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SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, Jan 16

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SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, Jan 16

Post by purrfect-lady » Thu Jan 16, 2020 7:51 am

Good morning!

We are 39* and warming to 43* later today with a chance of showers mid-day. Typical January here. Almost all the snow missed us. :cry:

Night before last for some reason I kept dreaming about a kit for a wall-hanging my sister had sent me 8-10 years ago and, because I was busy, I tucked it up on the top shelf in the sewing room closet. I noticed it from time to time, but never got around to it. Then yesterday, I figured if I was dreaming about it suddenly that the universe was telling me, "Make the dang thing, already!". So as I was getting it down, the shelf came loose and I almost had a lot of stuff raining down on top of me! I called "Repairs" and the "response team" was there almost immediately. He helped me get everything off both shelves and then went for tools. Turns out there were no studs anchoring that shelf - for the past 43 years since the house was built! More tools, screws, molly bolts, words, and 1-1/2 hours later the shelf was back up and the second one was also secured. While all that was going on, I was cutting fabric from that kit! He was kind of harshing my sewing "feng shui" but I figured that was acceptable, given the circumstances. Today, I will probably get that wallhanging finished. It's Pickles cartoon fabric. You know, Opal is a cat-loving quilter so it's VERY appropriate for me!

JANA - well, did Ethan get fresh warm cookies yesterday? Glad your Mikey liked his soup. Mine did not. Couldn't even entice him to eat one last bowl for lunch next day. I forgot that besides not caring for cooked carrots, ginger is the one spice that neither of us like much either! lol! What was I thinking?? I should probably make a Valentine skinnie, too. I have a pattern. Maybe after I finish my above project . . .

TiNA - sorry you had to get down on your knees but at least you made good use of your time while down there! :lol: Bill takes an exercise class 3 days a week at the "Y" and he says they practice every day getting up off the floor because it can be difficult to do. I've been known to crawl to a piece of furniture to haul myself up! I sent off my postcard to your little cousin last night. I realized it said 'Gig Harbor' on it but no where on the card did it mention Washington, so I added that. Funny that ginger gives you heartburn as it's usually known for its tummy-soothing properties. I like ginger ale and gingerbread and even ginger tea, but I do not like gingerbread cookies. Strange.

IRISH - I almost cried at your sad eaglet news. :cry: But your next news brightened me right up. I guess it's decision time, isn't it. Will she stay or will she go? Bathroom remodels! Back in the late 90's, we had a small repair to make and before long we could sit on the toilet, look through the walls, the laundry, the family room, and out into the garage!! And that project snowballed into a 5 year renovation project! Tell your Kevin to beware!!

BECCA - you've been working hard at your house! Good plan to rest up after raking all those leaves from the ditch. Sure would be nice to be able to find a young person or two to help out with some of those harder chores to save your back. Our friends in Oregon hired some college guys and it's been a great relief to them. I really like your idea of 'enlarging' the doll! :lol:

BECKY - I bet your property is beautiful! We only mow about 1/2 acre of ours as the rest is either driveway, non-grass yard, or woods. I'm letting the woods have more and more. Your poor Ericka! Too many health issues for one so young but sounds like she copes very well.

I got into the car yesterday to run to Kohl's and noticed a small gift bag sitting on the passenger seat and my memory got jogged! It was potholders to give my friend, Esther, when we picked them up for dinner reservation at 4:30! I had completely spaced over it, thinking yesterday was Tuesday. I wonder if I'd remembered if I hadn't seen that little bag on the seat. Anyway, we picked them up on time, met another couple, and had a nice supper and got caught up. We all get together about 3-4 times a year. One couple are both 90. Esther and her hubby are 82 and 89. (we are 68 and 71, if you must know) The 90-yr olds are off to Santa Barbara next week for their annual trip. As a concession to some health issues he is having now, they are taking the train instead of driving. They are really a testament to positive attitudes and I want to be just like them when I grow up!k

But anyway - since we didn't eat our chickeny thing last night - we'll be having it today. I think I'll put it in crockpot with potatoes, carrots, celery. I might add broccoli and cauliflower later in the day. In other words, chicken stew.

What's the supper word at your house?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, Jan 16

Post by Becca » Thu Jan 16, 2020 8:18 am

Hello everyone sunny here at59 Not January weather

Maryz we had a neighbor but the last time he weed eat I said no more He did a lousy job Don’t know what the problem was
Anyway With the storm leaves were really piled up Denise & Mark would gladly do it if they were close as well as all my DGSs Oh well it’s done now I had to use pitch fork because they were in piles
Maryz Our DGDIL put a picture on of a snow family the kids made They were so cute in a line Mom Dad & 4 kids

Our sweet little Brodee got a good report Doesn’t have to go back for 3 months They had told them every month Levi said he did it like a champ He’s so precious Had on little jeans

Becky My DD & DSIL come about once a month & tell me to have my list made But I have always loved being outside I still do most of it except trimming shrubs are out
Sure sorry about your DGD But slings like she deals with it good

Tina I will send my card to you unless you write me otherwise

I have stew beef cooking Will make rice for C.A. I’m sautéing me spinach


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, Jan 16

Post by auntjana » Thu Jan 16, 2020 9:09 am

Good morning!

Have errands to run today. The other car will be done, with new brakes, either late this afternoon or tomorrow. I would rather be sewing!

Class is tonight, so no cooking, we will pick up something after and bring it home.

Have my hearts for the wall hanging set and ready to sew, when we get back.

Gotta run,

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, Jan 16

Post by gershwin64 » Thu Jan 16, 2020 9:26 am

Becca, I sent you a PM with her address. I'm trying to find your email address to send it that way too.
I'll be back

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, Jan 16

Post by gershwin64 » Thu Jan 16, 2020 9:50 am

Good morning!
I'm back!
Mary, glad you needed to go to kohl's yesterday! How was the food? Is it real Mexican food? I always wonder that when you say you're going to a Mexican restaurant.
Jana, we have rain here today. I hope you get your vehicles all back home. I bet your skinnies are gonna be so pretty!!
Becca, I can't say I love doing the cleanup outside but I do love to putter around and take care of my flowers.... as long as it's not hot, I can't do hot anymore.
I've done all the uglies except dust, I'm taking a break.
I'm going to make asparagus stuffed chicken breasts for supper, I saw the recipe on Facebook. I'll roast some veggies to go with it.

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, Jan 16

Post by Becca » Thu Jan 16, 2020 10:52 am

Tina I got it Will get in mail Brcca

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, Jan 16

Post by auntjana » Thu Jan 16, 2020 2:46 pm

Tina - I haven't seen any postcards here, but will look, and if I find one, will mail it off to you. Does she need it to have a Utah postmark?


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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Thursday, Jan 16

Post by gershwin64 » Thu Jan 16, 2020 3:03 pm

Thank you Becca.
Jana, I believe they do need the post mark to be in them. Thank you ❤

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