure adorable. Zoom is a good way to connect. I've done it with my guild and quilt friends.

Jana, I love that you had a doughnut eating cat. Hope you can fix the batting problem. I'm confident your engineer can fix it for you.

The boys have been walked and the house vacuumed. I need to sort though some stuff and also see if I can buy a Lazy Boy chair online. Bill doesn't want to haul furniture back, so I need one for his dad.

For dinner I might order in lasagna. Or I can have leftover teriyaki chicken. I'll see how I feel later in the day.

Have a lovely day.
Lori 8-)

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, May 23rd

Post by rosebud3 » Sat May 23, 2020 1:54 pm

I think homemade breakfast burritos are in line for tonight's supper. I already have potatoes an tortillas made. I'll scramble some eggs, add some cheese, and roll them up. Charles can add chiles if he wants, but as much as I like them, they are not very kind to me (lol).

Morton and Emily will both lay on my lap, but Morton gets jealous of Emily and runs her off so he can have my full attention. Morton likes fresh fruit, popsicles, and yogurt. Emily only wants people food if she can steal it off your plate.

Becca- Praise God for the wonderful progress the babies are making.

Jana- CoCo County...Contra Costa County?

Maryz- Prayers for Al and the boys as they continue their journey.

Prayers for all to be safe on this holiday weekend.


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Saturday, May 23rd

Post by Quilter7 » Sat May 23, 2020 6:30 pm

I have been working on my Guild Notebook (Parliamentarian). Our elections are in June and I will be Co-President. I have learned a great deal as Parliamentarian, but have a feeling I will learn more as President!

Tonight's dinner will be leftovers for DH and Orange Chicken and rice for me. (There weren't enough leftover Stuffed Pepper Casserole for both of us and I had to come up with a dinner for me.)

Our cat doesn't usually want to be in our laps for very long. Although sometimes she will fool us and sit for 30 minutes or more.

Those babies are absolutely adorable!!

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