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SUNDAY, Sept 29th

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SUNDAY, Sept 29th

Post by purrfect-lady » Sun Sep 29, 2019 5:03 am

Good morning,

It's chilly but dry today. But our mountains are sporting white coats this morning! Brrr!! I'm wondering what the winter has in store for us!

Yesterday was laundry, packing clothes, trailer freezer, and oh! I got several cabinets and 4 drawers cleaned in the kitchen. Then I kitted up a wool hand project for camping. Bill was at Ernie's yesterday with his cousin, doing a few things. And they sold Ernie's pick-up. To my massage therapist. One vehicle down, one to go. Anyone want to buy a 21-yr old Impala that has 237,000 miles, was stolen, wrecked, recovered, sort of repaired, and has sat for quite a while? A bargain!!

Today is ugh-ly day. And the flannel sheets are going on - house and trailer beds. And then it's GO SEAHAWKS! time! Tomorrow our Oregon friends will be rolling in for one night before we all leave for camping. Last time they were here in their brand new trailer Vicki set her sprinklers on them. We'll see what happens this time. . .

Y'all have a fun day!

mary z

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Re: SUNDAY, Sept 29th

Post by Becca » Sun Sep 29, 2019 5:25 am

Good morning everyone,We had rain yesterday afternoon.Was Great .
Maryz Enjoy your trip & Friends.Sure Hope Vicky stays inside.You keep making me feel guilty over cabinet cleaning.

Plan to take it easy today.After Church.I got some cleaning done yesterday.And did some looking for fabric for projects to make for Benefit.
Have a great day everyone. Becca

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Re: SUNDAY, Sept 29th

Post by FlorenceM » Sun Sep 29, 2019 5:36 am

Got blocks for first t shirt Quilt stabilized. They were different widths, so added sashing to bring them all to 17 inches wide. Today , maybe, I will lay them out. I have 19 blocks, but some are 19 inches long, some 17 inches long, some 15 & 1 is 14 long. Hopefully they will lay out so spacer blocks aren't needed. Layout will eliminate horizontal straight line to give staggered floating effect... hopefully... Will post pic when put together.

Church now.

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Re: SUNDAY, Sept 29th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Sun Sep 29, 2019 6:22 am

Good morning, it's going to be a great day today. Our weather has cooled a bit. looks like it may rain.

Yesterday I was typing my post and the phone rang. Jerry's niece calls us about once a month and talks for a very long time. by the time we were off the phone things needed to get done around here.

I was able to get the binding on a quilt and will hand sew it in the evenings. I also layered but still need to pin another quilt. I have more blocks and tops that need to be tackled, time is what I am short on.

I'm wanting to make my parents a quilt but need to come up with a pattern. not sure yet what to make. It sort of needs to be scrappy. decisions decisions.

Suzette, I have also been looking at projects to make for my elf. so many choices. Not really sure which ones to do.

Lois, I love that you are having fun with snowmen and gnomes. I imagine you smiling and sewing.

Diane, hope it's the best 13th birthday ever. so cool to go from pre-teen to teen.

Judi, I have noticed more paper piece projects out there lately. I also blame Suzette, she is a trend setter.

Becca, hope the sale went well and your baked goods were all gone. You are kind to help a good cause. Enjoy your peaceful day.

Tina, I bet Aunt Jody loved the treasures you brought her. and how was the picnic. I can't remember the last time we had a picnic.

Jana, dont' you just love when everything is perfect. the weather, the day and the event. makes for lots of smiling.

Sherry, happy birthday. You must be the first to get something from Santa. Someone sent me something to send to their Santa and it will be in Monday's mail. Hope the football game went well

Maryz, I do hope Uncle Ernie's house gets sold quickly. Grandma's is finally in the last stages. Septic will be replaced next week then I imagine it's a matter of paperwork. This is the first house I have ever sold. Not bad for 56 years. The Imapala sounds so tempting. It's the kind of car we used to cruise main street in as teens. Glad you sold the other vehicle

Flo, yay for getting the t-shirt blocks ready. what did Joe get at auction?

It seems that I need to get busy here, you all have a groovy day,
Proverbs 4:11-12

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Re: SUNDAY, Sept 29th

Post by auntjana » Sun Sep 29, 2019 6:42 am

Good morning!

My engineer woke me up playing with a new toy. A light bulb that has a battery built in, so when the power goes off, the bulb will light up as a emergency light. Well, the thought design is good, application needs works. I got a lesson in how things work, electrical engineering style, very intentsely detailed! LOL! He is walking around the house holding the light bulb in his hand and turning it on and off - no electricity, just his electricifying personality.

Church is awhile later. Then home. I have my November wall hanging almost quilted and to the binding stage. Sarah and I went out yesterday to three different LQS to find 2 pieces of fabrics, no luck, then to Jo Ann's, along with everyone else in the valley! We took a number before we looked for our fabrics - they were calling for #62 and we had #88! Of course, they had the perfect pieces we needed. While we waited, I talked to another quilter, we always find each other, she donates a quilt to our Festival of Trees, supporting Primary Children's Hospital each year. One year, her quilt was auctioned off for $10,000, a record. Made me realize how beginning my quilting skills are! Her quilt this year is based in Harry Potter, another beauty! Festval of Trees are many many donated Christmas trees, fully decorated, that you bid on to own. When I say, decorated, I mean like the gorgeous ones in the magazines! Many many thousands of dollars are made to be given to Primary Children's, one of the very best in the nation to help children suffering. When my Tanner at 2 years old, broke his upper leg, he was operated on there, Primary Children's. They are wonderful!

