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Supper club, Wed, Oct 9

General discussion of the quilting world, and topics that don't fit in other categories.
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Supper club, Wed, Oct 9

Post by purrfect-lady » Wed Oct 09, 2019 5:33 am

Good morning,

I took a nap yesterday afternoon, rarity for me. I know it’s thrown my sleeping schedule off. Plus, cat boy decided it was play time at 3:30 AM. I finally gave up and got out of bed at 4 AM. Gotta love pets!

Yesterday we drove down the coast, explored Washaway Beach and Tokeland, which is maybe about 200 population. The most fun thing there is the old Tokeland Hotel, built early in the last century and eventually abandoned during World War II. They started refurbishing it in the 90s and it’s a beautiful old place now and on the national register of historical sites. Then we went on to a bigger little town called Raymond. Bill actually lived there in a former life when he was about 20 years old. We stopped at the huge Dennis company, which is a hardware store and more. We both bought shoes there. It was a nice drive (80 mi round trip) and we came home to lunch, books, and naps. Before supper we took a short walk to the beach and then down to Waters edge. It wasn’t raining but we had 21 mph winds that had sand blowing everywhere. We didn’t stay out long!

Looking forward to being home again after nine days out. It’s about a 2 Hour drive to home and we should be parked and have the trailer emptied by lunchtime.

Since Some of you asked, I have been doing a small wool appliqué project by sue Spargo - A needle keeper. her work is always well studded with a variety of beads. It’s the first woollie I’ve made and I had such fun doing it. A great take-along project. It’s something I’ve been meaning to try for a long time and it just happened that I needed a needle keeper.

Jana, congratulations on your ‘Niners. They are doing well. Seems like only a few years ago it was the exact opposite for them. I well understand The explosion of fabrics everywhere! I love scrappy but it can sure make a mess of your sewing room! 🌋

Chickie, no worries! I found your post! And how many times have I made similar mistakes on this forum! 🤣. How was the quilt show you went to? The panel with the buck on it Will be pretty for your granddaughter in law. Is it for Christmas? Does everybody get a gift or do you draw names?

Becca, seems like I made a soft book many years ago when my kids were little. I think I used flannel inside. I wanted something to give it body but not to make it to fat. There are also double-sided firm fusible’s that might work.

Rose bud, if I had my way you would be able to retire now in great financial comfort. But two years will go by more quickly than you think.

Irish, You’re probably still trying to get your breath after your whirlwind two weeks! What’s next on your agenda? Florida? Hawaii?

Tina, there you are! Glad you are feeling better wish you were feeling perfect! I saw your video on Facebook. You cut your hair! Looks nice . Vicky calls our home phone which is forwarded to Bill‘s cell while we’re away. All we would be doing is blocking our own home phone. And we don’t have a blocking capacity on our home phone. Plus, the more messages she leaves, the tighter she is tying the ribbon around our case. We did file another report with APS. They listened to everything we said and agreed she desperately needs help but also explained they have no power to do anything because of how the laws are in Washington state. All they can do is compile the reports for when the family is finally able to go to court. They will have evidence. The family is very frustrated because their hands are tied because Vicki is so stubborn. Her daughter said she has been extremely angry and aggressive and argumentative lately. We all just have to live with it for now but we will be calling 911 more often as they are the only ones with legal power to remove her from the house if they think they should.

I am not sure what supper will be tonight. And good chance it will be bacon and eggs. I may boil a couple small potatoes this morning and Cube them to fry with onions, too. I don’t make fried potatoes very often but it was a staple in my childhood home.

Have you got a plan yet for tonight?

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Re: Supper club, Wed, Oct 9

Post by auntjana » Wed Oct 09, 2019 7:30 am

Good morning!

Mary - good trip home! It is good that you are keeping such good records.

Well I got the animal story for the day. It was still dark out side this morning and Sarah was up dealing with logistics of sod deliveries. So since she was already up, she dashed down to the store while everyone else was still asleep for a gallon of milk. On her way home, a deer - doe- ran out in front of her truck. She stopped in time not to hit the doe, and while she was stopped, a buck charged her truck and hit the truck on the driver's door. Sarah was competition to the buck! The buck lowered his head and charged hard, so hard, the door is quite dented and stuck shut! When Sarah got home, her DH took a crowbar to un-jam the door. Sarah has already got the claim number from State Farm and is taking in the truck for the estimate. The buck is fine and ran off with the doe. Sarah will borrow our Solara while the truck is repaired. Never a dull moment in Herriman!

I was able to find enough useable scrap to make a duplicate of one of the gift Skinnie that Sarah really wanted. I will have maybe a 2 inch square left from making this one. Calling that close. I wil have to seam a section or two, but it will work.

Well, need to get dressed and get Sarah at the body shop, see ya later,


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Re: Supper club, Wed, Oct 9

Post by zfatcat » Wed Oct 09, 2019 8:18 am

Jana, that's a crazy way for Sarah to start her day.

