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need to pick your creative minds

Discussions about Projects & Donations for special causes.
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need to pick your creative minds

Post by morgans4 » Wed Dec 26, 2018 11:17 am

My baby granddaughter, Avelyne, was born April 2, prematurely. We were told she wouldn't be able to breathe when she was born and would die instantly. When she was born screaming her lungs out, we thought all our problems were over, but we were so wrong.
She was born with many problems, among them, heart defect, kidney problems, prematurity, small lungs, so many things. We were told that she was deaf, would be or was, blind, probably mentally challenged, possibly would never be able to walk or even get out of a bed on her own.
We did a lot of praying and crying. God hears. HE saw to it that Boston Children's Hospital would take her by life flight, to Boston, MA from Children's Mercy, here in Kansas City, MO. There she had open heart surgery. When it was over, the dr. assured us that she will never die of this heart problem. Unfortunately, later that afternoon they feared that because he had left in a clamp rather than making a stitch, the blood stopped flowing to her lower limbs. Her kidneys were dead, her lungs were bad, her liver was bad... so within 24 hours, that tiny 3# baby had 2 open heart surgeries. When she was well enough to return to Kansas City, we were all so happy to see her, but it wasn't to be for long. The doctors decided that she wouldn't have a good life, so they disconnected her from all the tubes that were keeping her alive. She could see. She could hear. She knew her mother's voice and would look at her. But because she had been put back on the breathing machine, her lungs hadn't continued to strengthen, and after gasping 3 times, the little thing was gone to sit on the lap of Jesus. She was just short of 3 months old. Her mother was planning a birthday party for the 3 month mark, and instead, we were having her funeral.
But what I really wanted to tell you is that we were so impacted by all the beautiful little homemade toys, blankets, crocheted bonnets, premie outfits, booties, etc., that were made by people like you and donated to Children's Mercy Hospital. They are so dear to us now that Avy is gone, because she used every one of them. Her mother held her, swaddled in blankets we could feel were made out of love and kindness. Pictures were taken in every way imaginable, with these loving gifts. I hope you all know how much we all appreciate you making and donating these things. It makes us feel a little less alone when we are spending the night, watching a monitor and dreading to see a flatline appear at any minute. It's like you have your arms around us. It's a feeling that every parents needs when there is a crises.
We just had our 1st Christmas without Avy. Children's Mercy Hospital had a memorial service for the babies lost there, and they are going to put together a quilt in memory of those lost in 2018. They have requested we make a square (I believe it's 8") that we design ourselves, with whatever reminds us of the child. I am not creative, or maybe it's just that it's too close to me, so I cannot think. But if some of you could think of something we could do, we would be most thankful and Avy would have a beautiful quilt square. There are things to consider...
pink/blue ribbons mean heart trouble
white ribbon with yellow stripe in the center is for infant loss
purple ribbons is for prematurity
lime green ribbons cannot remember to save my soul

when we see Elephants or (octopuses)octipi we feel that she is nearby. we associate these things with her, because she had little crocheted toys donated that she would hold onto. (as some people see butterflies, we see these other things).

Although I have never tried it, she would like to have the baby's photo on the square somewhere. Maybe inside a heart.
I know this isn't a lot to go on and everything probably cannot go, but just to give you some ideas... and thanks so much for listening and considering.

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Re: need to pick your creative minds

Post by patches4 » Wed Dec 26, 2018 2:56 pm

You have my sympathy on the loss of Avy. I make blankets for Project Linus for use for children in hospitals and hope that each blanket I make is cherished by someone special.

As to the block, I am not too artistic but what comes to mind would be a grey elephant with pink inside its ears sitting or standing with a picture of little Avy on its midsection, and if you wished to put the above colors in, a pink elephant with a purple ribbon around its neck and a picture of Avy in the middle. Maybe someone else on this forum may see better what kind of picture I am trying to convey.
Again my sympathy and cyber hugs to all of you.

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Re: need to pick your creative minds

Post by gershwin64 » Tue Jan 01, 2019 3:38 am

Joanne, I'm so very sorry for your loss. Sending prayers to your family.

I like Tina's idea, I'm not very good at coming up with block ideas.

Tina R

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