Well, I am getting more instruction in electrical properties. Don't worry, I make him listen to me about piecing quilt blocks and make him do my math once in awhile too,


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Re: SUNDAY, Sept 29th

Post by grammiequilts » Sun Sep 29, 2019 6:55 am

Good morning..it is dreary here but warm 70 today. a fall day. Just got doe with breakfast and we are headed to Mrnatds for a ceiling fan for the sun room...it is almost finished...I slipcovered the couch in there and put in mini blinds and now the ceiling fan we need a small one since the Christmas tree goes in ther,,,It cannot be to low...I also have plants and a twig table with 2 chairs...but these get moved for the holidays, this room os only 7x9 and has 7 windows...(thise will need to be done soon.) but I sit in there a lot...the view is cool of the yard and trees. It is my reading room napping room and hand sewing room...I am thinking of getting some audio books to listen to in there,

We had a fun day with the kiddos yesterday,,,Liam brought home a helium ballon and made grammie tak like Donal duck...I thought the kids were going to die laughing,,,they laugh doubled over...I have never done thst before....didnt get home till midnight though. tired
well Ken is ready off to Menards..after I will get the stuff out for an elf project......hope you all have a great day,,,,XXXXXOOOOO

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Re: SUNDAY, Sept 29th

Post by maryq » Sun Sep 29, 2019 7:31 am

Good Morning Girls

Good rainy morning.... had to break down and click on the furnace... was 64* in here... that's a little chilly for these old bones! I'm just glad I don't live in Montanna, where they have a blizzard and expecting 21" of snow... or Calgary with 8" of snow expected today! UGH

Maryz… GO SEAHAWKS.... I'll have to check and see what time the game is on out there, I wouldn't want to text you something in the middle of the game! Is there a place out there you can donate Ernie's car? Next time I need to change my sheets, I will have to dig out my flannels too!

Becca.... When is the benefit again? Are they selling "craft fair" type things? I might have a few things I could send out for you.

Flo.... How do you like making a Tshirt quilt? I swore I would never do another one. It's laying them all out and getting the sized up that is such a pain....

Chriss…. There either needs to be more hours in the day, or we need to find a way to clone ourselves.. I know I could get much more done if there were two of me.... but on the other hand... I'd have to feed and clothe the other one too.. and that could get expensive. :lol:

Jana.... If your DH has such an electrifying personality... why would you need a back up battery light bulb? There has to be a joke in there somewhere about how many engineers it takes to change a light bulb.

Judi.... Your sun room sounds so nice! I bet it's just gorgeous when it's all decorated for Christmas. Hope you find just the right fan for in there... they do make some that are "ceiling huggers".

Sherry.... Are you feeling this morning?? Better I hope... you don't want to be sick on your birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY... did I miss it? was it yesterday?

Yesterday I never made it outside... I should have since it's raining today! But I did manage to get a lot of sewing done. I've done 3 Snowmen tree skirts, just have to sew them together and find backing. I may call my close by LA'er and see if it's possible to do a circular top on her machine. Then I worked like crazy on the Gnome quilt and have most of the little guys sewn down. I was looking around at the Fat Cat Design web site and saw Angels! OH my gosh.. so darling. That might be a project for next year! Even with all the sewing I did get my laundry done, including the clothes ironed. Now I have a full closet of clean clothes! YIPEE

For now, my coffee is cold and I need to get in the shower and tidy up...

In a little bit I'll be heading down to test an October Lotto block...
Think Rail Fence and Fall Colors!

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Re: SUNDAY, Sept 29th

Post by auntjana » Sun Sep 29, 2019 7:38 am

Maryq - according to the engineer , it takes 10 to change a light bulb. One to hold the ladder, the second to climb the ladder and change the bulb and the other 8 to write the EIR, environmental impact reports. Now you know! LOL!

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Re: SUNDAY, Sept 29th

Post by WeSignificant » Sun Sep 29, 2019 8:27 am

Good morning, Nice to report Andrew and I are home safe and sound. Tired but home. We stopped at a couple of quilt shops on the way. Found an item for my elf. Not telling any more than that. I was told that this item is only available at this shop so I will look into the accuracy of that.

It is cold today, only 48* outside. Had DH turn the heaters on so hopefully Dad won't freeze. I will have to put his wool blanket on the bed today. Will also have to prep his lunches for next week but don't think I will do many more uglies.

Do want to work some more on my elf gift today. I keep planning it and it keeps just sitting there!

Tomorrow back to work, no boss, just corporate to send me emails and texts all day long. Will do what I can.

Have a blessed Sunday.
A Friend is God's way of making sure we never walk alone!

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