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IT's Saturday June 6,2009

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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:46 am

Well, I'm back from the big fabric sale! I did good! I loaded up on creams, greens, tans, and rusty colors with a few blues and purples. And some themed fabrics for special projects. (baseball, fishing, deer, cats, RV's, etc) Most things I got a yard, but a few things called for two yards. One fabric was in turquoise and black, and that's just for me to HAVE. some fabrics just need to be owned and loved, not necessarily sewn. And I got enough flannel for two quilt backs - at $3/yd. I spent $220 in addition to my $50 gift cert. But this shop is big - probably 4 to 5 times as much as an average LQS, and her prices generally run about $3/yd less to begin with (for the same fabrics!) and when you add 40% off, you can't afford not to buy! So I was bad. And now DH has snuggled up in his chair with HIS QUILT to sleep it off! lol!

Now I need to go shower and get ready for SIL's wedding dinner. Poor DH almost fell over, though, when I said I needed to stop at JoAnn's along the way! I need a pillow form.

sounds like you all have been busy while I was gone. Hope it was an enjoyable day for all. I know I'm having a stellar day!


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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by GrandmaTaz » Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:55 am

Maryz it's good to see you are helping the economy.....LOL Sounds like you had fun.

I worked at the fabric store today, Had fun. I have so fun much I should pay her to work there....LOL

Nice weather here, getting a little to hot tho.


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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by grammiequilts » Sat Jun 06, 2009 11:15 am

I am back from the baby shower,,,,4 hours of baby stuff....oh my.....I think this Mom couold support 6 kids and this is her second shower....I am tired of sitting. I'm going to take a walk and get ready for the big game tonight. I am not making any comments or predictions....I am just going to watch MY DETROIT RED WINGS play a great game of hockey. It ain't over till the fat lady sings. All of you penguin fans,,,,,:(

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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by KATHYSQUILTS » Sat Jun 06, 2009 11:19 am

Well I am done with all my "work". Now it dinner, shower, and sew!!

Irishgram..Do those topsy turvy tomato holders work? I see them on TV.
As a woman that is looking for a handyman..I say do not
move away from Ted.

Carolyn...did your sewing machine run smoothly for you after you fixed the needle&bobbin? Go Penguins!!

Linda...see you had a productive day even with the poor weather(:(:

jana...I am so happy for you and your DGS..a whole month!! I do hope that happenes to me some day.

DorothyM...I have my tomatoes and basil in. I am dreaming of Tomato,Basil & Mozzarella Salad MMmmmmmm

Susanna...you can never talk too much about your Son. You are both very brave!!

maryz..I am green...sounds like you had more tham a good time at the LQS's sale. Do you have space for all of that?? LOL

See you all later...Kathy

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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by Irishgram » Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:32 pm

Kathy, I'll let you know if this tomatoe thingie works...The bad thing, it's very, very heavy...With all the dirt and then the water, it's weighs a ton...I'm sure it will be fine if we can keep it hanging...Hopefully this time, Ted really fixed it..My friend in Florida had one last year but I don't think she got many tomatoes...

Ted's wife just came and gave me a big plastic bag full of fresh lettuce and it's sooo good....I guess I'd better not think of moving.....

Good evening all,

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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by institcheswithrosie » Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:42 pm

Hi all, sounds like everyone had a great day.

Ran out to my favorite LQS to buy the BOM kit and ended up spending a small fortune. I got the strangest fabric that is so not me, but it kept calling my name. I can't even describe it. OH, we.

Of course, went in to the dollar store to get 2 things, got 15. Decided coming home was my best bet.

Am going to go sew for the evening because tomorrow is dedicated to "nasty" work.

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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by sewcarolyn » Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:55 pm

Well this has been a productive day...totally finished with 40/72 blocks and the remainder of them are almost done! Taking a Bobbin break I make myself stop for a break every time a bobbin runs out even though I have extra wound. I find that makes me take time to stretch. Tonight we have theater tickets so it will be tomorrow before I get them all finished.

all of you that helped stimulate the economy today GOOD FOR YOU

T--we are all proud of your son!!

well break over I want to get 5 more done before dinner!

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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by Tulpje » Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:17 pm


We finally had some SUN today, but the temps are dropping fast again allready. I spotted a few blooms on my tomato plants. Please send more sunshine our way, because I think my tomato plants need and want it. My radihes and yellow squash plants are also dooing great, and I have almost 2 dozen double pink roses on one of my rose bushes.

How do you know when it is time to pull and enjoy your radishes?
Someone gave me ant chalk, which I plan to start using tomorrow. I think the ants love to go after the sweet smelling roses.

Jeff is starting to groan how many beers I'm feeding to the slugs. <grin>

I guess it's okay for me to just goof off just for 1 day. I'll just pop in here once in a while and go look through my snail-mail.

I have a stack of QIAD books and DVD's. I bought a book at QIAD last Thursday by another author with some fabrics to go with that pattern. I am SO spoiled by El with her QIAD books that it is tough for me to follow any other author. You actually have to READ (and scratch your head) when you try following another author.

Did ALL of you read Linda's post? Due to a computer clitch the sale continues untill Monday 9 am. She posted to feel free to take advantage of that 'glitch'. This is NOT a gimmick trying to get you to buy. I actually saw Mah Pahkeh at the store yesterday and was able to give her a *Hug*. I could tell she was stressed about something QIAD related. Now I know why.

I encourage ALL of you to pre-order your 'Orion Star' book. That pattern has a 'the sky is the limit' mark on it.

I WILL post any or each picture I have from this up-coming pattern, but I don't HAVE any at the moment to share. Besides, if I DID, I would have to first ask someone from QIAD permission to do so.



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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by sewcarolyn » Sat Jun 06, 2009 3:29 pm

oh I saw the Orion Star in the "back room" when I was there with Alina, Mama Parker, T and Q7...it is YUMMY

i BETTER GO SHOWER AND GET DRESSED FOR GOING OUT..IT HAS BEEN A COMFY CLOTHES DAY...oops not really yealling just kept caps lock on...ta ta more tomorrow

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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by vivian1970 » Sat Jun 06, 2009 3:45 pm

I had an absolutely wonderful day. Seems like the longer we were there today visiting my aunt the more people who came in to see her. So I got to see lots of cousins and nieces and nephews that I haven't seen for awhile. I think altogether there were about 20 - 25 people there. My aunt is going back to Florida Monday and will return when "it gets 90 degrees up here for good". We spent the day going through all her old family photo albums and trying to explain to all the kids who everyone was. It was a hoot. I took a lot of pictures today.

Tonight my 16 yr old DGD is staying the night with us. Her and I are going to the quilt show at the old elementary school tomorrow. Her boyfriend is in Texas for his sisters graduation. I think he will be back in a couple of weeks.

Well, going in to scrapbook with her or at least see if she needs anything. Have a great evening.


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