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Monday June 8th

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Monday June 8th

Post by vivian1970 » Sun Jun 07, 2009 10:25 pm

This weekend has flown by. Sometimes I wish the weekends were three days long.

My feet are still hurting from walking around the quilt show yesterday. But it was wonderful for a 1st time show. I think they will do it again next year. Bought a few things. But the one that surprised me was when my 16 yr old DGD asked for a pattern to make a quilt so you better believe that is what I bought her. Will have lots of fun picking out material for her to do that one.

Have a great day.


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Re: Monday June 8th

Post by fabricgirl » Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:45 pm

Hi Vivian yes it did fly by fast I to am tired but will move on and do what we have to do and that will be that .

I hope everyone has a great productive day.


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Re: Monday June 8th

Post by Tulpje » Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:02 am


Morning Viv and Lois.

The thing I like about the weekend is spending more time with Jeff.

It's only 4 am here. This is the third time in a row that I was not able to get a good nights sleep.

BBL <after my second cop of koffie>


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Re: Monday June 8th

Post by grammiequilts » Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:47 am

Good Morning Ladies, I am doing some (Bad Words) and then some errands. I need to return a gimicky tv item I bought (and it is a rip so back it goes. I should have known.) While I am out today I'll stop a Joanns and the LQS to get my sp stuff. Then up to the sewing room for more sewing. I finished 5 rose appliques and the total is 28. I also need to finish a guild block and my BOM so this will be a sewing day. It is rainy here in SE Mich so no outside work. BBL hope you all have a great day. Judi

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Re: Monday June 8th

Post by Marilynsgrammy » Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:50 am

Good Mornin'

Viv, can't wait to see what pattern your DGD picked out and what colors she picks... how fun.

Tul, maybe if you stay away from the caffine you can get some sleep?

Lois, I want all weekends to be three days too... I wouldn't mind working 4/10's....

I don't get another long weekend till July 4th, then I am taking the week of July 13th... I really want to get my swaps and stuff caught up...

well, it's the same thing every weekday... gotta get my lunch ready and get to work.... hope you all have a wonderful day
Jeremiah 29:11

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Re: Monday June 8th

Post by Tulpje » Mon Jun 08, 2009 2:00 am


Judy, I wish it was as simple as that staying away from cafeine. I only drink 1 or 2 cups a day. I don't nap, or rest during the day. I'm pretty active during the days, so much that I burn way to many calories.

It has something to do with adult night terrors, and the fact that I have worked 12 hours night shifts for 20 years as a hospice nurse.

The previous 2 nights when I also woke up so early, I took extra meds (which is per prescription), I just don't like to do that because the side effects of it is short term memory loss.

I'm sure I'll enjoy an extra long day, since I have many irons in the fire for my quilting/sewing projects. I have HIGH hopes I'll get a LOT done today with that.

Right now I have to do things that require as little sound as possible, so jeff and our fur and feather babies can get some more zzzz's in.


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Re: Monday June 8th

Post by cindyg » Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:08 am

Vivian - maybe you'll have another quilter in your family. I can't wait to see her quilt.

Judi - please send some of that rain down here. We are dry as a bone and there is no rain expected for over a week.

Lois - the weekend did seem to fly by. I did get some stuff done on Sunday that I wanted to get done so I'm glad about that. And DH worked on my cabinets for my sewing studio - YEE HAW! He hasn't touched them in months and months.

Chriss - have a good day at work. That's an oxymoron, isn't it?

Whatever you are doing with your day, enjoy it everyone.

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Re: Monday June 8th

Post by purrfect-lady » Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:49 am

Good Morning! Another busy, busy weekend gone POOF! And we DO have 3-day weekends. They still are crammed with chores and activities. Poor DH goes to work to rest! I think the poor guy looks more forward to Mondays than Fridays! I got a lot of quilting done in spite of everything else. I hope to get that quilt off the frame today! Then I need to figure out what I'm going to bind it with.

Today will another long list of uglies - laundry, kitchen, garage, vacuuming, etc. But it will feel so good to get them all done! And I did put sewing on my list! Better chance of getting to it if I make it "Legal".

"T", sorry you're not sleeping. Women "of a certain age" do have a difficult time sleeping for a few years. As a nurse, you probably know this, though. But you might consider switching your Rx. I can't sleep unless I read. Sometimes only a paragraph, but I have to have that book in front of my face.

Chriss, sorry about the work thingie. But I guess one way to look at it is to think of work not in hours worked, but in yards of fabric earned! Think that will help?

Viv! You're growing a quilter! you lucky! Please tell her that we are all excited and can't wait to see her project!

Well, time to go do something so I can cross one more item off my chore list - my little reward. Everyone enjoy yourself today, no matter what you are doing. It's a gift.


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Re: Monday June 8th

Post by Joannequilts » Mon Jun 08, 2009 4:36 am

Good Morning everyone! It's going to be a hot, steamy day here in SW Ohio!! I hate the humidity!!

Well the festival is over for another year! I kinda miss the music, though! Well.....SOME of the music! lol! The kids all had fun...the parents are broke after paying the ridiculous prices for their little ones to ride the rides...I'm full of festival food and funnel cake..but it was yummy!

Vivian, how wonderful that your DGD wants to make a quilt!! Awesome!! I love to hear when the youngsters become interested in quilting.

No windows, Grammie??!! lol! I wish that rain you're getting in Michigan would drop down this way and clear out our air!

Chriss, several years ago they chose a couple of clerks to work 4/10's. One was a good friend of mine, just a few years older than me and she thought it would be great. Well....she said that she was so tired after working the 4/10's, that on Friday all she did was sleep and get rested up!! lol! So, a few years before I retired they went to a rotating system where about once a month you get to work M-T an extra hour in the morning, then on Friday you work 4 hrs. in the morning and are off the rest of the day. I really liked that, and everyone else liked it too. Kind of a "jump start" on the weekend.
Did you make any more clothes for your DGD???

"T" I was going to suggest your RX's might be a problem, too, like maryz said. I'm not a nurse or anything, but I've noticed that these days, some of the medications cause more problems than they solve! lol! I, too have trouble sleeping sometimes...and like maryz, I've learned to read every night before going to sleep. It really works for me..hope you find a solution!!

I slept in this morning...DH went to work on the schoolhouse steps, he said that shouldn't take more than three mornings. The man is determined to get that schoolhouse done before the show in August..and by golly, it looks like it will happen!

Think I will eat some breakfast and go to the sewing room...maybe I better turn on the air conditioner up there FIRST! lol!
See ya'll later!!


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Re: Monday June 8th

Post by Cathy32078 » Mon Jun 08, 2009 4:39 am

Good Morning everyone. It is a bright sunshiny day here. Hardly any wind which is unusual so I hope it won't be too hot. LOL Sounds like a busy weekend was had by all. I crashed the moment my head hit the pillow last night. Slept so good. That doesn't happen often.

I have a lot of errands to run today and a couple of appts. so doesn't look too promising of it being a sewing day here. AND I still have the flat of flowers to plant in the planters out at the mailbox Chriss.LOL This evening will be the time that gets done! Has to!

Vivian I am so happy & excited for you that your DGD is planning on making a quilt! You lucky Grandma! That is wonderful & will be a lot fo fun.

Well I have to run. I hope you all have a wonderful Monday & for those that are working, I hope it speeds by with no Monday blurps. Try to enjoy whatever you encounter today and remember that everything happens for a reason. I am really working hard on patience so say a prayer for me. This is going to be a stressful week for me.

Love You All

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