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paper piecing

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paper piecing

Post by raye » Fri May 21, 2010 11:43 am

I'm new at this, so I wanted to know which foundation paper would best meet my needs. I'm making a quilt that was featured in Keepsake Quilting catalogue called In a Pickle skew number 2734. My friend and I are going to work together making a quilt for each of us. She has paper pieced before and what we need is transucent paper that can be processed through an inkjet printer because there are so many pieces to be used. The lenght needs to be 11 x 17". We have checked on vellium but not sure if it can be sent through a printer. It was suggested by one company that a 17 or 20 weight trnslucent vellium might used for our purposes, but the company's discription indicates it is made out of cotton (?) something or other so it might be to heavy to tear off. So, I'm hoping there is some of you that have paper pieced and can share your knowledge with us. Thanks, Raye

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Re: paper piecing

Post by auntjana » Fri May 21, 2010 2:57 pm

I have paper pieced before and used plain old 20 bond weight copy paper - just be sure to use the same printer each time you make a copy - I didn't once - used my inkjet for a copy and then forgot and used the laser jet - they came out different sizes - just enough to mess me up!!

When sewing really shorten your stitch length - 12 to 15 is what works for me - it makes it easier to tear out the paper at the end and your work doesn't stretch.

I have a stileto - like EL and run it along the stitching line when I am going to remove the paper - it further scores it so it removes easily.

I also don't remove any paper until the top is done - this makes it so I can match the blocks together with the perfect seam lines.

That is the beauty of paper piecing - matched points and seams!!

Good Luck

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Re: paper piecing

Post by grannyjean » Sun May 23, 2010 9:41 am

Vellium will go through the printer. I use it all the time. I use it for paper piecing and also for templetes in my embroidery. You can also buy paper for paper piecing at Joanns or Hobby Lobby. This will also go through the printer and will either desolve or tear away. I have also used tear away stabliser cut into the right size. You can also buy at a fabric store by the yard. Just shorten stitch length and tear gently.

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Re: paper piecing

Post by norwich » Mon May 24, 2010 9:57 pm

Vellum paper is quite expensive. Can you try and paper piece in smaller units, thus using an 8-1/2" x 11" piece of paper? Regular paper works fine, but be sure and shorten your stitch length so you can rip the paper without distorting your seams! You can also use a thin muslin for a foundation and transfer the pattern with a transfer pen. The pattern can be ironed onto the fabric many times and it doesn't crunch like the paper, which can drive me nuts!

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Re: paper piecing

Post by TheKid » Mon May 31, 2010 2:05 pm

WARNING!!!!Once you get the hang of the paper piecing--it is very addicting. I love doing it. I use plain white 20# printer paper.JUst use a little stitch, so it is easy to take out. I found it so much easier if I precut my pieces so it kinda fit the area with a little over size. then, I put the pieces labeled in little snack baggies or sandwich bags. It is important to stay organized, have the lay out to your left clear of everything else, but what you are working on.
The results are just magnifiant and beautiful.. Of all the quilting and sewing I do, this is the one that gets the most Ahs, and oohs from others. Have fun.I just finished a 12 little Christmas tree quilt from the McCall magazine. It was so much fun and it will hang this year in the home. sue

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Re: paper piecing

Post by barnyardbunch » Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:35 am

Hi .. Paper piecing requires thinking a different way so the first couple of pieces might take a little longer, but once you get the hang of it it's a lot of fun and very accurate. I make a master copy and number it etc. and take it to a copy store to have the copies made. It's just my opinion, but I think printer ink is an outragious price and doesn't last very long, the copy store is a lot cheaper. The copy store I go to has the longer paper too. Just a thought.
TheKid is so right, it is addictive. Mainly, just have a good time doing it.

Joan - Fair Weather Farm

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Re: paper piecing

Post by qltb1958 » Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:19 am

I am looking for help. I would like to learn to make a paper peicing pattern from some of my own designs. I cannot find any literature or instructions on how to make your own paper peicing patterns. Does any one know where I can find help to learn this?

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Re: paper piecing

Post by cindyg » Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:15 am

I use regular copy paper and a shorter stitch length. If you have a problem tearing the paper off you can barely dampen the paper, wait a minute, then tear.

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Re: paper piecing

Post by TheKid » Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:08 pm

Raye, check your mail, since I sent a short note. Sue

Posts: 7
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Re: paper piecing

Post by JanTay » Sun May 19, 2013 9:40 pm

I use regular copy paper and set my stitch length to 3.5.

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