MRyz, bacon and eggs sounds good for breakfast. Safe travels home.

Don't know what's for dinner. I bought some wine at a winery on Saturday, and I'd like to make something to go with it. Yes, it's all about the wine. Lol

Have a lovely day.
Lori 8-)

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Re: Supper club, Wed, Oct 9

Post by Irishgram » Wed Oct 09, 2019 11:22 am

Good afternoon from chilly but sunny, Sw. Pa....What a difference the sun makes....

Mary, safe travels home...Good for you and your record keeping...Might come to the point where 911 will get tired of the calls and decide she needs to be removed...What a sad, sad situation, sad for Vicki, you and Bill but in a way, a little upset with the kids...But, it's really not right what you and Bill have had to go through.....
I'm finding, it's taking me awhile to come back down to earth, lol...Of course I haven't been home long enough for my feet to get used to my house...You know how the best laid plans.......Couldn't remember what time my eye exam was, so called the gal, OK, see you later...Then my sister called, she needed me to fill in at her card game, OK no problem, reschedule eye exam...Told the gal, my sister needed me...I am trying to figure out dates for a couple of trips to Florida but with Kathy and Tim flying back and forth, I'd like to be here when they come...I've decided to wait for Hawaii, maybe in the spring, we'll see....

Becca. so glad you found my little one and yes, she is quite a sweetie pie...Of course I'm like any other Gram, not at all partial, lol....Would love to see a picture of the bears you are making...What a treasure for someone....Have you found time to sit and relax or are you still working on that yard? And I know what you mean about, never done...But, I'm known for just quitting, lol......

Jane, what a story, what a scare..Oh my, she could have really been injured...That buck sure didn't want his lady to get away, did he? I get quite a few deer in the yard every night so yesterday I did stop and get some corn...Some are trying to pass a law about feeding the wild but I'm sure not feeding them to lure them into any trap or make them an easy target, IN MY YARD! I love, love watching them and next spring, will be upset when they eat the Hosta's but so what...I've found, they won't eat marigolds so, that's what I'll have in the flower beds....

Lori, If I had some good wine, my dinner would be around the wine....Heck, my dinner might be the wine!

I just had a late lunch and am trying to do a bunch of sewing...How come, when someone knows you sew or have a machine, you end up with lots of odds and ends that need fixed that aren't your's????? But, 1st on the list is getting my sister's Halloween quilt finished (before Halloween)....If anyone wants me, I'll be at the machine hoping I don't run out of orange thread!

Not sure what dinner might be but I did get a big bag of chips, just in case of an emergency......

You all have a great rest of the day....

Happy eating..................

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Re: Supper club, Wed, Oct 9

Post by Becca » Wed Oct 09, 2019 12:35 pm

Hello everyone,late here.That seems to be the story on me lately.
Maryz Im going to LQS tomorrow & will get something for between pages.I don’t want it to be flimsy.You are a great record keeper.Maybe one day there will be action taken.
I too wound be glad to get Home.I never like camping in bad weather.

Jana Wow What a way to start the day.Sure hope she gets better action from SF than we did.Thanks so much for all the info.Those really sound cute but must be time consuming.

Lori Glad to have you join us.

Irish Hope you get all your sewing done.I too used to be the family & community seamstress.

I got most of uglies done.Then headed upstairs to sew.Plus took my walk.
We had Hully Green beans & turkey sausage. Becca And my sugar cookies I made.

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Joined: Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:42 pm

Re: Supper club, Wed, Oct 9

Post by auntjana » Wed Oct 09, 2019 1:58 pm

Well finally home from running around like a chicken with it's head cut off! My mom's old saying. Picked Sarah up from the body shop - the buck really did a number on her door and fender. Everyone is having a good laugh at her. Aaron said, where's the deer now, he wanted the trophy horns, but the deer is off chasing his does, alive and kicking. Then took Michael to the DDS. Michael thought this one would be a shorter time, nope, just as long. So I ran errands and then waited for him. Now home and dinner will be soup. Michael does not do well with a cleaning, as it jars his teeth and then they ache for awhile. Lots of soups for the next few days. Which is fine in my book.

Sarah will have ine of our extra vehicles for about two weeks. The shop is fixing another dent as well while they have the truck.

We have always had State Farm, since before we were married and they have always been great. Good agents too.

Matt got the main floor of his house painted, returned our ladders and scaffold, then borrowed our tile saw. We should be a tool/car rental store! But, then again what are parents for and Michael has every tool made under the sun!

Lake effect snow is predicted for my house tonight. I doubt it will stay very long. Lake effect happens when the very cold air blows across the Great Salt Lake, over the water, then dumps on me, downwind. Simetimes lafe effect can dump several feet of snow, but this time only inches.


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