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Friday May 22,2020

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Friday May 22,2020

Post by grammiequilts » Fri May 22, 2020 3:10 am

Good morning It's the crack of dawn and I have been awake since 0 dark thirty. Good News and Bad News here,,,bad is the fridge didnt come yesterday and the good news is they called last night and it will be here today. I will be so happy to get back to normal. other good news is our state has begun to open businesses and people are starting to get back to narmal or what the new normal is ....I am still working on masks and folks are still asking for them. Not in high numbers but it is helping to get people out and about. I am hoping no more bad things happen.
Ken has been busy making 2 adarondak chairs for our front porch and a swing. we will have a tropical theme out there and I may even get my Palm tree out there for the summer. If the moquitos stay away we will enjoy it. I have a collection of oil lamps I will pull out and clean and fill with oil... that is the plan...
Well I guess i will get an early cuppa and see what I can quietly do...have a great dayXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO

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Re: Friday May 22,2020

Post by auntjana » Fri May 22, 2020 5:05 am

Good morning!

It too is very quiet here. The birds are just starting to wake up and chirp outside my window.

We went out yesterday for a jaunt, to see the huge flag, unfurled on a hospital. This complex of buildings is quite large. The flag was too. It hung down in length about 10 stories. They call the flag Old Betsy. Done to honor front line workers, responders and vets. Quite the sight. I have seen big flags before, but nothing the size of Old Betsy.

Worked on my blocks. Two left and I will be caught up.

Most of the family are heading off to different campsites for the weekend. It will be quiet here. Most families here in Utah still decorate the graves. We did our family's last week. Not something I did when we lived in California. One of these days, we need to find the gravesite of my grandparents. I know the cemetery, but have only been there once with my mom, about 40 years ago. The cemetery is about an hour north of me. An adventure one day.

Utah now has moved all areas into the yellow, lower risk and businesses are opening up. We have seen some very creative high school graduations on the news. I think for the better, no long, boring speeches to sit through! These ceremonies will be remembered more , I think!

Stay Safe! I am still a tortoise!


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Re: Friday May 22,2020

Post by FlorenceM » Fri May 22, 2020 5:26 am

Morning all
Yesterday check up went well. When my port was removed, a thick keyloid scar formed. It's very itchy. My plastic surgeon will remove it in her office in 2 weeks.
After I got home, I jumped on zero turn mower & mowed. Joe said I did awesome! He took me out to Sonic for a congratulatory burger for supper.
Seeing as Joe has Monday off from school, we are making a very fast turnaround to Pennsylvania...our youngest is getting married in a quiet ceremony on Sunday. We are in cahoots with his mother in law, so it will be a surprise when we walk into the church.
Need to run...have to pack.

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Re: Friday May 22,2020

Post by Becca » Fri May 22, 2020 5:27 am

Good morning everyone cloudy here still We did have sun most of afternoon yesterday That was nice

Judi I’m sorry about your Frig Hope it comes today & you can say goodbye to coolers

Jana Quiet is nice sometimes That flag sounds wonderful I Love our Flag It represents so many lives sacrificed for our Country

Lois Praying for your DD Hope she’s doing better
Flo Congratulations to your Son Glad all was well at Dr

We got another surprise package from Amazon Our DGS sent his Papaw another case of Boost DD had sent 2 cases not too long ago They surely look after their Dad & Papaw
I got some uglies done & some yard work since it was pretty Stull have to mow
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend We went into phase 2 here yesterday so everything is open except Gyms With the restrictions
Stay well & happy Becca

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Re: Friday May 22,2020

Post by purrfect-lady » Fri May 22, 2020 6:47 am

Good morning,

JUDI - a real bummer about your fridge but glad it will be here today. Ours was delivered at 0830 so hopefully yours will already be there as I write this! Your porch sounds fun, especially with your specially made furniture. I have a collection of oil lamps, too. We use them for decoration but they come in handy for power failures! Do they repel mosquitoes? Skeeters aren't much of a problem here, thank goodness. But when we do get bothered or are camping, those coils that you light like incense work well. We place three of them around the perimeter of wherever we are sitting.

JANA - that is a huge flag! We have an annual clean-up day at our little neighborhood cemetery where my parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles are. Families gather on the Saturday before the weekend of Mother's Day and bring mowers, rakes, clippers, etc. It was cancelled this year due to virus so I went on my own to do my family's plot. In 1997 we went back to Rexville, PA and found my great-grandparents and many more of my forebears in a family cemetery on private land (formerly owned by my GR GR GR GR Grandfather).

FLO - congratulations to your youngest! That will be a very fast trip. Assume you are driving? Taking the motorhome? Great way to travel when you have pets. Glad for the good check-up!

BECCA - always nice to get thoughtful surprises in the mail. Our state is opening up county by county and in 4 phases. Our county, one of the most hard hit, remains in Phase 1 until June 1st and possibly longer.
Most things remain closed except for curbside service. Two gyms tried opening up for a day in defiance but the state threatened a lawsuit so they closed down again. Our governor is taking it slow and easy, which I know is hard on businesses, but I'm personally grateful.

