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SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, Oct 13

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SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, Oct 13

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun Oct 13, 2019 6:22 am

Today is my grandson's 26th birthday. I believe he's going to spend it hanging out with his buddies. We'll see him later this week, I think.

Our family lunch at the Mexican restaurant turned into an epic 3-hour gathering yesterday. We were only 11 people but we sounded like a herd of 40 at least! Good thing we had our own room! I was good and stuck to chicken tostadas for my meal. And I STILL felt like I was waddling when we left the restaurant! We got Ernie's truck sold yesterday, and Cousin Fredd thinks he has a buyer for the car and it will go on Tuesday. He hired "junk people" to come empty the house and a company to clean it. A realtor is lined up and it will go up for sale soon, "as is". It's definitely a flipper house. Hasn't been painted inside for 55 years.

As for today, our house is still clean, the laundry is done. NO UGLIES!! I had enough time yesterday to get two more woolie projects partially prepped - one for me and one for my DDIL - both needle-keepers. I want to get them ready to take to the TV by the time the Seahawks kick off at 10:00. I also got a start on cleaning/purging some things from the big closet in the quilting room. Lots more to do in there. It's a big closet.

A small update on the neighbor situation: We saw her leave yesterday with her son so bill trotted over to check the yard. Ugh! But he also found the ax and splitting maul and sort of 'confiscated' them. Don't know if she's noticed yet. If someone mentions them, we'll give them to the kids if they agree to take them away. If not, call it the spoils of war. Or repayment for all the things she has stolen from our yard or for all the vandalism she's done to our house and property. But we feel safer with those items locked in our garage and out of her reach.

LORI - I hope your brother is doing better today. How old is he? Your DH isn't big on wine? Can't you fix him?? On the other hand, you don't have to share. :D

IRISH - that's such sweet news that Katie seems to be happy again. I know that it's probably pulling at a few of your heart strings but I know Joe will never replace your Chris. He will be Joe and make his own place! Is it winter drape time already? I never change our curtains. In fact, I don't have curtains for the most part - only valances here.

BECCA - such good news on the babies! I assume they are still in NICU. Has anyone mentioned yet when they might be moved to PCU? That will be a happy big step when that happens.

JANA - wow! Everyone is coming and going in your household! I can't believe your littlest is already 2 years old! I've got to start writing this stuff down! Did you find any clothes for Gracie? How is Ethan's quilt coming along? Is he going to quilt it?

TINA - veggie beef soup sounds like a good lunch for your crowd - or mine, if I had a crowd. I'm guessing Preston will start pre-school next year? Won't be long and you'll be out of the babysitting business! Our DMV office is open on Saturday and closed on Sundays and Mondays. My SIL, Terry, used to work there.

CHICKIE - has your rain stopped yet? Ours is just now starting. Rain this morning, then starting again on Wed for the rest of the week. What's your coming week looking like? I know Mom's bath day is Thursday.

Supper tonite is whatever leftover we want to heat up - pinto beans or spaghetti. And a salad cuz we have a lot of fresh veggies. Though, I have to say, after a big meal on Friday and eating out yesterday, I feel like I'll never be hungry again! Though I'm sure we'll be into the chips and dip by the game's halftime!

How is supper shaping up at your house?

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, Oct 13

Post by Becca » Sun Oct 13, 2019 7:31 am

Hello everyone,a rainy morning here.at 58.
Maryz They are still in NICU.we are praying Hadlee gains weight so one won’t go home before the other.Chriss Twins did that but they lived closer to. Hospital.
Wow I’m glad Bill got the Ax & Maul.That could be very serious.Wasnt aware she had a son.
Enjoy your game.Can you share a picture of your wool project.I love wool work.I used to do some but haven’t in years,I also hooked rugs,chair cushions & small items using wool.

Lori Sure Glad DB went to Hospital.

Jana Hope you found clothes for Gracie.They grow so fast.

Tina Hope your day goes well.

Irish Im Sure you will be busy with something.I have never changed Window coverings either.We have the louvered pleated cellular blinds.

Yesterday I worked on dolls faces & finished sewing some.Bears are finished.Think after dolls I will get on knitting an Afghan.
My Pot Of soup is simmering.Smells good.Perfect for a rainy damp day. Becca

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, Oct 13

Post by zfatcat » Sun Oct 13, 2019 10:49 am

Maryz, glad you got the sharp tools and hid them. With her state of mind, it's scary that she has things like that. My brother just turned 61 on Wednesday.

Becca, soup sounds good. I was thinking about making some chicken noodle soup today.

Well the boys have had their walk in the park. So now they are napping. It's hard work. lol I need to run the vacuum and shower, then I can get busy sewing.

For dinner it's either chicken tacos or chicken noodle soup. We'll see how the day goes.

have a lovely day.

Lori 8-)

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Re: SUPPER CLUB - Sunday, Oct 13

Post by Irishgram » Sun Oct 13, 2019 11:37 am

Good afternoon from sunny but chilly, SW. Pa...We had a near frost last night so have a feeling, one of these days the "real" thing will hit.....I'm really counting on tomorrow being nicer, warmth wise, I'd like to get outside and do something, even if it's wrong..

Mary, good that Bill was able to do some looking and remove things that could really cause some harm....I often wondered what it would be like to have no "uglies", lol...But, I'm discovering in my old age, what difference does it make...As Jana posted a long time ago, "if you coming to see the house, make an appointment, if you want to see me, drop in any time"....And if you drop in, you get what you get, as in today, I had almost decided to stay in my robe and flannel PJs all day but decided to take corn up in the yard and didn't want the neighbors to think I was Trick or treating early.....
Today would have been my Mom's 105th birthday, hard to believe she's been gone since 1999...Always try to imagine what she would have thought about all the kids, how they've grown and now all the babies..But, know she's watching and keeping them safe....

Becca, it really will be a big step when the twins are moved and then to come home, Oh My!...You really are whipping through those dolls and bears, aren't you? Going to be some very lucky people....

Tina, veggie soup would be perfect at my house, if someone else would make it (and send it to me)...Jim was never a big soup eater and mine was hit or miss (I think mostly miss)...But, I can or could do a bang up job on roasts and mashed potatoes (his favorites).....

There is really nothing planned for today but I will be going back upstairs and after hearing Mary talk about cleaning out a closet, just might have to give it a try...Mine sounds a lot like her's, very big and very full...It's in my bedroom/sewing room and holds mostly bins of sewing stuff...I still keep my clothes in the other bedroom...But, who knows, in cleaning it out, I might find some hidden treasures that I had forgotten about....

As for dinner, that chicken is still waiting...I did get some fresh green beans and have them cleaned and cooking so at least I'll have beans, if nothing else...Didn't make my cinnamon rolls because I didn't want to mess up the kitchen but maybe the urge will hit today, maybe.....

You all have a great day.........

Happy eating..............

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