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IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Daily discussions.
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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by purrfect-lady » Sat Jun 06, 2009 3:54 am

Good Morning, everyone. So many of you are up early for a Saturday. But with the to-do lists you're all citing, I guess you need to be! Mowing! Showing! Toe-ing! Going! Whew! I'm tired reading them all! But then I have a long list of my own.

We've had two full weeks of sunshine and hot temps. Today, for our town's Maritime festival and DH's sister's wedding, it's suddenly cool and drizzly. Figures.

This morning I'm off to the big sale at our LQS. If it's on a bolt, it's 40% off today. Then home to do a little sewing and some more packing for our next RV trip. After that I go to pick up the wedding cake, pack up other things we need to take, and head for Olympia for the wedding dinner. We also need to visit friends whie we are in Oly (40 miles away) and drop off a bd gift. It's going to be a busy, busy day. But - tomorrow has no plans!! DH and I get to do anything we want. The ugly work and all the laundry can wait for Monday. Sunday we play!

you all have a great day! Stay safe out there!


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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by Quilter7 » Sat Jun 06, 2009 4:54 am

Good Morning Everyone!
I did get cloudy again this morning, it will probably clear up a later. Everyone sounds busy doing Saturday stuff and a few parties and festivals to attend. The closest thing to me is the monthly booksale at the librarty! LOL I am sewing a bit and will get outside a later to do some weeding and planting hopefully.

Have a great day everyone!

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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by KATHYSQUILTS » Sat Jun 06, 2009 5:30 am

Well the mowing is DONE!! I will week wack tonight when it is cooler. It's not that it is hot out..I get overheated and sweaty. Yuk!! I asked on of the dad's from the day care I work to come over to look the the shrubes I need to replace. He started a new business this spring. Well he is going to do it. I am so happy..la la la
He will start on tues.

I am making a pot of ice tea then do my little bit of planting. I hope the manure helps them grow better than last year

Chriss..I had my nails done once and she cut my cuticles..they hurt for several days and looked awful. Is your cracked nail better?

Joanne..you have a fun filled weekend...&...no cooking.I like that.

Vivian..congrats on your win.

DorothyM..I will take time for fun like now..what are you up to today?

grammiequilts..baby showers are fun all those tiny clothes. Good luck with new machine soft ware. I do not have a conputer machine..
but I think about it. Good luck with your quilt lable.

Brenda..good luck with your hot air balloon. Are to going to show us? Are you always happy to go to work?? When I worked in a quilt shop I loved to go to work. But Joann's can get crazy with coupons and sales.

maryz..Sorry about your poor weather..it can dampen a good time!!
How was that LQS sale?? Any goodies??

Off to play in the manure with gloves...Kathy

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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by Irishgram » Sat Jun 06, 2009 5:44 am

Good morning from a very sunny, nice, pleasant SW. Pa...I have the sheets on the line and the rest of the wash is just about done...DH and a neighbor are fussing with one of those "topsy turvy" tomatoe things...We've had it up twice and both times, it's come back down..We really got it for the neighbor but he insists on putting it up at our house..Our neighbor can do everything and anything..If we're having a problem, DH calls Ted....I remarked one time about looking for a new house and moving and my DH said, "I could never leave Ted".....He's also the one that starts his tomatoes in the basement, early, and then supplies us with the plants...In our garden now, we have plants with as many as 12-15 tomatoes....

Other than getting the house in order and finished the laundry, I might do nothing....I have to save my strength to root on our Penguins.....

Enjoy the rest of the day, everyone.....


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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by sewcarolyn » Sat Jun 06, 2009 6:24 am

I just ran out of my bobbin and broke a needle at the same time so I am taking a coffee break and then will return to the machine...20/72 completed and the other blocks are all almost done. The block is done in 4 sections and all of them are complete up to the 3rd section ;)

then I can enjoy sewing them all together .... I love that part.....

well off to read


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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by sewcarolyn » Sat Jun 06, 2009 6:25 am


(if it can't be the Ducks I will root for the PENGUINS!)

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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by QIAD-Linda » Sat Jun 06, 2009 6:37 am

Good morning everyone! I have a lot to do today but wanted to drop in for a moment to say Hi. I love Saturdays! It is my day to catch up on things that I have neglected during the week.

Yes, it is June gloom here in Southern California but I love it! When it gets hot, I am ready to move to Alaska!

Hope you all have a fun and happy day!

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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by auntjana » Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:15 am

Good Morning from beautiful and sunny Northern California!!

Just got back from returning the rental car and arranged the next rental for the end of the month. My sewing machine is itching to get running. I will get to work on my Dessert blocks and get them finished this week.

My oldest DGS is here for the rest of the month and we have many things planned to do. I have it easy as he is a great 12 year old and entertains himself so I can sew.

It is off the the back room to finish DD's baby quilt that she made for her friend - I get to L-A it.

Have a great day

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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by macdor » Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:54 am

Irishgram - I smile everytime I read about the PENGUINS. My son played hockey from the time he was 4 threw college. When he was young we lived in western NY. At that time you could not get tickets to the games in Buffalo, so we would go to the Penguins games when they played the Sabris (SP) in PA. It was fun sitting in the stands with all the Penguins fans. Good luck tonight.

Kathy - hope you are having fun in the dirt. I worked at a daycare in Syr. NY as the administrative assitant. Before moving to Fl. two years ago. Did that for 7 years. I made two blocks for the Pink Angel this morning. Going to go now and have lunch clean up my mess and then watch the race. Might take a nap too.

Everyone have a great afternoon.


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Re: IT's Saturday June 6,2009

Post by Tulpje » Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:05 am


Good Morning AMERICA..................

From exittement having talked to our younges son Michael on the phone, Jeff and I had quite a bit of trouble sleeping last night. Resulting that I slept in untill 10 am.

I wrote about it in yesterdays sew-in, but am MORE then happy and PROUD to write about it again.

Michael is coming 'home' (God willing) during July 4th weekend.
He came home with 2 (TWO) Purple Hearts.

My heart goes out to him. He's not the Michael we once knew. Which is bitter-sweet that the war did that to him. He's been hurt badly twice that required surgery.

Our son now is a grown and responsible MAN at age 25.

Going for my second cup of koffie. I hope I get a few *UGLY* house chores done today, so I'll be able to quilt. Time will tell.


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