Has anyone heard from Suzette lately?

Today is UGH-ly day. My DBIL from CO is arriving tomorrow with his SIL and DGS to pick up our old RV shelter. They will be here through the weekend. So cleaning and cooking is the order of the day here. Sewing is on hold until after they leave.

Wishing you all a special Memorial Day.

mary z

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Re: Friday May 22,2020

Post by Quiltmom » Fri May 22, 2020 8:26 am

Good morning all! Welcome to wet and muggy NW Ohio. It is so bad and my asthmas has never been as bad as in the last 10 days. Hope I feel better soon so I have some ambition to do something. I did mow just the front lawn here at my house because it was so much higher than the side lot. I couldn't stand looking at it. Tomorrow hope I will be able to mow the rest of the 4 acres with my John Deere.

Went to grocery store this morning and got a few things. After working 28 years at Kroger's I have learned to never go to the store on a holiday weekend. It is so busy and for some reason several customers are so cranky.

Today just going to do bedding laundry and fold some clothes I have already finished.

This weekend is my DGS1's graduation from high school. It is a "drive-thru graduation like so many here in Ohio. They can have one car with 4 people in it, but only the parents and the graduate can get out and go into the school to get their diploma. His brother John and I have to stay in the car. Even that is only 1 family at a time in the school before the next family can come in. I feel so sorry for the kids and the families. Not much of a fun graduation.

Well, better go get some lunch and get first load in the washer. Hope everyone has a good Memorial Day Weekend. Won't be the same without the parades and services at the cemataries.


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Re: Friday May 22,2020

Post by zfatcat » Fri May 22, 2020 12:26 pm

Judi, fingers crossed you get your fridge today.

Jana, that is a big flag. I bet it's fabulous.

Sherry, I'm with you about going to the store on a holiday weekend. I hurried over to the store this morning right after I walked the dogs.

Maryz, I haven't seen Suzette or Sharona. Hope they are okay. Hope you get your ugly chores done and are able to sew.

Becca, it's always nice to get a package in the mail.

Flo, what a nice surprise for your son. I bet he'll be very happy.

Well I've just been jumping around sorting and cleaning. I need to vacuum still. Then I want to finish up a few blocks I started yesterday.

Have a wonderful day.
Lori 8-)

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Re: Friday May 22,2020

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Fri May 22, 2020 8:04 pm

good afternoon, ok, good evening.

It's been a busy week, so glad it's time for my weekend. And, it's a long weekend. I have Monday off for the holiday.

Not sure I will be going back to the office any time soon. I had to fill out a survey asking how my time at home was going and was I being distracted. I love working from home. I hope I can continue

A friend called me to get another box of scraps. These were a little bigger than scraps. I love the hand-me-downs

I'm doing better with the horses next door. they now let me scratch their noses. My favorite of the two has a white spot on his forehead. I call him starface.

Maryq, what else did you plant besides tomatoes? My tomatoes are the size of maybe an almond. I have three. Jerry says maybe they will be ripe by my birthday. Yay me.

Jana, you may be in church this weekend. Trump declared church essential. I'm not sure I want to brave the crowd so will stick with online church. We do have a sort of local drive in theater that will be starting up soon.

Maryz, how exciting a new old car. Will it be for you or for Bill?

Valerie, I have to say, Miss Rosalina is such a pretty baby. Just perfect little ears and nose and mouth. She is just pretty. How is the Pleasanton office? How is Dad?

Cindy, happy camping. I wish I could go shopping for my grandma again. Hope your test comes out perfect and Don is doing well.

Sherry, I don't put flowers on graves. I don't even go to the cemetery. I just don't think about it. I did see a bit on the news that there is a bugle blowers club and on Memorial day at 3pm they are going to blow taps from wherever they are. the call is to, if you play the bugle, go on your front porch and play taps. Wow huh?

Judi, well, did the fridge arrive. I think a porch swing sounds wonderful. That Ken, he's pretty handy.

Lois, how is your daughter ?

Teresa, glad to see you are doing well. I have heard accupuncture is a wonderful thing.

Izzy, I almost asked for goats but the new neighbors have their horses in our pasture. My goodness, all I have out there now is dirt and rocks and thistles. Seems horses don't eat thistles.

MaryRose, I bet it feels good to have that yard all cleaned up.

Flo, what a perfect weekend for you. a mown lawn and cheeseburger reward. and a surprise appearance at a wedding. what a fun time you will have.

Becca, yay for the extra boost, what thoughtful kids. Sorry you still have to mow. You might let CA know that Flo gets a cheeseburger when she mows. Just sayin'

Lori, I laughed about you bringing out the candles when the power went out. And like you , I also want to vacuum a little. Jerry runs the vac over the carpet but I want to get where the base board meets the rug. dog hair galore. Bet he wishes I were working in the office and not at home. How are your parents and your FIL doing?

Not much is new here. the weather is heating up and people are starting to go out more. I go get my car worked on Wednesday but other than that I pretty much stay home. Hope you all have a safe and healthy weekend.

Proverbs 4:11-12

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